NCAA Football 14 News Post

Check out all the new NCAA Football 14 screenshots, right here.

NCAA Football 14 gives players more control over their fate on the field and as a head coach than ever before. The introduction of Infinity Engine 2 allows you to play true to your team with gameplay tuned with the college game in mind, while new Coach Skills and Power Recruiting create the most engrossing Dynasty experience in a generation. Add in the inclusion of the fan-favorite Ultimate Team mode which includes a number of former NCAA stars, and you have the most feature-rich entry in the history of the franchise.



Gameplay – The introduction of the Infinity Engine 2 unlocks the unpredictability and innovation of college football, bringing multiple college play-styles to life.
  • Physics – Real-time physics and the force impact system allows users to feel the big plays on offense and defense; with big hits, stiff-arms and truck moves which provide a more realistic and satisfying feeling than ever before.
  • Running Game Improvements – The introduction of physics offers a suite of improvements to the running game, including hard run cutting for direction changes, improved run blocking and new ball carrier avoidance behavior that allows runners to automatically move around blockers and prevent inadvertent collisions. Furthermore, utilize the new stumble recovery to fight gravity as you scramble for extra yards.
  • Option Offense – Play true to your team with over 30 new option types, all optimized for a true college football experience. Utilize the Spread Option, Zone Read and more to stymie defenses and put big points on the board. Key defenders are highlighted before the snap to read during the play to know when to pitch the ball and when to keep it.
Presentation – NCAA Football 14 brings the game to life like never before with new additions to on-field presentation and a renewed emphasis on the story of each game. Handheld cameras capture the action from unique angles, and Brad Nessler and Kirk Herbstreit key in on impact players and noteworthy performances. Additional features and enhancements include:
  • New Pre-Game – A live look-in from Rece Davis sets the stage for a brand-new intro featuring vignettes, traditions, text wipes and more all set to a music video.
  • Neutral Site Games – For the first time ever in the series set up neutral site matchups including the Texas Kickoff, Cowboy Kickoff and Chick-fil-A Kickoff.
  • New Music and Chants – Rock out after a big play as fans chant along to college football staples Seven Nation Army and Zombie Nation.
  • New Vignettes - 500+ new pre and post-play vignettes, combined with all-new on-field player chatter, make it feel like you’re right on the field.

NCAA Football Ultimate Team (to be released 5/15) – The much-beloved mode comes to the college game, allowing you to build up an unstoppable team.

(to be released 5/28) – There’s no single path to success in college football, so build up your program into a powerhouse to fit your strengths and style of play by utilizing the brand-new Coach Skills.

Play a Season (to be released 6/17) – Focus purely on the on-field action and take your favorite team to a bowl game.

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Game: NCAA Football 14Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 54 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 Hooe @ 04/18/13 10:22 AM
Neutral Site Games – For the first time ever in the series set up neutral site matchups including the Texas Kickoff, Cowboy Kickoff and Chick-fil-A Kickoff.
Neutral-site games! Nice.
# 2 DucksForever @ 04/18/13 10:30 AM
I'm glad that they stopped focusing on those stupid pre-game entries that are so contrived and stale that my thumb bleeds by obliterating the skip button...

Smarter commentary...now that's more like it.
# 3 Mckinley Cash @ 04/18/13 10:36 AM
Don't forget about the half time show with Reece Davis and David Pollack!
# 4 BlacknGold7 @ 04/18/13 10:39 AM
Maybe they edited crowd noise. I doubt we will have a meter ever again but I would love it to be hard for my team to play at Ohio State or somewhere like that and have trouble hearing the whole game. On 13 it's way too easy to take the crowd out of the game.
# 5 soonermagic88 @ 04/18/13 10:42 AM
Well.... as much as i hate to admit it.... i just bought my first class ticket on the hype train.

Im very excited about what we are hearing! Hopefully we will get some vids today!
# 6 speedy43 @ 04/18/13 10:46 AM
Wow, that gameplay screenshot looks pretty bad.
# 7 TreyIM2 @ 04/18/13 10:46 AM
The pics look good. I like what they've done with the game play and I can't wait to feel how it controls but it doesn't seem much has changed presentation wise based on what they've listed.

Key phrases like "all set to a music video" and "Handheld cameras capture the action from unique angles" create a "???" in my mind.

None the less, again, I just want to play the demo. No purchase here, and I look forward to the next gen version of NCAA 15 to see if it will make me complete a purchase transaction, then.
# 8 ch46647 @ 04/18/13 11:02 AM
I wish EA would stop being so obsessive with crowd chants, when the actual crwod audio itself has been horrible for years. For me, the biggest part of presentation that makes a sports game exciting is to have a crowd that sounds like a real stadium crowd.

Not only does the crowd need to ebb and flow, and sound like a real crowd. They also need to fix the crowd AI and have the crowd react APPROPRIATELY TO SITUATIONS ON THE FIELD.

-On 3rd down the crowd should be going ballistic.
-On a deep pass there should be a gasp and sense of excitement while the ball is in the air, followed by an appropriate crowd reaction depending on who comes down with the ball.
-During a big running play the crowd should build with excitement as the play develops
-During a Touchdown or turnover the crowd should be erupting with cheers, or hear a heavy sigh and level of quiet if its the opposing team.
-Before big drives like a 2 minute drive or end of game scenario, the crowd should be laser focused and into it.
-Between plays the crowd should be much more docile and calm, and not the constant drone we always hear all game long.
-If a big hit occurs there should be a loud gasp from the crowd, followed by cheers if its the home team

I really wish EA would understand the importance of this. Having realistic crowd AI, and a great sounding crowd with all the high and lows, ebbs and flows, and energy of a real crowd would do wonders for their product.

