NCAA Football 14 News Post

EA Sports will reveal NCAA Football 14 dynasty information tomorrow and have teased us with a new screenshot. What are you hoping to see tomorrow?

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# 1 bruinkid626 @ 05/27/13 11:49 PM
Whoa sweet, thanks for sharing.

Recruiting points and Coach XP at the bottom left.. wonder what that could mean.

Just noticed the #NCAAFOOTBALL14 hashtag in the background, wonder if twitter will be incorporated into the game/recruiting lol.
# 2 jello1717 @ 05/27/13 11:49 PM
The coach XP looks very interesting.
It's also interesting how Michigan seems to be fully green but still trailing by 1495 while MSU is trailing by 5710 and is very red.
I like the "points allocated this week" at the top. Sound very similar to CH2K.
# 3 hossafan91 @ 05/28/13 12:15 AM
I hope they changed more than just recruiting
# 4 alemic @ 05/28/13 12:19 AM
Originally Posted by hossafan91
I hope they changed more than just recruiting
I hope so to man even though recruiting has become dull there is a lot more that needs to be done to dynasty to make it feel new than just an overhaul of recruiting.

I am just hoping for some sort of way to actually build schools up. Even if we cant change the stadium at least make it where smaller school start off with less points than the 6,000 Ohio State is getting. Make it where if we put all of our chips into one 5 star we could grab him however you aren't going to pick up much else. This would keep people from going after those easy to get 4 and 5 stars and force them to recruit at their schools level.
# 5 mspencer13 @ 05/28/13 12:25 AM
i still think its bull**** that the playoff won't be in the game. they should at least try and put in a patch later in the year or something
# 6 PRAY IV M3RCY @ 05/28/13 12:32 AM
Doesnt look like anything groundbreaking in this photo just the same stuff in a different format.
# 7 bwburke94 @ 05/28/13 12:33 AM
Let's not talk about playoffs. Jim Mora would like it that way.

Anyway, I'm interested in seeing if conference realignment is still in. I enjoyed making historical layouts in NCAA12.
# 8 inkcil @ 05/28/13 12:44 AM
The fonts and colors in this format look terrible...looks like a third grade coloring book project. So generic and bland. Wow.
# 9 Colt45 @ 05/28/13 12:45 AM
What if it's like Vegas: You get your 6000 points per week, and you can bet on what is important to who.

200 points on Academic Prestige for Joe Blow. Joe Blow is really into books, AP is "Most", counts 200% of bet.
500 points to Conference Prestige for Jim Davis. Jim Davis doesn't care what conference he plays in - "Least", counts as 10% of bet.
# 10 Strategizer @ 05/28/13 12:52 AM
Originally Posted by PRAY IV M3RCY
Doesnt look like any thing groundbreaking in this photo just the same stuff in a diff format.
The recruiting points indicate a new mechanism for recruiting, and the coach xp is entirely new. Definitely not the same stuff in a different format.
# 11 jello1717 @ 05/28/13 12:54 AM
Originally Posted by Strategizer
The recruiting points indicate a new mechanism for recruiting
I thought the same thing until I read his post. It's very possible (and maybe even probable, although I hope not) that writing "6,000 points" is just a new way of writing "10 hours" of recruiting time per week.
# 12 Sandhu246 @ 05/28/13 01:05 AM
They better make it easy to roam through. No lag or loading screen while you switching prospects.
# 13 Strategizer @ 05/28/13 01:07 AM
Originally Posted by jello1717
I thought the same thing until I read his post. It's very possible (and maybe even probable, although I hope not) that writing "6,000 points" is just a new way of writing "10 hours" of recruiting time per week.
I think you are able to assign x number of points per week per player (up to 700 if the first three players are an indication), then you can go over to the bonus points tab and target recruits you want to add more points to (probably through the traditional system of pitches).That's my guess.
# 14 sportzbro @ 05/28/13 01:10 AM
Originally Posted by inkcil
The fonts and colors in this format look terrible...looks like a third grade coloring book project. So generic and bland. Wow.
This generation of NCAA will die a slow death.

Also, how many ways can EA manipulate this terrible recruiting point system? It sucks. Something simple would be much better than all this nonsense. In the old days, it was pretty straight forward and fun.. You had 100 points in season, then something like 500 in the offseason and just a little arrow up/down/sideways indicating interest... All this unlocking certain traits, ratings, points behind, swaying prospects, game within a game.. just too much.
# 15 Xx_JP_VHS_xX @ 05/28/13 01:23 AM
I really hoped they fixed the type of recruits in the top 100. I swear 50 of the top 100 would all be ATHs and WRs.
# 16 jello1717 @ 05/28/13 01:25 AM
Originally Posted by Xx_JP_VHS_xX
I really hoped they fixed the type of recruits in the top 100. I swear 50 of the top 100 would all be ATHs and WRs.
That's because a couple of years ago they went to that damned sparc rating system which is highly skewed towards fast, athletic players.
# 17 Captain Fear @ 05/28/13 01:54 AM
I will not judge until later today. It may very well be the same recruiting just in a different format. We can all speculate on what we see in the screenshot,but we know nothing at all until later today.
# 18 ryan @ 05/28/13 02:21 AM
didn't the old versions have the option to send head coaches or coordinators out to recruit?
# 19 Robcards @ 05/28/13 02:25 AM
So much for a recruiting overhaul... I see more of the same, just allocating points instead of time now, whoopee. I hope the #ncaa means there will be a twitter feed with recruits tweeting about visits, commits, and decommits, could be really cool.
# 20 ncaaballerUSC @ 05/28/13 02:49 AM
this looks like they are going to allow X amount of recruiting for every player like they have been but instead of investing 10-60 minutes, its going to be xp spent based on how well your school is on recruiting, this is my PATENT IDEA! on SIGNING DAY, have the top 10 prospects who your team is recruiting wait to sign til the final process of recruiting and have them choose their team like they do in real college football. have a signing day televised and let the prospects choose team then say sike and choose the rival, it makes for great suspense no?

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