NBA Live 14 News Post

StickSkills have posted their NBA Live 14 hands-on preview. As everyone already knows, testing out the BounceTek dribbling with Kyrie Irving was the only thing that was playable. An interview with Gameplay Designer, Scott O'Gallagher is also included.

E3 ’13: Hands-on with ‘NBA Live 14′ and BounceTek (StickSkills)

Game: NBA Live 14Reader Score: 4/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS4 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 17 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 JODYE @ 06/17/13 11:45 AM
Again, sounds great, and looks good in an isolated setting, but show us how it effects a 5 on 5 game of basketball.
# 2 quehouston @ 06/17/13 01:13 PM
As soon as he said, "We dont want you to be sucked into anything" I immediately decided to buy this game. 2k is the guiltiest sports game ever in that regard.
# 3 23 @ 06/17/13 01:39 PM
Originally Posted by quehouston
As soon as he said, "We dont want you to be sucked into anything" I immediately decided to buy this game. 2k is the guiltiest sports game ever in that regard.
Or he could've meant Live 10 since that was EA's last game and thats exactly what happened there since they had the defensive recovery ratings WAY too high.
# 4 quehouston @ 06/17/13 01:51 PM
Originally Posted by 23
Or he could've meant Live 10 since that was EA's last game and thats exactly what happened there since they had the defensive recovery ratings WAY too high.
Yea, he could've meant Live 10, but I was talking about 2k. Too many times in 2k they strip you of control with animations. Not saying that it wasn't prevalent in Live 10, but its a huge issue in 2k also.
# 5 23 @ 06/17/13 01:55 PM
Originally Posted by DukeC
I was so annoyed everytime I crossed over someone with Deron Williams my defender would somehow magically get back into the play and force me into a contested layup
I fixed that in my edits.. I remember Derek Fisher being like a high 80's almost in the 90s on recovery. Was ridiculous

Originally Posted by quehouston
Yea, he could've meant Live 10, but I was talking about 2k. Too many times in 2k they strip you of control with animations. Not saying that it wasn't prevalent in Live 10, but its a huge issue in 2k also.
Yeah but this is Live.. I surely hopes they arent starting that take shots at 2k stuff again man...
# 6 quehouston @ 06/17/13 02:01 PM
Originally Posted by 23
I fixed that in my edits.. I remember Derek Fisher being like a high 80's almost in the 90s on recovery. Was ridiculous

Yeah but this is Live.. I surely hopes they arent starting that take shots at 2k stuff again man...
True, I honestly dont think he was taking shots at anyone. He just pointed that out, and it made me think of the issues I face everyday playing 2k.
# 7 23 @ 06/17/13 02:03 PM
Yeah I understand... Id go into defense but I dont want to derail this thread or forum...

All remains to be seen for now
# 8 rbfn04 @ 06/17/13 03:11 PM
EA focusing to much on 1 on 1 for my tastes. More of Live's arcade feel?
# 9 juicey79 @ 06/17/13 03:16 PM
I wish EA would focus more on the core of basketball than the showmanship and glamour of the game. Bouncetek I sounds good, but basketball is won by ball movement not 20 dribbles...dribbling is for the purpose to get from point a to b...dribbling is cool but that's how turnovers happen...that said I hope they put out a more than oh this is our 1st attempt at 4G...they had more than 2 years to deliver...then again maybe this is karma for having the NFL liscense.
# 10 BQ32 @ 06/17/13 04:43 PM
Originally Posted by juicey79
I wish EA would focus more on the core of basketball than the showmanship and glamour of the game. Bouncetek I sounds good, but basketball is won by ball movement not 20 dribbles...dribbling is for the purpose to get from point a to b...dribbling is cool but that's how turnovers happen...that said I hope they put out a more than oh this is our 1st attempt at 4G...they had more than 2 years to deliver...then again maybe this is karma for having the NFL liscense.
What are you 65, dribbling is how turnovers happen lol. I am pretty sure turnovers happen because of bad basketball plays or errant mistakes such as poor passes, mishandeling the ball, offensive fouls, 3 seconds in the key. Having the ability to control the basketball does not mean it is focusing on showmanship, it is giving you an arsenal at your disposal. I remember in live 10 the handles were decent but the pick and roll scheme was even better. If anything 2k degenerates to star player 1 on 1 spam.
# 11 DJ @ 06/17/13 06:11 PM
I still need to see actual 5-on-5 gameplay footage before I comment on NBA Live 14. Sure, the things discussed in the interview sound good, but I have to see how they work in the context of an actual game.
# 12 DaReapa @ 06/17/13 08:28 PM
Originally Posted by quehouston
Yea, he could've meant Live 10, but I was talking about 2k. Too many times in 2k they strip you of control with animations. Not saying that it wasn't prevalent in Live 10, but its a huge issue in 2k also.
Totally agree. And it was because of the overbearing animations that 2K13 was the first NBA 2K game I didn't purchase since I first started buying games in the series with 2K3. And unless things change with the controls and animation, 2K14 will be the second.
# 13 ccoaxum @ 06/17/13 09:26 PM
Originally Posted by 23
Or he could've meant Live 10 since that was EA's last game and thats exactly what happened there since they had the defensive recovery ratings WAY too high.
It happen in live 2010 and still happens in 2k today.
# 14 Jay Jay @ 06/17/13 10:07 PM
Originally Posted by DaReapa
Totally agree. And it was because of the overbearing animations that 2K13 was the first NBA 2K game I didn't purchase since I first started buying games in the series with 2K3. And unless things change with the controls and animation, 2K14 will be the second.
Exactly and the game that offers more control is what im going to be playing.
# 15 23 @ 06/18/13 01:54 AM
Originally Posted by ccoaxum
It happen in live 2010 and still happens in 2k today.

At this point in time, I dont care about 2k. Im in the NBA Live forum and the last NBA Live that was released had this issue in a MAJOR way.

EA needs to worry about NBA Live not 2k..sheesh man
# 16 ccoaxum @ 06/18/13 04:46 AM
Originally Posted by 23
At this point in time, I dont care about 2k. Im in the NBA Live forum and the last NBA Live that was released had this issue in a MAJOR way.

EA needs to worry about NBA Live not 2k..sheesh man
lol yea ok...funny how it wasn't like that any other time, but i agree this is the Live forum and im EA is focused on nba live
# 17 ESB32CrowBonez @ 06/18/13 04:47 AM
it's June, of course they won't be talking about 5 on 5 gameplay. The finals isn't even over yet. Don't gimme me that excuse of saying it was cancelled three years straight and we deserve info. They are testing and finalizing everything. Impatient ppl.
# 18 ccoaxum @ 06/18/13 04:52 AM
Originally Posted by ESB32CrowBonez
it's June, of course they won't be talking about 5 on 5 gameplay. The finals isn't even over yet. Don't gimme me that excuse of saying it was cancelled three years straight and we deserve info. They are testing and finalizing everything. Impatient ppl.
i agree, at least they talking about their game showing something...haven't heard much from anybody else but they off the hook since they not Ea, but do remember when EA was a no show ppl threw a fit..smh
# 19 da ThRONe @ 06/18/13 09:01 AM
As long as the game looks better than that CGI video I think it has promise. It's way too early and I've seen and heard far too little about this game to make a decision. I was completely turned off by the CGI clip, so as long as the models and graphics aren't that poor of quality I'll continue to check in on Live 14.
# 20 Rockie_Fresh88 @ 06/18/13 09:57 AM

I read an article that said Live looked better than 2k on next gen.

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