Madden NFL 25 News Post

According to Nintendo World Report, Madden will not release on any of the Nintendo platforms for the first time since 1991.

We will not be releasing a Wii U version of Madden NFL in 2013. However, we have a strong partnership with Nintendo and will continue to evaluate opportunities for delivering additional Madden NFL products for Nintendo fans in the future.

Game: Madden NFL 25Reader Score: 5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 54 - View All
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Member Comments
# 21 SageInfinite @ 05/03/13 03:08 AM
Originally Posted by GameInformer; Cam Weber
There is some fear that Nintendo's Wii U platform will be stuck between the current generation and the next one. Is the console really a next-gen platform?

Absolutely. It's a [new] platform with a new controller input, so we'll do everything we can to deliver an experience that will take advantage of the hardware for that consumer.
Funny reading this back after this news.
# 22 Skyboxer @ 05/03/13 03:15 AM
Originally Posted by SageInfinite
Funny reading this back after this news.
Yep that plus no VITA news which leads me to believe either Nintendo/EA had a falling out or there is something really major with the EA/MS deal.
Really thought we'd see something about a VITA version by now.
Until we know for sure, everything is another rumor hunt.
# 23 Hooe @ 05/03/13 04:14 AM
To be fair to Mr. Weber and Tiburon, just about every third party publisher has had a falling out with the Wii U. Doesn't take away that quote, but circumstances since that interview (which I am pretty sure happened before or very shortly after the Wii U launch) have obviously changed and areas of focus have shifted.
# 24 Skyboxer @ 05/03/13 04:22 AM
Originally Posted by CM Hooe
To be fair to Mr. Weber and Tiburon, just about every third party publisher has had a falling out with the Wii U. Doesn't take away that quote, but circumstances since that interview (which I am pretty sure happened before or very shortly after the Wii U launch) have obviously changed and areas of focus have shifted.
One rumor I heard (On OS I think) was that EA wanted Nintendo to use ORIGIN for their digital services and Nintendo refused. Wonder if any truth to that...
(And I hate ORIGIN BTW)
# 25 Hooe @ 05/03/13 04:59 AM
Originally Posted by Skyboxer
One rumor I heard (On OS I think) was that EA wanted Nintendo to use ORIGIN for their digital services and Nintendo refused. Wonder if any truth to that...
(And I hate ORIGIN BTW)
Wouldn't be surprised if Nintendo balked at that notion, if there is in fact any credence to that rumor.

I'm not a PC gamer myself, but I have heard nothing good about Origin, particularly compared to Steam.
# 26 Skyboxer @ 05/03/13 05:05 AM
Originally Posted by CM Hooe
Wouldn't be surprised if Nintendo balked at that notion, if there is in fact any credence to that rumor.

I'm not a PC gamer myself, but I have heard nothing good about Origin, particularly compared to Steam.
Checking around the "Net" there's a lot about it.
Seems not only did EA want Nintendo to use Origin but they wanted Nintendo to have their whole system on EA's servers and remain under EA control. (Pricing etc..)

Would love to see some official stuff to see how much is true.
# 27 Cletus @ 05/03/13 08:50 AM
Lol two companies that are out of touch with their fan base. I'm not surprised, we're only years away from another video game crash like we had in '82. Nintendo and EA both have went hardcore for money so bad that they neglect everything that made them great.
# 28 Broncos86 @ 05/03/13 10:23 AM
Originally Posted by Cletus
Lol two companies that are out of touch with their fan base. I'm not surprised, we're only years away from another video game crash like we had in '82. Nintendo and EA both have went hardcore for money so bad that they neglect everything that made them great.
Are you kidding? Nintendo went hardcore for money? EA wants DLC everywhere. They want you to buy content over and over. Nintendo has strongly said that they don't like DLC because they believe the consumer should get the whole experience with one purchase. Argh, that money-grubbing Nintendo, trying to give me everything with one single purchase!

