NCAA Football 14 News Post

It’s Episode 26 of the Press Row Podcast, as we welcome back 4-time guest Ben Haumiller to talk all about the new features available in online and offline Dynasty mode in this year’s NCAA 14. Ben goes into detail about the significant updates to recruiting, coaching, and more. As always. Ben’s enthusiasm for the game comes through loud and clear, as it’s an informative and entertaining session. Is it what you were hoping for?
Joining us this week:

Ben Haumiller, EA Sports (@benhaumiller)
And your host, Richard Grisham, GamesRadar (@richgrisham)

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Enjoy the show!

Run Time: 40:15

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NCAA Football 14 Videos
Member Comments
# 1 davo1021 @ 05/28/13 11:44 AM
Some things that were mentioned that I haven't seen in the articles:

-You have to be smarter with scheduling recruit visits. Don't bring in 3 QB's in the same week or it will hurt your efforts. There will be complementary positions that you will want to bring in to visit at the same time. If you are bringing in a QB, it will give you a bonus if you have a OL or a WR also visiting that week.

-You want to be the last visit for a recruit. There's some kind of bonus for having the last visit of the year.

-There will be more 4/5 star recruiting battles that extend into the offseason.

-Every team has the same number of recruiting points (excluding coach skill bonuses).

-In year 2 of dynasty, Notre Dame will start playing 5 ACC games per year.

-If you are a level 9 OC and become a HC, you become a level 9 HC. You don't start over.

-Matchup stick is back
# 2 BleedGreen710 @ 05/28/13 11:45 AM
Originally Posted by davo1021
-Matchup stick is back

awesome !!!!!!!!!
# 3 tinfire @ 05/28/13 11:47 AM
seems pretty legit.. im was hoping also some updates on in game storylines and stuff like that but i guess maybe next year.. i really like the recruiting changes and glad it wont take you ten years to do everything.. thats pretty cool
# 4 muckcity @ 05/28/13 11:49 AM
sorry for being slow but can someone tell me what matchup stick is??
# 5 BleedGreen710 @ 05/28/13 11:54 AM
Originally Posted by muckcity
sorry for being slow but can someone tell me what matchup stick is??
its a thing from old gen.. when u press R2 to view your play art you can move the right analog stick in a certain direction and it will show the rating of the offensive and defensive players underneath them via a color code (red= bad yellow= average green= elite).

At least that's what I recall
# 6 Ziza9Noles94 @ 05/28/13 11:55 AM
Originally Posted by davo1021
Some things that were mentioned that I haven't seen in the articles:

-In year 2 of dynasty, Notre Dame will start playing 5 ACC games per year.
Cool. This will be sweet if people are planning to leave them as an IND. Hopefully moving them into a custom conference though doesn't cause the scheduling logic or dynasty itself to go haywire. Like I wouldn't want them to be locked into playing five ACC games year two and beyond if they are in a Custom Conf with 13 other teams.
# 7 tinfire @ 05/28/13 11:55 AM
basically shows your matchups on the field.. like your WR against a DB .. how he will fair against that db.. showing like he said on the podcast.. the height of the WR comepared to the DB.. speed of each.. etc etc
# 8 BleedGreen710 @ 05/28/13 11:58 AM
Dug this up from an NCAA 2005 review:

"NCAA 2005 also attempts to model the composure and poise of players on the field. You can see your current players' composure levels via the "matchup stick." Prior to the snap, you can toggle the right analog stick in different directions to see how your men stack up against their opponents on the other side of the line. Hit it to the left and you'll see comparisons between receivers and defensive backs. Push to the right and you'll see offensive versus defensive lines. Pull it down and you'll see how the linebackers fare against the offensive backfield."
# 9 theharbinater @ 05/28/13 11:58 AM
Originally Posted by davo1021
Some things that were mentioned that I haven't seen in the articles:

-If you are a level 9 OC and become a HC, you become a level 9 HC. You don't start over.
jbhuskers from tgt said the opposite on the hc/oc level"

"Yes if you're moving to the same job HC to HC. No if you're going from OC to HC. If you're a level 15 OC, you'll be a level 1 HC.

