NBA Live 14 News Post

When the Xbox One launches this fall, it will be launching with two likely NBA titles with EA Sports showing off NBA Live today during the Microsoft Xbox Reveal -- ending all speculation about when we were going to see EA's NBA game. We posted several screenshots earlier from the Ignite Engine Trailer, which you can find here.

Game: NBA Live 14Reader Score: 4/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS4 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 17 - View All
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Member Comments
# 141 jersez @ 05/25/13 08:23 PM
Originally Posted by MIPG1
Doing what? Lol
# 142 MIPG1 @ 05/25/13 08:42 PM
Originally Posted by magicman32
The NBA Live footage was really terrible. Definitely the low point of the video. Why are the players so skinny and the animations so stiff? It's like night and day compared to Fifa and Madden.

SMH at Live for showcasing that horrible footage for Xbox's Reveal presentation. Very underwhelming.
It is not gameplay footage, it will not look like that in the actual game!
# 143 magicman32 @ 05/25/13 09:04 PM
Originally Posted by MIPG1
It is not gameplay footage, it will not look like that in the actual game!
OK Buddy!! LOL.

FiFa and Madden wasn't gameplay footage either BTW, but Live was the only game that looked terrible.

And honestly, I don't believe anything EA says regarding Live. They have been feeding the community BS since Elite 11.
# 144 ccoaxum @ 05/25/13 10:09 PM
Originally Posted by 23
Keep calling people fanboys if you want to and Ill ban you faster than you can type it
lmao i wasn't waiten on you to say something smh..never can handle to truth when real person come at yall but its ok yall to come at us really..what kind of blog is this when people cant speak there mind, and only say what people want hear..man like i told you in the past when you said this to me before i don't mean any disrespect but i'm going to speak my mind like everybody else ya heard, do what you got to do either way my life continues lmao band o wow!!...was that fast enought..im at work so didn't realize when you posted that lol
# 145 ccoaxum @ 05/25/13 10:25 PM
Originally Posted by King_B_Mack
The **** is this sentence even mean? I don't even know if it can be called a sentence actually.
the point is, ppl is not going to change so let it go and let them be
# 146 King_B_Mack @ 05/25/13 10:35 PM
Originally Posted by MIPG1
It is not gameplay footage, it will not look like that in the actual game!
For the record, they said they were dropping a game for the last two years too before eventually shutting up for months and then quietly cancelling.
# 147 ccoaxum @ 05/25/13 10:38 PM
Originally Posted by magicman32
OK Buddy!! LOL.

FiFa and Madden wasn't gameplay footage either BTW, but Live was the only game that looked terrible.

And honestly, I don't believe anything EA says regarding Live. They have been feeding the community BS since Elite 11.
i agree just got see what they got at E3 but they only making it for the new Gen which tells me they gaved up on the current Gen along time ago, so they have no excuses this year to have a better game compared to the past games from EA. If they are focus on one Gen it should not be hard for them to do better this year...i know most ppl here lost faith on EA a while when comes to this game so i don't expect ppl to agree with me..just wish ppl would let past go and at least wait until E3 to judge the actual game..thats if they really show anything lmao smh...come on EA!
# 148 MIPG1 @ 05/25/13 10:38 PM
Originally Posted by King_B_Mack
For the record, they said they were dropping a game for the last two years too before eventually shutting up for months and then quietly cancelling.
Don't you guys WANT competition? Like, why wouldn't you want competition, don't you guys want to be at GameStop debating which game to buy NBA 2K or NBA LIVE?
# 149 ccoaxum @ 05/25/13 10:39 PM
Originally Posted by King_B_Mack
For the record, they said they were dropping a game for the last two years too before eventually shutting up for months and then quietly cancelling.
i believe that happen because they was trying to do so much stuff at one time and couldn't get it to work on the current Gen product..we will see this year.
# 150 23 @ 05/25/13 11:00 PM
Originally Posted by ccoaxum
lmao i wasn't waiten on you to say something smh..never can handle to truth when real person come at yall but its ok yall to come at us really..what kind of blog is this when people cant speak there mind, and only say what people want hear..man like i told you in the past when you said this to me before i don't mean any disrespect but i'm going to speak my mind like everybody else ya heard, do what you got to do either way my life continues lmao band o wow!!...was that fast enought..im at work so didn't realize when you posted that lol
I know enough of what I know to know when you are in over your head.

