New Star Soccer News Post

New Star Soccer won this year’s British Academy of Film and Television Arts’ Best Sports/Fitness game, beating out the likes of FIFA 13 and Forza Horizon. Here's our belated take at what makes it so impressive.

Stripped down, yes. But less fun? Definitely not.

How do you port a soccer game over to phones and tablets? Simple, just take out the boring parts. Who needs to command your player to run continuously when you can just do the kicking?

Of course, it’s much more complex than that. Yet amazingly, in New Star Soccer, developer Simon Read has figured out how to make a soccer game incredibly fun to play on a touch screen device of your choice.

Read More - New Star Soccer Review (Android/iOS)

Game: New Star SoccerReader Score: 5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: Android / iPad / iPhoneVotes for game: 2 - View All
Member Comments
# 1 tarek @ 05/30/13 09:39 PM
As a person who sunk alot of time into Simon's games, New Star Soccer for Mac, New Star Grand Prix for Mac (another really fun and underrated driving game) and NSS on iOS I can say that these games are ALOT of fun.
I'm glad to see a review on this version of the game, and also was aware of the recent award.
I can't encourage people enough to try this out, you'll be pleasantly surprised.
# 2 [Icy] @ 05/31/13 04:10 AM
Big fan of Simon games since first NSS in PC, he really deserves that award, amazing what a single programmer has done.
# 3 ps3veron @ 05/31/13 04:47 AM
Guys if you have a social life, don't buy this! This game is gold!
# 4 addybojangles @ 05/31/13 12:35 PM
Bought it based on this review and already spent a few hours with it. THE HOOKS ARE DEEP.
# 5 gerg1234 @ 05/31/13 12:50 PM
I really should not have bought that.

I lost an hour and a half of sleep last night & my phone is just begging for me to start back up while I'm at work.
# 6 gopher_guy @ 05/31/13 12:56 PM
I've had this game for a while now. Well worth the cost, I've put quite a bit of time into it! I love how quick the games are to play. Waiting in line somewhere? Play a game quick.

Fun stuff!
# 7 nvinceable1 @ 05/31/13 06:02 PM
I've had the full version of this game on my Mac for a few years and it's just outstanding. It's one of the few games these days that have that "just one more turn" addictiveness factor. For anyone who wants to try before you buy you can actually play the portable version of the game for free here: http://www.kongregate.com/games/siread/new-star-soccer

And for everyone who's played the portable version of the game, I couldn't recommend any more highly that you checkout the the full PC/Mac version. It's so much more, the biggest thing being that you actually get to play the entire game via live action on the pitch rather than solely scenario-based situations. You can check out the promo video for the full version here: http://www.newstarsoccer.com/

Have I mentioned that I love this game?!?!
# 8 nvinceable1 @ 05/31/13 06:18 PM
BTW, I forgot to mention that the full PC/Mac version is free to play! The only caveat being that you're limited to 3 matches pre day. You have to upgrade to a Premium membership for a one-time fee of $20 for unlimited matches (which I promptly did after blowing through 3 matches immediately). lol
# 9 DarkOutFront @ 06/03/13 06:37 PM
im hooked already
# 10 Soda Popinski @ 06/18/13 01:09 PM
Totally addicted to this game. I'm at star level 40+ now, and would like to find another, similar game. Any tips out there? I'm Android-only now, and love that this game is quick, scenario-based, and is not a battery killer. Every other sports game on Android I've found has destroyed my battery, often take too long to play, and need 100% concentration. Any New Star Basketball or Baseball games out there?
# 11 gopher_guy @ 12/12/13 10:59 AM
Just started playing this again with the new update. I like the headers, and how one of the players on defense moves now, forces you to make some quicker decisions.

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