Gran Turismo 6 News Post

Eurogamer has posted their Gran Turismo 6 preview, which includes a little Q&A with creator Kazunori Yamauchi.

When asked what he most wanted to improve in GT6, his answer is immediate and surprisingly blunt: "The overall response of the game. I realised that, no matter how rich the content is, unless that part of it is very smooth and stress-free, it just ruins it."

In other words, it's time to clean house and open the doors. GT6 will have shorter load times and a far faster and simpler interface, using crisp, uncluttered layouts of tiles and lists. Intriguingly, this has been designed with touch-screens as well as button inputs in mind. It turns out that this is because GT6 will be supported by smartphone, tablet and PC apps that will allow access to community features and the like when away from the PS3. (Oddly, PlayStation Vita isn't mentioned, and enquiring about this elicits a blank response: "We've nothing to announce on PlayStation Vita in the context of GT at this time.")

Game: Gran Turismo 6Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3Votes for game: 5 - View All
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