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# 21 Sdrawkcab321 @ 05/20/13 03:58 PM
wow we've only been asking for this to come back for years. but not gonna complain i'm just happy its back. i cant wait to fire my coaches every year again for not being perfect. now i just hope they let us put legends onto current teams and i will be 100% happy
# 22 danhufc @ 05/20/13 03:59 PM
Originally Posted by MaddenSaints
do not like how you can not manually type your own name.
Eh I like that, new teams usually have a selection of names to chose/vote from.
# 23 bad_philanthropy @ 05/20/13 04:01 PM
I just hope that everything works like it's supposed to. Every time there are big changes to a mode something ends up not working or is completely broken.
# 24 Trackball @ 05/20/13 04:04 PM
...You can control all 32 teams.



5.) Features as Requested

Fans of Madden NFL are a very vocal crowd, and even though Connected Careers Mode brought a lot to the table in Madden NFL 13, there were still key features that remained on many community wishlists heading into Madden NFL 25. Some of these features can now be crossed off, as Connected Franchise Mode will be bringing back the ability to control all 32 teams in a league, as well as the ability to import draft classes from EA SPORTS NCAA Football 14 for use in Madden NFL 25. There will also be a league transaction log in Connected Franchise Mode to keep you on top of all the latest moves around the league, as well as new commissioner tools for those people who play Connected Franchise Mode online.
# 25 volstopfan14 @ 05/20/13 04:04 PM
Originally Posted by infemous
i saw that the example scout was Steve Spagnuolo lmao!

But I am excited for this. I am incredibly worried about how it will be implemented. 32 players Online Owner mode?

What is the coaching carousel going to be like?

As a user, what is the benefit of hiring a specific coach? Access to their playbooks? Certain progressions?

Its very interesting and I feel like the blog itself skims over things far too much.

Please let a Gamechanger roam this thread and answer everything!
I'm also interested in how the coaching situation will be handled. Will there be real free agent coaches (Billick, Gruden, etc...) available to be hired or will it just be fake coaches? Will CPU teams make realistic coaching changes?
# 26 poloelite @ 05/20/13 04:21 PM
Seems like these features were in Owner's mode before.
# 27 Geefeezy @ 05/20/13 04:26 PM
Does anybody know if we can play online against other owner teams? That would make this the ultimate madden ever to me
# 28 infemous @ 05/20/13 04:29 PM
Originally Posted by volstopfan14
I'm also interested in how the coaching situation will be handled. Will there be real free agent coaches (Billick, Gruden, etc...) available to be hired or will it just be fake coaches? Will CPU teams make realistic coaching changes?

I wanna create coaches to populate the world and there HAS to be offensive and defensive co-ordinators as well as proper contracts that would inform a CPU owner whether it makes financial sense to fire a Coach depending on salary, years remaining etc.
# 29 danhufc @ 05/20/13 04:29 PM
Originally Posted by Geefeezy
Does anybody know if we can play online against other owner teams? That would make this the ultimate madden ever to me
In Online Connected Franchise you can.
# 30 volstopfan14 @ 05/20/13 04:33 PM
Originally Posted by infemous

I wanna create coaches to populate the world and there HAS to be offensive and defensive co-ordinators as well as proper contracts that would inform a CPU owner whether it makes financial sense to fire a Coach depending on salary, years remaining etc.
I don't think there are coordinators in M25. All I've seen as team staff is head coach, trainer, and scout. Hopefully we'll get assistant coaches next year.
# 31 Danimal @ 05/20/13 04:34 PM
Would love to know what the new commish tools are but as usual not expecting much.
# 32 Godgers12 @ 05/20/13 04:36 PM
I want to know what new commissioner controls they added. Does anyone have any insite into this?
# 33 oneamongthefence @ 05/20/13 04:41 PM
Does upgrading stadiums bring any kind of visual changes?

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
# 34 Geefeezy @ 05/20/13 04:45 PM
Originally Posted by volstopfan14
I don't think there are coordinators in M25. All I've seen as team staff is head coach, trainer, and scout. Hopefully we'll get assistant coaches next year.
Whats the difference i thought they were the same thing? Either way im glad we can we can play with them online hopefully with our rosters and rookies
# 35 trey2k198003 @ 05/20/13 05:22 PM
Im easy this is all ive been asking for, thank you MR. Looman and the dev team for finally implementing it.... Now who can i speak with about formation substitution outside the game?
# 36 cowboy_kmoney @ 05/20/13 05:33 PM
Its a buy for both games
# 37 ACardAttack @ 05/20/13 05:35 PM
With 32 team control, does that apply for owner mode too?
# 38 SonicBoom2040 @ 05/20/13 05:44 PM
Originally Posted by piper666
If you think Melissa`s story is great,, two weeks ago my brothers father in law basically also earned $9316 workin thirteen hours a week from there house and their friend's step-sister`s neighbour done this for four months and recieved a check for more than $9316 part time from a labtop. applie the tips on this address, kep2.comCHECK IT OUT
WTH i thought this place was safe lol
# 39 DeuceDouglas @ 05/20/13 05:54 PM
Originally Posted by slick589
I get that team names when relocating are pre determined but is there more than one choice per city? Is the Beats the only name for Brooklyn?
In the screen shot, there is the Beats and Dodgers for Brooklyn. Someone else mentioned that there was 3 per city and a GC said that you could bring back the Houston Oilers so there seems like a lot of potential.
# 40 ACardAttack @ 05/20/13 06:01 PM
Originally Posted by slick589
I get that team names when relocating are pre determined but is there more than one choice per city? Is the Beats the only name for Brooklyn?
I think you can keep the original name though

Do we have a list of cities you can move to?

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