OOTP 14 News Post

By now, it’s pretty simple: you either love Out of the Park Baseball or you haven’t played Out of the Park Baseball.

While that's probably generalizing the situation a bit, as all games have critics or those who are indifferent. However, if you like strategy games and/or baseball, and haven’t tried Out of the Park Baseball, this year's edition of the series is a great time to jump in.

On that same note, If you are a repeat addict, er…user, you’ll find the improvements meaningful enough to give OOTP another summer of your life.

Read More - Out of the Park Baseball 14 Review (PC/Mac)

Game: Out of the Park Baseball 14Reader Score: 9.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: Mac / PCVotes for game: 2 - View All
Member Comments
# 1 JohnDoe8865 @ 04/29/13 09:02 PM
I really can't wait to dig into this year's game. Missed last year, really excited for 14. One of the best values for the money going today.
# 2 JaySwizzlez @ 04/29/13 10:08 PM
I'm not sure I want to spend 40 bucks on a game, but I am a really avid baseball fan and I really like the management part of baseball. It looks like a really good game, however, and I am really considering giving it a shot.
# 3 snepp @ 04/29/13 11:38 PM
If you're not sure about dropping the $40 there's always an all-star game special for 10 bucks off.
# 4 8iron @ 04/29/13 11:40 PM
You can usually get a generous timed trial of an older version from their website.
# 5 tarek @ 04/30/13 12:31 AM
I'd like to see a more fleshed out mobile version on iOS.
iOOTP has gone a bit stale and I think there is no reason why it can't be more of a fully fledged port than a watered down version. Surely the current gen iPad has the processing power for it.
# 6 bkrich83 @ 04/30/13 12:58 AM
Originally Posted by JohnDoe8865
I really can't wait to dig into this year's game. Missed last year, really excited for 14. One of the best values for the money going today.
You'll love this version!!
# 7 ElderlyGamer @ 04/30/13 01:44 AM
Best game ever created. End of story.
# 8 NikeBlitz @ 04/30/13 11:54 AM
Great serie. We need a football game from these guys.
# 9 orion523 @ 04/30/13 02:56 PM
Best baseball game ever made, yes even better than the almighty Show.
# 10 mariner690 @ 04/30/13 07:03 PM
Is there a big difference between the Mac and PC version? I'm debating whether to get the game for my laptop or iPad.
# 11 CPRoark @ 04/30/13 09:46 PM
Mariner, the Mac/PC versions are nearly identical. I played my review copy on the Mac, but have played the PC version in the past.

However, don't confuse this game with iOOTP, which is what you'd be buying on the iPad. It's a much different game...really, it's a watered down, tablet friendly version of this.
# 12 ThatRadioGuy @ 05/01/13 10:56 AM
If you play the game full blast, it's an accountant simulator. It's really good if you are the accountant type. The financials are endless and will eat hours and hours and hours just to understand it. And if you choose not to understand it, it's not worth playing. Because you need to know why this costs this and that costs that and revenue X and revenue Y plus a variable must equal or exceed Z. It's endless and a joyful experience for those that wait for April 15th like Christmas morning. If you turn off the financials, the engine kinda wigs out and doesn't really value things properly. The AI is built with a close eye to financials so .. if you don't want to experience Accountant Simulator 14 .. then, you're not getting the best game you can play. Just like everything else in life, it's all about the money. And you best spend hours and hours and hours figuring out how to finance your endeavors .. get out the paper and pencil and start adding up projections of cost. If you don't immerse yourself in a kabillion amount of zeroes .. then there is really no reason to play the game because the AI is focused on that aspect and gives a quality game when it can bathe in addition and subtraction.
# 13 The Yurpman @ 05/01/13 08:11 PM
Originally Posted by ThatRadioGuy
If you play the game full blast, it's an accountant simulator. It's really good if you are the accountant type. The financials are endless and will eat hours and hours and hours just to understand it. And if you choose not to understand it, it's not worth playing. Because you need to know why this costs this and that costs that and revenue X and revenue Y plus a variable must equal or exceed Z. It's endless and a joyful experience for those that wait for April 15th like Christmas morning. If you turn off the financials, the engine kinda wigs out and doesn't really value things properly. The AI is built with a close eye to financials so .. if you don't want to experience Accountant Simulator 14 .. then, you're not getting the best game you can play. Just like everything else in life, it's all about the money. And you best spend hours and hours and hours figuring out how to finance your endeavors .. get out the paper and pencil and start adding up projections of cost. If you don't immerse yourself in a kabillion amount of zeroes .. then there is really no reason to play the game because the AI is focused on that aspect and gives a quality game when it can bathe in addition and subtraction.
It's not that complicated, really. You don't need to be an accountant to figure out this game at all. If you're having that much trouble with figuring the game out I suggest completing high school. Plus, you can choose to just be the manager and leave the GM "stuff" (the oh-so-complicated task of figuring out how much money your players make) to the computer.

