Madden NFL 25 News Post

GMC vehicles will be integrated into the gaming experience for the first time in Madden NFL 25. The official vehicle of the NFL, will now also become the official vehicle of Madden NFL 25.

The game will feature the all-new 2014 GMC Sierra full-size pickup, Yukon, Acadia and Terrain models. You will see them appear on the scoreboards and ads around select stadiums. The Super Bowl MVP will also be awarded one of the GMC vehicles, after the game.

Source - GMC Vehicles Take the Field in Madden NFL 25 (GMC)

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Member Comments
# 1 KANE699 @ 07/15/13 04:49 PM
Real NFL sponser in the game? I'm all for it, just like Nissan in the CFB game.
# 2 Cusefan @ 07/15/13 04:53 PM
They should have DLC that's only available to GMC buyers, That would give me incentive to go out and buy a new Car!!
# 3 Gronk4M13 @ 07/15/13 05:21 PM
Very, very cool.
# 4 jmurphy31 @ 07/15/13 05:39 PM
Product Placement has been in video games for years. I see no problem with it as long as it done right (No pop Up Ads like in a previous version of Madden). I like how NCAA incorporated into their game with Nissan. it looks like it would on TV.
# 5 JayD @ 07/15/13 06:10 PM
How about a GMC Ambulance just like in Madden 92. I really used to love seeing this.

# 6 elgreazy1 @ 07/15/13 06:43 PM
I'm sorry to be that guy, but how many development resource hours were wasted implementing this asinine feature?
# 7 PantherBeast_OS @ 07/15/13 06:50 PM
Nice little add on they did for the game. Have no complaints so long as the game is good.
# 8 ncaafootball14markus @ 07/15/13 06:59 PM
This game just went from an "on the fence" to a "must buy" because of this news. Thanks EA!
# 9 danzy678 @ 07/15/13 07:04 PM
This is a deal breaker for me... I am more of a Chevy kind of guy!
# 10 Graffititech @ 07/15/13 07:05 PM
kinda disappointed its GMC and not a luxury/sports car (like a caddy or corvette) but its a nice addition though i see every super bowl mvp getting a gmc becoming repetitive...now if we could get the ambulance back...
# 11 SageInfinite @ 07/15/13 07:34 PM
Ehhh not horrible.....
# 12 LeBlonde James @ 07/15/13 08:16 PM
That's around a $50,000 truck.
# 13 JaymeeAwesome @ 07/15/13 08:31 PM
Originally Posted by elgreazy1
I'm sorry to be that guy, but how many development resource hours were wasted implementing this asinine feature?
Probably just 1 or 2 resources, but the sponsor money received for this paid for their salaries plus maybe a few extra resources to work on other areas of the game. This product placement makes the immersion better as NFL games are littered with it. I'd want more stat overlays and special cut scenes with product placement as well.
# 14 cthurt @ 07/15/13 09:33 PM
This is a cute feature...until your in your fourth year and there still giving away a Truck from 2014....how exciting.
# 15 UH53 @ 07/15/13 09:50 PM
I'm curious to know how much production hrs it took to put this in the game. I remember last year in NCAA they bragged about the menu screen being identical to the ESPN broadcast and how it took an enormous amnt of time to develop. What the consumers ended up getting was a screen that took forever to load and a game that was a piece of you know what! The point I'm trying to make is get your priorities straight EA!!! Yeah this could be a nice little add on but if you leave the game unchanged from last year ie Reebok Gloves that have been in the game for years or giving a half *** effort towards importing NCAA with all the players having poor ratings or look distorted with crazy shoulder pads and ridiculous bodies then this is all for not! I hope you get it right this time around!
# 16 jmurphy31 @ 07/15/13 10:07 PM
Like I said before, I don't mind product placement as long as its done right. My hope is the game's MVP is correct. I am pretty sure they didn't award MVPs last year but in 12 you could have QB throw for 500 yards and 2 TDs but if you score a defensive TD he was almost always the MVP.
# 17 atvmx21 @ 07/15/13 11:13 PM
Originally Posted by cthurt
This is a cute feature...until your in your fourth year and there still giving away a Truck from 2014....how exciting.
LMAO that is hilarious
# 18 Chiefsfan881129 @ 07/16/13 01:57 AM
still really neat to see them add this i know lots of people want other stuff but it's things like this that bring the game to life.

the super bowl is the biggest most watched perfessional sports championship game watched every year so i have no issue seeing this in the game.

just proves there focased on making the super bowl in madden just that much better & true to real life!

mabye there is still some short of halftime pre game & post game show & weekly scoreboard show that has not been announced..

they still have not released all presentation details for CFM like they promised so there still a slim chance it's in guess we will find out soon.

go chiefs!
# 19 TreyIM2 @ 07/16/13 07:23 AM
Originally Posted by jaymee13
Probably just 1 or 2 resources, but the sponsor money received for this paid for their salaries plus maybe a few extra resources to work on other areas of the game. This product placement makes the immersion better as NFL games are littered with it. I'd want more stat overlays and special cut scenes with product placement as well.
I was thinking the same thing about those advertisement $$$...unless it's something already apart of the licensing deal. EA had ESPN on the Madden boxes for a while but no hide or hair of any of it 'in the game' til...
# 20 kc10785 @ 07/16/13 08:18 AM
Add the logo to some of these scoreboards so to make it look more realistic

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