That said I'm a mod and its expressly against the tos here which you signed up according to, to go on name calling sprees which ends up in a permanent ban. Now that I gave you your one and only warning, if you cross the line you'll be looking for another site to post on.

Note as far as the game is concerned you definitely aren't changing any body's mind with no information to give, no inside sources and coming off as a troll to other posters.

As it stands there had been a terrible looking cgi Trailer released and ea is still in the same position as it was the last 3 years until they show they can make a real game.

Galaxy Note 2
# 151 King_B_Mack @ 05/25/13 11:10 PM
Originally Posted by MIPG1
Don't you guys WANT competition? Like, why wouldn't you want competition, don't you guys want to be at GameStop debating which game to buy NBA 2K or NBA LIVE?
Feel free to show or explain where I said that I don't want that. I'll wait patiently.
# 152 MIPG1 @ 05/25/13 11:12 PM
Originally Posted by King_B_Mack
Feel free to show or explain where I said that I don't want that. I'll wait patiently.
No, no no, I didn't mean you said that you don't want competition, but you guys should be showing the most support for there to be competition. If you guys keep bashing it, it kind of leaves the incentive that you don't want competition
# 153 ccoaxum @ 05/25/13 11:14 PM
Originally Posted by 23
I know enough of what I know to know when you are in over your head.

That said I'm a mod and its expressly against the tos here which you signed up according to, to go on name calling sprees which ends up in a permanent ban. Now that I gave you your one and only warning, if you cross the line you'll be looking for another site to post on.

Note as far as the game is concerned you definitely aren't changing any body's mind with no information to give, no inside sources and coming off as a troll to other posters.

As it stands there had been a terrible looking cgi Trailer released and ea is still in the same position as it was the last 3 years until they show they can make a real game.

Galaxy Note 2
im not a troll man, look at my ovr on this site really lol, i just tell the truth..if you want me to start posting up my sources thats fine but i don't see alot of people on here doing that so i guess you have alot of trolls here..But i always kept it real on this site and on any other site..sorry if ppl don't like what most of us have to say but do ask you stay unbias cause i seen it go the other way on this site as far as name calling...but its wateve to me, i'm just saying man...and as far as cgi trailer i agree they need to show more come E3 if not i'm lost for words but i been playing both games since 2006 and playing live since 96..so i know my facts, i'm not one of those ppl who just say anything, i do lot of searches, only thing havent done is able to go to the events so you got me there lol but i don't want to change people minds just want to be heard, like everybodye else. understand your mod man no disrespect, but i keep it real!
# 154 ccoaxum @ 05/25/13 11:19 PM
Originally Posted by 23
I know enough of what I know to know when you are in over your head.

That said I'm a mod and its expressly against the tos here which you signed up according to, to go on name calling sprees which ends up in a permanent ban. Now that I gave you your one and only warning, if you cross the line you'll be looking for another site to post on.

Note as far as the game is concerned you definitely aren't changing any body's mind with no information to give, no inside sources and coming off as a troll to other posters.

As it stands there had been a terrible looking cgi Trailer released and ea is still in the same position as it was the last 3 years until they show they can make a real game.

Galaxy Note 2
lol not sure what makes you think i'm in over my head but believe me i'm not going to open my mouth if i don't know what i'm talking about so think what you want...you don't know me to even say that man lol too funny got the big head don't we hahaha...people don't know everything its always something you we don't know man
# 155 ccoaxum @ 05/25/13 11:20 PM
Originally Posted by ccoaxum
lol not sure what makes you think i'm in over my head but believe me i'm not going to open my mouth if i don't know what i'm talking about so think what you want...you don't know me to even say that man lol too funny got the big head don't we hahaha...people don't know everything its always something you we don't know man
yea i know i do and everybody else want it but i don't think they want it from EA anymore, they seem to be done with them..so what can i say! lol
# 156 ccoaxum @ 05/25/13 11:28 PM
Originally Posted by MIPG1
Don't you guys WANT competition? Like, why wouldn't you want competition, don't you guys want to be at GameStop debating which game to buy NBA 2K or NBA LIVE?
yea i know i do and everybody else want it but i don't think they want it from EA anymore, they seem to be done with them..so what can i say! lol