Look, Nintendo may be behind when it comes to certain online services, but don't put them in the same boat as EA. The thing is, Nintendo has always done the same thing. They didn't neglect what made them great, it's simply a matter of a changing industry. Nintendo's own games are top quality and loads of fun.

If you buy a Wii U, you're buying it for the first party games, NOT 3rd party support. You're buying it for Mario, Link, etc. Mario Kart, Metroid, Zelda. If someone bought a Wii U thinking they were going to get all the top notch 3rd party games, then they lied to themselves. To say Nintendo is out of touch with their fanbase is ludicrous. Nintendo knows who their fanbase is, that's the point. Their fanbase is not some "Madden Balla'." Their fanbase wants Mario Kart and is looking forward to the next iteration of Zelda. That is their fanbase.

The decision to pull Madden from the Wii U comes down to simple demographics. People who buy a Wii U typically are not going to be the type of gamers who play Madden. They're like my family, who has a 4 year old that loves Mario. When I played Madden, I had my 360. If I recall, Madden on Wii U was its own development team. It wasn't a simple port over. So if you put two and two together, it's not difficult to figure out why EA pulled Madden from the Wii U. It was likely losing money and wasn't worth it.
# 29 TreFacTor @ 05/03/13 12:09 PM
Originally Posted by Broncos86
Are you kidding? Nintendo went hardcore for money? EA wants DLC everywhere. They want you to buy content over and over. Nintendo has strongly said that they don't like DLC because they believe the consumer should get the whole experience with one purchase. Argh, that money-grubbing Nintendo, trying to give me everything with one single purchase!

Look, Nintendo may be behind when it comes to certain online services, but don't put them in the same boat as EA. The thing is, Nintendo has always done the same thing. They didn't neglect what made them great, it's simply a matter of a changing industry. Nintendo's own games are top quality and loads of fun.

If you buy a Wii U, you're buying it for the first party games, NOT 3rd party support. You're buying it for Mario, Link, etc. Mario Kart, Metroid, Zelda. If someone bought a Wii U thinking they were going to get all the top notch 3rd party games, then they lied to themselves. To say Nintendo is out of touch with their fanbase is ludicrous. Nintendo knows who their fanbase is, that's the point. Their fanbase is not some "Madden Balla'." Their fanbase wants Mario Kart and is looking forward to the next iteration of Zelda. That is their fanbase.

The decision to pull Madden from the Wii U comes down to simple demographics. People who buy a Wii U typically are not going to be the type of gamers who play Madden. They're like my family, who has a 4 year old that loves Mario. When I played Madden, I had my 360. If I recall, Madden on Wii U was its own development team. It wasn't a simple port over. So if you put two and two together, it's not difficult to figure out why EA pulled Madden from the Wii U. It was likely losing money and wasn't worth it.
Nintendo won't change, it has no need to as long as it doesn't go under making hardware. They do however need to make some adjustments if they want to increase hardware sales and third party support...what that is I have no idea. But yeah, anyone who bought a wii or wii u expecting more than a few ports was mislead or ill informed.
# 30 Valdarez @ 05/03/13 07:51 PM
Surely Madden will be released on the Vita. IMHO Vita was the best hand held Madden I have played.
# 31 gametime25 @ 05/03/13 10:51 PM
The Wii U is awesome!!
# 32 Cletus @ 05/04/13 10:49 AM
Originally Posted by Broncos86
Are you kidding? Nintendo went hardcore for money? EA wants DLC everywhere. They want you to buy content over and over. Nintendo has strongly said that they don't like DLC because they believe the consumer should get the whole experience with one purchase. Argh, that money-grubbing Nintendo, trying to give me everything with one single purchase!

Look, Nintendo may be behind when it comes to certain online services, but don't put them in the same boat as EA. The thing is, Nintendo has always done the same thing. They didn't neglect what made them great, it's simply a matter of a changing industry. Nintendo's own games are top quality and loads of fun.