Anyways, this game is awesome year in and year out. If you want the most realistic and fun baseball gaming experience buy this game ASAP.
# 14 malky @ 05/01/13 08:23 PM
Originally Posted by orion523
Best baseball game ever made, yes even better than the almighty Show.
Whoa!!! Pause there buddy lol
# 15 uncrewedcube @ 05/02/13 09:05 PM
way better than MLB 2K13
# 16 HechticSooner @ 05/03/13 12:32 PM
Don't know if anyone checks this thread anymore but I'm wondering about the financial end of the game. Unlike our previous poster my problem has always been that they don't do financial stuff accurately enough for me. Have they fixed this? Can my team give 50/50 deals to prospects in the draft. Is spring still screwed to where I can't give non-roster invites, all the true aspects of baseball that I've been waiting for since I join there beta team way back.
# 17 Sweed @ 05/04/13 11:57 PM
Originally Posted by ThatRadioGuy
If you play the game full blast, it's an accountant simulator. It's really good if you are the accountant type. The financials are endless and will eat hours and hours and hours just to understand it. And if you choose not to understand it, it's not worth playing. Because you need to know why this costs this and that costs that and revenue X and revenue Y plus a variable must equal or exceed Z. It's endless and a joyful experience for those that wait for April 15th like Christmas morning. If you turn off the financials, the engine kinda wigs out and doesn't really value things properly. The AI is built with a close eye to financials so .. if you don't want to experience Accountant Simulator 14 .. then, you're not getting the best game you can play. Just like everything else in life, it's all about the money. And you best spend hours and hours and hours figuring out how to finance your endeavors .. get out the paper and pencil and start adding up projections of cost. If you don't immerse yourself in a kabillion amount of zeroes .. then there is really no reason to play the game because the AI is focused on that aspect and gives a quality game when it can bathe in addition and subtraction.
Wow, really? I've been playing since version 4 which was released in 2002. I have bought every version since and have imported my game into each new version without issue. I spend about 10 minutes a season looking over my financials. As The Yurpman says its just not that complicated.

A serious question, and no I'm not trying to insult you, but was math a tough subject for you? Because just an understanding of very basic math is all one needs to know to play OOTP. Or as has also been stated one can act as just the manager and let the CPU be the GM. Some actually find this a fun way to play since they only get the players the cpu GM gives them.
# 18 Sweed @ 05/05/13 12:12 AM
Originally Posted by orion523
Best baseball game ever made, yes even better than the almighty Show.
Originally Posted by malky
Whoa!!! Pause there buddy lol
He is right if you are looking for a game that simulates running a baseball franchise. I love The Show. It is beautiful, produces good stats, has tons of real roster rules from MLB in the franchise mode, and is a lot of run to play. It however only outdoes OOTP in one category and that would be graphics. Not even close in any other way.

If you want eye candy (nothing wrong with that like I said I love The Show) and the ability to play out your games The Show is your game.

If you want an in depth experience running a baseball franchise along with a top notch baseball engine (yes better than The Show), player aging\development, stats tracked to a depth you can only dream of, etc. etc. etc., then OOTP is for you.
# 19 eamuscatuli15 @ 05/06/13 04:11 PM
how do i get other stadium photos besides philly? i just bought ootp14 last week and i've been able to download add ons like faces and all that stuff, but how do i get the real stadium photos to match up with the park i'm playing in.

just curious. thanks.
# 20 snepp @ 05/06/13 04:28 PM
Originally Posted by ThatRadioGuy
If you play the game full blast, it's an accountant simulator. It's really good if you are the accountant type. The financials are endless and will eat hours and hours and hours just to understand it. And if you choose not to understand it, it's not worth playing. Because you need to know why this costs this and that costs that and revenue X and revenue Y plus a variable must equal or exceed Z. It's endless and a joyful experience for those that wait for April 15th like Christmas morning. If you turn off the financials, the engine kinda wigs out and doesn't really value things properly. The AI is built with a close eye to financials so .. if you don't want to experience Accountant Simulator 14 .. then, you're not getting the best game you can play. Just like everything else in life, it's all about the money. And you best spend hours and hours and hours figuring out how to finance your endeavors .. get out the paper and pencil and start adding up projections of cost. If you don't immerse yourself in a kabillion amount of zeroes .. then there is really no reason to play the game because the AI is focused on that aspect and gives a quality game when it can bathe in addition and subtraction.

You're the first person I've seen say anything about the financials being too complicated for them to figure out.

Perhaps the issue here isn't the game?

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