sorry tagged wrong thing lol
# 157 King_B_Mack @ 05/25/13 11:34 PM
Originally Posted by MIPG1
No, no no, I didn't mean you said that you don't want competition, but you guys should be showing the most support for there to be competition. If you guys keep bashing it, it kind of leaves the incentive that you don't want competition
Nobody is bashing it. You guys need to realize that everybody in here wants two great games. Guys want the basketball market back how it was when there was plenty of choices and these guys were pushing each other to be at their best. However nobody is going to come in here and just blindly lap up everything EA is serving up to everybody because they've been doing that for the entirety of this console generation. Just sitting around and not calling them on their bluff doesn't help Live or the basketball community move forward.

Originally Posted by ccoaxum
im not a troll man, look at my ovr on this site really lol, i just tell the truth..if you want me to start posting up my sources thats fine but i don't see alot of people on here doing that so i guess you have alot of trolls here..But i always kept it real on this site and on any other site..sorry if ppl don't like what most of us have to say but do ask you stay unbias cause i seen it go the other way on this site as far as name calling...but its wateve to me, i'm just saying man...and as far as cgi trailer i agree they need to show more come E3 if not i'm lost for words but i been playing both games since 2006 and playing live since 96..so i know my facts, i'm not one of those ppl who just say anything, i do lot of searches, only thing havent done is able to go to the events so you got me there lol but i don't want to change people minds just want to be heard, like everybodye else. understand your mod man no disrespect, but i keep it real!
Originally Posted by ccoaxum
lol not sure what makes you think i'm in over my head but believe me i'm not going to open my mouth if i don't know what i'm talking about so think what you want...you don't know me to even say that man lol too funny got the big head don't we hahaha...people don't know everything its always something you we don't know man
Originally Posted by ccoaxum
yea i know i do and everybody else want it but i don't think they want it from EA anymore, they seem to be done with them..so what can i say! lol

Just let it go bruh. You aren't going to win this battle, so it's best to just drop it.
# 158 ccoaxum @ 05/25/13 11:38 PM
Originally Posted by King_B_Mack
Nobody is bashing it. You guys need to realize that everybody in here wants two great games. Guys want the basketball market back how it was when there was plenty of choices and these guys were pushing each other to be at their best. However nobody is going to come in here and just blindly lap up everything EA is serving up to everybody because they've been doing that for the entirety of this console generation. Just sitting around and not calling them on their bluff doesn't help Live or the basketball community move forward.

Just let it go bruh. You aren't going to win this battle, so it's best to just drop it.
not talking so why are you in this, stay on the sideline man lol, and besides its nothing to win or let go..you mean to tell me i can't speak my mind lol get out of here man,,acting like yall hard cause nobody can see lmao plz man! don't tell me what to do man!
# 159 ccoaxum @ 05/25/13 11:42 PM
Originally Posted by King_B_Mack
Nobody is bashing it. You guys need to realize that everybody in here wants two great games. Guys want the basketball market back how it was when there was plenty of choices and these guys were pushing each other to be at their best. However nobody is going to come in here and just blindly lap up everything EA is serving up to everybody because they've been doing that for the entirety of this console generation. Just sitting around and not calling them on their bluff doesn't help Live or the basketball community move forward.

Just let it go bruh. You aren't going to win this battle, so it's best to just drop it.
can't win on calling somone's bluff until you have proof and for EA's argument you could at least wait until E3 period, and yea that video at the xbox reveal wasn't all that but it wasn't the game either so call their bluff at E3 thats all! lol
# 160 ccoaxum @ 05/25/13 11:51 PM
one thing yall must admit this Brand get one of most comments ever compared to others, on these threads....you mods got to love it EA does something cause they bring the most action over here lol, at least from what i seen since i been apart of this website..so i could be wrong...i am "in over my head" right?!

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