MLB 13 The Show News Post

A tool is being developed, which allows anyone to see their own or someone else's MLB: The Show online stats.

It’s called The Show Scout.

Finding complete online The Show player statistics has been a hassle. Web searches lead to The Show’s official website, theshownation.com. Once there, you can do a Gamer Search, but that only returns a Gamercard with career record, streak, batting average, earned run average, ratings and recent box scores.

You're out of luck want full stats like doubles, triples, slugging, on-base percentage, fielding percentage, etc... You're further out of luck if you'd want to compare stats from the past week or past month with lifetime stats. (You can actually find this information in the Leaderboards, but it requires you to sort more than 100,000 user counts because it lacks a search feature.)

The solution is The Show Scout, a simple search tool, which returns The Show online stats for any account instantly. The tool is being developed by hoosier122. While not a professional developer, he enjoys playing The Show online and developed this tool out of curiosity and a desire for simplicity.

"I built the tool in about a day because I'm kind of a stats geek when it comes to baseball and I couldn't believe the stats weren't available," hoosier122 said. "I think I'm like a lot of Show players, who enjoy the simulator aspect of The Show."

He will continue to develop it, but would like to hear the Operation Sports community's critiques, feedback and feature requests.

"The domain name is kind of weird because it's the only server I have access to with PHP," hoosier122 said. "If there is interest and traffic, I'll consider a better URL name. The site doesn't have ads. I just want people to enjoy it as a tool. If it needs to grow, it will."

The tool can be used to look at your own statistics and trends, but also an in-game opponents. Much like real life, any prior statistical knowledge can help you execute your game plan or see opponents' tendencies.

Check out a sample result page here. Make sure you visit The Show Scout and let us (and hoosier122) know what you think.

Game: MLB 13 The ShowReader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3Votes for game: 36 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 HustlinOwl @ 05/28/13 11:57 AM
does the week run Monday to Sunday?
# 2 eMLBCommish @ 05/28/13 12:17 PM
Thanks to Hoosier for putting this together. It's a little easier looking deeper into the numbers as I prospect for my league.

Shame on you SCEA for not even having a Search Function in your Leaderboards!! Who the hell has time to sift through a 100,000 records to find yourself against others?!?! You had it in '12!
# 3 hoosier122 @ 05/29/13 04:29 AM
Originally Posted by HustlinOwl
does the week run Monday to Sunday?
I believe it resets every Sunday. So Mondays will only have a few games. That's hard-coded by The Show's website and not something, which I could change.
# 4 hoosier122 @ 05/30/13 10:06 PM
What improvements or features would you like to see functionally or visually for that matter?

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