(I'm going to double check on this to make sure)"

obviously he was wrong, but man this had me excited. so disappointed.
# 10 canesfins @ 05/28/13 12:01 PM
Good to see them including the matchup thing. Maybe they are finally realizing some of the things they had in the game from years ago were actually good and should of never been taken out of the game in the first place.
# 11 cowboy_kmoney @ 05/28/13 12:48 PM
So ready to see what ekse they have to say at E3.
# 12 pj_28 @ 05/28/13 12:58 PM
No mention of 85 man roster just makes me assume it will still be out, may have been confirmed to be out of the game already but i didn't see it if it did.
# 13 jpdavis82 @ 05/28/13 01:07 PM
I have not heard the podcast yet, but does Ben mention anything at all about Presentation in Dynasty?
# 14 NikeBlitz @ 05/28/13 01:21 PM
Anything about players progression ?
# 15 Robcards @ 05/28/13 01:40 PM
So wait that's seriously all that's added to dynasty this year? Simplified recruiting and coach xp? They really didnt need to do much to get my money this year but I guess they really don't want it. I wouldn't even buy if amazon had it for 45 now, at least give me the illusion of playing a new game. Yikes.
# 16 theharbinater @ 05/28/13 01:59 PM
Originally Posted by sportscholar305
Idk why their is excitement the "matchup stick", to me it seem whack because it's a bit childish to need that extra handicap. If you want to know matchups, they should have a scout feature before game where you must go to the film room and study the opponent for your next game, tedious or not that's football.
i somewhat agree, but not entirely. for skill level, i agree. which cb should we target or which side of the line is weaker?

but i liked the matchup stick for stamina/minor injuries though. similar to if you see a cb limping, you go after him. or a linebacker bent over catching their breath after a play, we're coming right at you. make them pay for leaving tired/injured players in the game.
# 17 ACardAttack @ 05/28/13 02:13 PM
Originally Posted by davo1021

-In year 2 of dynasty, Notre Dame will start playing 5 ACC games per year.
So we can get THIS in year 2 of dynasty, but we CAN'T get a playoff in year 2????!!!!!!!
# 18 pj_28 @ 05/28/13 02:15 PM
Originally Posted by ACardAttack
So we can get THIS in year 2 of dynasty, but we CAN'T get a playoff in year 2????!!!!!!!
Did you listen to the podcast? He said that since the NCAA doesn't even know how they are going to implement it yet they couldn't put it in the game. Personally I would rather they give us an "unofficial" option but I understand why they didn't.
# 19 ACardAttack @ 05/28/13 02:21 PM
Originally Posted by pj_28
Did you listen to the podcast? He said that since the NCAA doesn't even know how they are going to implement it yet they couldn't put it in the game. Personally I would rather they give us an "unofficial" option but I understand why they didn't.
Haven't had a chance to listen to it, but they could have gotten it close enough to make us happy

We only know 3 or so seasons for ND's ACC matchups, so after that, it is going to be speculative as well

Also we don't know the exact dates or times for ND's matchups either
# 20 ActLikeYouCrow @ 05/28/13 03:38 PM
so basically they went to work immediately on getting notre dame's 5 acc teams into their nonconference schedule before they knew what 5 teams were going to be.
"unfortunately we're not going to be factually accurate" - in regards to notre dame's schedule

he starts talking playoff at 23:45. he explained himself about the playoff. basically we're not going to put the time and effort into coding a playoff that we wont be able to port over to next year's game. its understandable from a doing nothing doesnt cost us anything business model, but its just as understandable to view it as lazy. im certain there wont be any bugs with the playoff on ncaa 15 because they always get everything right the first time.

that said there were some good things in the first 20 minutes in regards to planning recruiting visits.

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