Pro Yakyuu Spirits 2013 News Post

Portable baseball games are no longer minor league products.

The Vita version of MLB 13: The Show already proved it, and now Konami's Pro Yakyū Spirits 2013 also proves it belongs in sports gaming's big leagues, showcasing the same all-star skill set as its PlayStation 3 brother, minus a thousand or so polygons and live online gameplay.

If your memories of portable baseball gaming are Bo Jackson beeping around the base path on an LCD screen or Mario and friends running at a snail's pace through black in white fields, those visions will be obliterated the moment Pro Yakyū Spirits 2013 comes to life on the Vita's radiant 5-inch OLED display.

Pro Yakyū Spirits 2013 is a faithful rendition of America's pastime, albeit, featuring teams with anime mascots and player names that most gamers cannot read, let alone pronounce.

Do not be fooled by the foreign symbols and logos; Konami's Pro Yakyū Spirits 2013 is a baseball game as true and real as its Major League counterpart on the opposite end of the Pacific.

Read More - Pro Yakyuu Spirits 2013 Review (PS Vita)

Game: Pro Yakyuu Spirits 2013Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3Votes for game: 4 - View All
Member Comments
# 1 Spirits Translation @ 04/26/13 03:12 PM
Nice, thorough review Jason! Anyone bummed out by the lack of quality Vita games really needs this game, along with Power Pro 2012 for Vita (our guides for that can be found at powerprotranslation.com).

You can support our work by purchasing the game through the link below (they are region free and play on US made Vita's)

Buy Pro Yakyuu Spirits 2013

Learning to play the game does take some effort but it's not really a big deal. You just pick things up a little at a time and before you know it everything becomes second nature. It's been proven in the baseball/other forum here that most who try it want to put forth the effort to learn more because it's a great game.
# 2 3fiddy @ 04/26/13 05:15 PM
Very cool stuff. The pull swings , oppo swings , size of ball.
# 3 opd897 @ 04/26/13 06:45 PM
Very nice review, couldn't agree more. The Japanese Power Pro game for the Vita is great as well!
# 4 Pielet @ 04/27/13 06:56 AM
Nice seeing the game gain some traction. Thank you jyoung for taking the time to learn the game and sharing its wonderfulness!
# 5 tril @ 04/27/13 08:04 AM
wish the MLB in general could have more of the Japnesee atmosphere.
# 6 geisterhome @ 04/27/13 09:16 AM
so is it better than The Show 13?
# 7 Manny_Shevitz @ 04/27/13 10:47 AM
Great review!
# 8 DaReapa @ 04/27/13 11:39 AM
If the MLB license is no longer 2K Sports/1st party publisher exclusive, then I would love to see Konami put out an MLB game here in the states. Could you imagine the possibilities stemming from a quality competition between this and The Show?!
# 9 Pielet @ 04/27/13 01:14 PM
Originally Posted by geisterhome
so is it better than The Show 13?
In my opinion, yes.
# 10 Therion7 @ 04/27/13 04:50 PM
Originally Posted by geisterhome
so is it better than The Show 13?
Yep. PYS Vita plays superbly and looks and sounds much better.

The hitting mechanic at the heart of the game is pure fun and far ahead of any other contemporary baseball title. It's intuitive, satisfying and transparent.

The criteria the player must meet to get a hit, bunt or homerun are laid out in front of you. You will always know why the ball did what it did because of the physics, player abilities and ultimately your own skill with the controls. That can't really be said of The Show where there's a nagging doubt of something deciding success and failure on a random basis.

If you've ever been frustrated with The Show's hitting, had trouble reading pitches, wondered why that wheelhouse perfectly timed slug didn't go out of the park or been bogged down in endless slider tweaking, then PYS is really worth checking out.

Great to see a review on the front page.
# 11 ricanbxbomba @ 05/02/13 06:30 PM
Now only if we had a Japanese Basketball game on the Vita..

WELP, I just imported this. See how long it takes to get here.
# 12 ricanbxbomba @ 05/06/13 09:40 AM
Originally Posted by ricanbxbomba
Now only if we had a Japanese Basketball game on the Vita..

WELP, I just imported this. See how long it takes to get here.
Turns out.. I ordered 2012 and not 2013... How much different are the two?
# 13 fsufan4423 @ 06/05/13 10:46 PM
Gotta try this out

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