EDIT: Also, please make the "Pump Up The Crowd" feature work. It should be situationally dependant depending on the down or situation. But when I pump up the crowd I want it to feel like the crowd is reacting. Go to a Ravens game and watch a 3rd down play where the defense is pumping up the crowd.
# 9 fsufan4423 @ 04/18/13 11:03 AM
All new player chatter? Lol
# 10 Sportzfan0290 @ 04/18/13 11:11 AM
Haven't we heard this all before? Also will they allow Herbstriet and Corso and company to do a college football extra or a pre game pick them show like 2006? Smh EA bring back the Prime to Primetime.
# 11 darknmild @ 04/18/13 11:23 AM
Well I liked what I read. Sounds like they are making progress in the right direction.
# 12 carvis#15 @ 04/18/13 11:27 AM
Well...can we at least see it in action?
# 13 DaBlackGoku @ 04/18/13 11:42 AM
I'm hearing there's a halftime show with Rece Davis and David Pollack. All I can say is freaking FINALLY.

Consider my ticket to the hype train bought.
# 14 MAGboyswifT27 @ 04/18/13 11:46 AM
I'm not going to fall for the hype, I'm not going to set my standards or expectations high either... But it'll be interesting to see more previews and videos on NCAA 14.
# 15 ch46647 @ 04/18/13 11:49 AM
I like what I read too, however EA has once again taken a whole year of development (Introductions were their primary push for presentation 2 years ago) and scrapped everything to put something new in.

This is what has plagued the EA football series the entire generation. The constant back and forth and adding things that took a ton of development time, just to scrap it all 2 years laters saying they didnt like it.

This team needs direction from the start for next-gen consoles. EA's two best sports games (FIFA, NHL) have both set their identity and stuck to it the last 5 or 6 years. To my knowledge, they rarely remove anything and are constantly building on to their game with new and innovative (SIM) features.
# 16 ch46647 @ 04/18/13 11:53 AM
Lastly, when it comes to presentation, why cant EA adapt real time presentation? They want to constantly create these "special clips" and cut-scenes, but all that does is ruin the flow and nothing ever really connects. Plus, it becomes very repetitive to see the same tired scene played over and over again.

To my knowledge, just about every other sports game has gone to real time presentation. Why cant the Madden/NCAA team?
# 17 aukevin @ 04/18/13 11:55 AM
Interested in Play a Season. I don't like the recruiting and all that stuff, so I'm interested in hearing more on that.
# 18 ubernoob @ 04/18/13 11:55 AM
NCAA Ultimate Team: We can't tell you who you just pulled from that pack - but we will say he's QB#2 from Texas A&M!
# 19 khaliib @ 04/18/13 12:00 PM

So that "quick" blip about Gameplay Playbook was all there was?
Why is there no depth to these Playbooks about all the so-called New Features?
They've stumbled out of the gate since introducing anything about the Option Game and nothing in depth about the changes?

Which leads to this Playbook which has been plagued by horrible Audio/Crowd involvement beyond the white noise affect.
Even in print, give an example of how it is different from previous years.
What did you do that makes is different (ie crowd timing, swells etc...) What?

500+ vignettes...
We were suppose to have over 400+ new "Catch Animations", yet only about 12 seemed to play out during actual gameplay.
Another over-the-top "False" marketing statement... guaranteed!!!

Uhm.... what about the exclusive ESPN TV style presentation (like from your defunct College BBall game) you've held and did nothing with since having?
I remember this Presentation Style was said to be making it's way over to the College football series with supposedly new camera angles/shots etc... to really "Immerse" the gamer.
What happened and 4 yrs later, why the refusal to include?
Let's not even get into a "Playable Broadcast Cam" they REFUSE to give to gamers as an option.
Every sports game gives several camera options to help with presentation except........

What is really different in '14 that shows some type of improvement in any area of the game from previous releases?

Tweaking and tuning "IS NOT" improving!!!

New Pre-Game - blending with cut-n-paste from previous fumbled attempts doesn't make it new!

Neutral Site Games - if it's no different than playing at a Generic FCS site, what's the point?
(same crowd audio, same commentary etc...)

New Music and Chants - what about the other schools that always get left out of the Marketing hype.
You market about building a Power House, yet inject less than 20 "Specific Chants/ crowd sounds"
How can the gamer apply these new music and chants to one of the other 99 schools?
Wouldn't it be better to improve upon the Audio Editor and give gamers more control of bringing in sounds.
(hint---go play around with CH's Chant Editor, it's a great foundation to build upon)

I'm trying to think of any year were they brought the "WOW" factor and proved us nay-sayers wrong.
I can't think of one year.
Maybe someone can enlighten me?

Let me stop before I get an "Insta-Ban".
Frustrating as heck!!!
(not against the Dev's, but the Administrative side that trumps everything)
# 20 darknmild @ 04/18/13 12:26 PM
Originally Posted by ch46647
Lastly, when it comes to presentation, why cant EA adapt real time presentation? They want to constantly create these "special clips" and cut-scenes, but all that does is ruin the flow and nothing ever really connects. Plus, it becomes very repetitive to see the same tired scene played over and over again.

To my knowledge, just about every other sports game has gone to real time presentation. Why cant the Madden/NCAA team?
I agree with both of your posts.

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