Madden NFL 25 News Post

Under The Code has posted their Madden NFL 25 defense and blocking gameplay roundtable, which includes discussion from a few guys that have had hands-on time with the game.

It has been nearly ten years since the “Hit Stick” was first introduced to Madden NFL and football video gamers everywhere. How important do you think it is that the introduction of Force Impact to the Infinity Engine this year will bring the “Hit Stick” back to the forefront of defense in Madden NFL 25?

Buckeye: I think it’s the obvious step that they had to take this year with the heavy focus on the running game. However, the Hit Stick has never been right and I don’t feel that it will be this year either. In the Madden NFL series the Hit Stick has exponentially increased the chance of the ball carrier fumbling the football; so much to the point that in online leagues users just look for fast defenders that have high hit power so they can force a ridiculous number of turnovers. If you are a real fan of professional football you will not see big hits causing fumbles consistently by any stretch of the imagination. Fumbles are caused by: poor carry technique, direct defender contact to the ball, and the defender attempting to strip the ball loose during the tackle. If the Madden NFL series is to get this right, the Hit Stick needs to cause an accelerated rate of fatigue and a higher chance of injury to BOTH the offensive and defensive players involved in the hit.

Game: Madden NFL 25Reader Score: 5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 54 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 juggalotusx @ 05/18/13 11:40 AM
IMO when EA tries to do so many things they never finish it 100% and it always leaves alot to be desired. I hope they still remembered to fix the little things in madden like assists,replay,challenges and such. I do really like what they have been putting out for info and madden 25 does sound like its going to be a good game, a game we should have had years ago but I hope with all the new things on offense and defense they dont cancel each other out.
# 2 azdawgpound @ 05/18/13 12:03 PM
im glad the paided attention to dive tackling i can't tell ya how many times i've dove at a wr feet or rb and hit the player but had nothing happen and he just keep running for long td's. now maybe i wont be giving up huge play after huge play if this is truely fixed in 25.

i havent heard anything about the cb glitch though that's in 13 that just leaves the cb standing there as the wr runs by for easy td's.... has that been fixed for 25?
# 3 hanzsomehanz @ 05/18/13 05:52 PM
I basically agree with and support everything that buckeye delivered to the table.

I hope to see sim logic prevail and this hope may be met if the base score of blocking sliders are running off a pro logic threshold. I am not looking for linemen to perform to pro bowl standards universally and conversely not a rookie's stanard either.

As it is now, I use sim logic in following and setting up blocks but my blockers do not. In the same measure of cup, my cup should runneth over.

Sent from my SGH-I727R using Tapatalk 2
# 4 DeuceDouglas @ 05/18/13 06:52 PM
I will still continue to be an avid anti hit stick advocate. I use to like it and I'm all for big hits and what not but I just feel like it's ran it's course and needs an overhaul that this 'force impact' stuff isn't going to accomplish. I'll wait and see how it turns out but chances I would say are pretty high that not much has changed and it still causes too many fumbles and is abused by the CPU at higher difficulty levels.

I would honestly, at this point, prefer it just be taken out of the game and have the hit stick hits just happen organically based on the interactions during gameplay.
# 5 SamoanSteelerFromAus @ 05/19/13 08:27 PM
Did Natureboy play the game?!?
# 6 jfsolo @ 05/19/13 08:41 PM
Originally Posted by DeuceDouglas
I will still continue to be an avid anti hit stick advocate. I use to like it and I'm all for big hits and what not but I just feel like it's ran it's course and needs an overhaul that this 'force impact' stuff isn't going to accomplish. I'll wait and see how it turns out but chances I would say are pretty high that not much has changed and it still causes too many fumbles and is abused by the CPU at higher difficulty levels.

I would honestly, at this point, prefer it just be taken out of the game and have the hit stick hits just happen organically based on the interactions during gameplay.
Personally, I have hated it since it's inception. The part I bolded is how I have always wanted things to play out.
# 7 TreyIM2 @ 05/19/13 09:11 PM
I think this all sounds promising. I just need to get my hands on it. Gotta feel it, not just see it.
# 8 Trick13 @ 05/19/13 09:30 PM
I am ok with hit stick mechanics, but not the on field presentation or effects. While physics equations that most people quote are over simple in terms of football applications. If base physics models held true, guys like Ronnie Lott and Atwater, and that one trick pony Roy Williams would not have been feared hitters. There is an art to delivery of devastating hits and it requires more than speed and mass, Atwater stone walled Okoye despite giving up 40 lbs? 50lbs?

If you perfectly time a hit stick with a 40 POW player you should still be far more likely to bounce off or be shrugged off, just like human error discussion - no bonus should be applied to user interactions that outweighs the player`s ratings.

The problem I have with hit stick implementation is that it offers no risk when using lower rated hitters, I would prefer missed tackles over injury but some risk has to be in there and the fumble chances should only increase for 70 rated hitters. And the chance of forcing fumbles on hit should slightly increase as the hit rating goes up, but should also be checked against carry - 99 rated carry player should be very difficult to cause fumbles on, wether you attempt strip or hit stick....
# 9 Jr. @ 05/20/13 01:00 AM
What's with the NatureBoy guy? Why even have his stuff in there if it's 1 or 2 sentence responses.

Anyway, I agree with Buckeye on a lot of those. The hitstick is infuriating and overdone. I have a strong feeling the run stuff, while welcomed, will be overpowered as well. Combine that with the overpowered pass game of M13 (where there look to be no adjustments to coverages/lead pass mechanic) will cause a lot of 49-42 games.

I hope I'm wrong though.

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