EA Sports UFC News Post

EA Sports has just released their E3 2013 teaser trailer for EA Sports UFC, powered by the EA Sports IGNITE engine. The full trailer will be revealed during the EA Sports E3 Press Conference (http://www.ea.com/e3) on June 10th at 4:00 PM EST.

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Game: EA Sports UFCReader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS4 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 7 - View All
EA Sports UFC Videos
Member Comments
# 1 LingeringRegime @ 06/07/13 05:56 PM
I am officially teased.
# 2 Gotmadskillzson @ 06/07/13 06:06 PM
Well crap......they teased with a capital bold T LOL. EA was wrong for that.
# 3 ccoaxum @ 06/07/13 06:10 PM
yea, like getting teased by a girl that u thought you might want lol
# 4 ch46647 @ 06/07/13 06:19 PM
HAHA that was short, but if that was actual gameplay from :07-:11 of the video then WOW its visually amazing
# 5 ERA @ 06/07/13 06:24 PM
That was CGI, if not this game will really harness the full potential of the next-gens. I have very high hopes for this game.
# 6 ch46647 @ 06/07/13 06:30 PM
I knew the Madden footage was CGI, but I am not so sure about those short clips... I think that may be gameplay...
# 7 ccoaxum @ 06/07/13 06:33 PM
this sucks you never know with EA until they actually show live gameplay
# 8 Guapo516 @ 06/07/13 07:00 PM
That seemed like a teaser to the teaser. I hate marketing and having to things up the way it's done, people will like wat they like whether they see a good amount of it now or later.
# 9 ccoaxum @ 06/07/13 07:02 PM
true...good point lol
# 10 aholbert32 @ 06/07/13 07:19 PM
Recognized Gus in the Teaser. First UFC game he will be in.
# 11 believeinnow @ 06/07/13 08:23 PM
We are currently in Daylight Savings Time, so you should have written EDT. Better to simply write ET/CT/MT/PT to avoid that easy mistake.
# 12 believeinnow @ 06/07/13 08:24 PM
Did anyone else notice that not a single punch lands. This tease even teases the hits...I really can't wait for Monday's full trailer. This looks fantastic!
# 13 CaliDude916 @ 06/07/13 08:52 PM
Damn, teaser with a capital T. Can't wait for E3!
# 14 Guapo516 @ 06/07/13 09:41 PM
Some dude somewhat breaking dwn the teasiest teaser trailer in history. He slows it down so we can see player models. The definition is really great but I think they look a little bulkier than they should imo, especially bones jones.
# 15 ccoaxum @ 06/07/13 09:56 PM
Originally Posted by Guapo516
Some dude somewhat breaking dwn the teasiest teaser trailer in history. He slows it down so we can see player models. The definition is really great but I think they look a little bulkier than they should imo, especially bones jones.
thats EA games for you right even too big or small player modals! lol who will be happy?
# 16 33repus @ 06/07/13 10:59 PM
Dayum son, jones looks like an action figure, but those 4 look too ripped!
# 17 sva91 @ 06/08/13 11:08 AM
Not overly impressed tbh. Kind of what I was expecting w next gen graphics. EA Has a bad tendency to try to stylize the lighting/fighter instead of trying to replicate real life. That last scene w the dudes back to the cage looked pretty cool though.
# 18 TheBleedingRed21 @ 06/08/13 12:20 PM
Originally Posted by ghettogeeksta
Player movement still looks to be stiff and robotic, the ring looked really good at the end. Is this for next-gen consoles?
How in the world can you tell from that video that player movement is stiff? You see a flying knee, a punch thrown and a guy getting knocked into a cage. Unfair assessment much?
# 19 allBthere @ 06/08/13 04:26 PM
Originally Posted by Maverick32093209
fool me once...shame on you
Fool me twice shame on me

I recall this awsome trailer that actually looks just as good if not better

yeah I remember that, and that was a "target render" and Yukes/THQ actually came extremely close to that, some of the animations weren't quite as fluid and the sounds from fighters weren't as 'personal (breathing etc) but they came close.

This teaser barely shows anything, and did not peak my attention
# 20 SmashMan @ 06/08/13 05:53 PM
I could do without the dramatic lighting, but that's about all I can say as far as this video. Even for a teaser, it didn't show enough to really comment either way.

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