NCAA Football 14 News Post

A pretty funny, and harshly true, take on the NCAA's organizational setup. If the embed above doesn't work for you, you can watch it on Hulu.

Game: NCAA Football 14Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 54 - View All
NCAA Football 14 Videos
Member Comments
# 1 zub65 @ 04/12/13 10:05 AM
Don't need to watch it. Hate Jon Stewart.
# 2 Hooe @ 04/12/13 10:25 AM
Pretty funny stuff, and the thing about Stewart's comedy is that there's always an edge of truth to it which make one realize how ridiculous the real-life situation he's referencing is.
# 3 Gramps91 @ 04/12/13 12:07 PM
some of this is pretty funny. Wish O Bannon would shut his trap, we need a new college basketball game and he's not helping a thing.
# 4 Bull_Dozer @ 04/12/13 12:22 PM
College athletes = slave labor for universities. It's disgusting. They rake in billions and treat their athletes like a disposable commodity.
# 5 AllJuicedUp @ 04/12/13 12:38 PM
Originally Posted by Bull_Dozer
College athletes = slave labor for universities. It's disgusting. They rake in billions and treat their athletes like a disposable commodity.
Slave labor I tell you!!! You know, besides the whole free education that many of which aren't even deserving of. And all the under the table benefits. etc. Absolutely disgusting!!!

If you want to talk about disgusting, how about the cost of college in general and the debt that many hard working young people are accumulating because they actually want an education. And the piss poor treatment their money then earns them from professors who are too busy to you know, actually teach their own classes.

The treatment of college athletes is FAR down the list of things wrong with higher education in this country. I'd say in general, the college athletes that do bring in the big bucks, have it damn well off.
# 6 Hooe @ 04/12/13 02:32 PM
Friendly reminder that political discussion isn't welcome at OS.

Carry on.
# 7 Jakeness23 @ 04/13/13 01:58 PM
Originally Posted by AllJuicedUp
Slave labor I tell you!!! You know, besides the whole free education that many of which aren't even deserving of. And all the under the table benefits. etc. Absolutely disgusting!!!

If you want to talk about disgusting, how about the cost of college in general and the debt that many hard working young people are accumulating because they actually want an education. And the piss poor treatment their money then earns them from professors who are too busy to you know, actually teach their own classes.

The treatment of college athletes is FAR down the list of things wrong with higher education in this country. I'd say in general, the college athletes that do bring in the big bucks, have it damn well off.
Couldn't have said that any better myself.

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