If you buy a Wii U, you're buying it for the first party games, NOT 3rd party support. You're buying it for Mario, Link, etc. Mario Kart, Metroid, Zelda. If someone bought a Wii U thinking they were going to get all the top notch 3rd party games, then they lied to themselves. To say Nintendo is out of touch with their fanbase is ludicrous. Nintendo knows who their fanbase is, that's the point. Their fanbase is not some "Madden Balla'." Their fanbase wants Mario Kart and is looking forward to the next iteration of Zelda. That is their fanbase.

The decision to pull Madden from the Wii U comes down to simple demographics. People who buy a Wii U typically are not going to be the type of gamers who play Madden. They're like my family, who has a 4 year old that loves Mario. When I played Madden, I had my 360. If I recall, Madden on Wii U was its own development team. It wasn't a simple port over. So if you put two and two together, it's not difficult to figure out why EA pulled Madden from the Wii U. It was likely losing money and wasn't worth it.
I say Nintendo went hardcore for money because instead of actually improving hardware they threw in gimmicks to sell consoles. Most gamers now are "madden ballas". Look at the directions games are going. Nintendo is as bad as EA, they just have a better reputation because of the NES. The whole reason we still have video games is because of the Nintendo Seal of Approval, now Nintendo is notorious for shovelware 3rd party games.

Another thing, people were up in arms about a rumor that EA would have started it's own console. However we are supposed to hug Nintendo because you can only play their games on one system. What kind of argument is that? People are mad because EA can only put out a NFL product, but Nintendo can only put out Donkey Kong Country (despite rare being owned by MS). Nintendo does have DLC, they just have full games and not add ons.
If they want everything in one package, then why wasn't the Wii Fit sold standard with the Wii? Nintendo makes their money on accessories and since they own the system, they don't have to put out DLC to make extra cash. This is the writing on the wall for Nintendo, you can't have the biggest publisher not put out games on your system and expect to survive on a niche market. Video games aren't big enough to pick out customers.
# 33 Skyboxer @ 05/04/13 11:16 AM
Nintendo has never been about the greatest hardware.
They are about delivering great/fun Nintendo games. Reason the Wii was the best selling console for years and why they actually make profits on their hardware way before Sony or MS did.
Sony in house games can only be played on Sony systems etc.. so I have no idea what your point is on Nintendo games only being on Nintendo systems.

PS Move was a stand alone edition, the Kinect was a stand alone edition so again the Wii extra addons comment doesn't make sense either.

Ninteno will be just fine as they've always been. No one gets a Nintendo system as their primary system but as a side system mainly for Nintendo games.
They were doomed when the Wii came out also. We know how that turned out.
Will the WiiU be as successful as the Wii? Doubtful but time will tell. They have a much better level of overhead and debt that they will be fine to get through some tough times for sure.
# 34 ithurtsme23 @ 05/04/13 03:53 PM
The reason Madden 25 isnt coming to the Wii U is because they wont allow them to ban the game used like the PS4 and Xbox 720 are going to do...Its coming to Xbox 360 and PS3 bc it was already in development for it
# 35 Skyboxer @ 05/04/13 05:45 PM
Sony already stated the PS4 will play used games. We just don't know whether you will have to pay a fee to get the second hand game to play or not.
# 36 Trick13 @ 05/05/13 12:04 AM
Originally Posted by Skyboxer
Sony already stated the PS4 will play used games. We just don't know whether you will have to pay a fee to get the second hand game to play or not.
Do you happen to have a link for that info - just curious - i would like to read up on that?
# 37 Skyboxer @ 05/05/13 04:06 AM
the most talk I've seen was (along with Tretton saying he's against a block on used games) here

again though there been no outright statement about if they will allow it like this gen or if there will be some sort of "fee" to allow it...

One things for sure. If 1 system allows used (without extra $) and 1 doesn't.. I'll be purchasing the one that does.
# 38 Trick13 @ 05/05/13 01:56 PM
Skyboxer - thanks for the link

And I have to say I am leaning more and more to PS4, but I agree if one has a block on used games and the other does not that will swing my leaning heavily in favor of the non-blocked console. Maybe not the end all factor but it will be significant in my choice.

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