NCAA Football 14 News Post

Here is another NCAA Football 14 screenshot, featuring West Virginia vs. Texas.

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Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 54 - View All
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# 1 The_Wise_One @ 04/10/13 08:36 PM
Man.....NCAA screen shots are so misleading.
# 2 SageInfinite @ 04/10/13 08:45 PM
This game needs to the reverse colored cleats and the colored socks. It would add so much to the authentic look.

# 3 swift kincade @ 04/10/13 08:53 PM
agree ^
# 4 bpac55 @ 04/10/13 08:56 PM
i posted in the miami screen thread about the vapor jets. they added them and made a big deal about it 4 years ago and haven't touched them since. no one wears them with team colored toes anymore...they are all color base with white accents. and socks are a HUGE accessory now. once Nike made the Elites, everyone else jumped on. Teams will either now wear a team sock or some variation of a patterned "elite" sock. the minor details make the biggest differences...oh and the mouthpiece as well..bring that back.
# 5 FloridaGators11 @ 04/10/13 09:08 PM
I never thought socks were that big of a deal until the uniform update and I played with A&M and saw the new Adidas socks on them and wow it really does make it feel that much more authentic. I wish A&M wasn't the only team with them in 13
# 6 BV11 @ 04/10/13 09:16 PM
Once you've seen one screenshot you've seen them all.
# 7 KANE699 @ 04/10/13 09:47 PM
Ill just show this again, look how far off the player models are here. The shoulders and the bulkiness of a 190 pound player is just so far off.

# 8 CT Pitbull @ 04/10/13 09:51 PM
socks are just as big a part of the uniform these days as the pants they wear..though i am extremely pleased that they FINALLY made medium socks the default its been so long overdue that there is accually a new trend now with socks. like the guys above said a majority of the teams now have moved to patterned and colored socks with every uniform combo. they need to integrate these for the teams they apply to and not start falling behind the trend in NCAA football AGAIN. my question is how long will THAT take to be updated? time will tell
# 9 noplace @ 04/10/13 10:24 PM
All these screenshots and not one Rev 2 bar yet... SMH
# 10 carvis#15 @ 04/10/13 10:49 PM
Since they are trying to show off some art we can do some constructive criticism on the art. It is understandable that graphics won't be enhanced until next gen. However, equipment does not have to be withheld from being enhanced until then. I don't understand the logic behind adding new gloves but not adding new cleats, just don't get it. A positive is the job they did with the upper body player accessories. The problem is the lower body accessories. Everybody is right, those cleats are played out.
Here is what # 32 (Jonathan Gray) wears in real life

And this is #25 (Darwin Cook)

Here is # 8 (Karl Joseph)

And by the way, those cleat she has on are the nike vapor talon cleats which is a cleat the players will definitely wear as they wore them last year. *If there is still time...add those*

Also his sleeves are not big at all. EA Sports football sleeves look like there from the med 90's or something.

Plus we've been having the same old adidas and under armor cleats. The under armors they first added weren't even what players wore at the time neither.

Here is what NCAA Players are garunteed cleats players *will* wear this year as they did last year

Adidas Smoke

Adidas 5 star 2.0 (new)

Under Armour Highlight

Under Armour Blur MC

Nike Vapor Talent Elite

And when I crossed these manikins I was like "man the build of them is natural, like real life even" (Kenjon Barner Voice) lol insider. Look at the end of the gameplay video if you never heard it.
Maybe the art guys should copy the way these manikins look for the skill player builds like WRs.

These video games will have modern DBs, RBs, and WRs looking like this

...Or like this

LMBO...yes..i'm quite tickled.
# 11 hoop xyience @ 04/10/13 10:51 PM
Until they revamp the player models and add some life to the Stadium I cant take this title serious
-sweater looking jerseys
-players moderls are" BAD"
-lack of detail to uniforms
# 12 carvis#15 @ 04/10/13 11:25 PM
Originally Posted by XxJustAguessxX
were those West Virginia yellow tops n bottoms in 13?
I'm pretty sure they were. I just think we weren't enabled to create uniforms like that in team builder.
# 13 Sundown2600 @ 04/11/13 12:17 AM
Originally Posted by KANE699
Ill just show this again, look how far off the player models are here. The shoulders and the bulkiness of a 190 pound player is just so far off.

I was never one to make a big mess over the shoulder pad size issue, but comparing these shots to the ones in the game...the difference is striking. If they could just adjust the default size of the shoulder pads that alone would do so much to help the appearance of the player models.

Edit: Why do the Addidas cleats in the game look the way they do? Do players wear those in real life?
# 14 Gotmadskillzson @ 04/11/13 12:35 AM
What I can't under stand is, EA can laser grid a whole stadium to get that measurement and the position of everything right in a giant stadium, but yet they can't laser grid some dudes standing in front of them with pads on to get the player models correct size. Makes no sense. Why not bring in some players of different positions and size, laser grid them with pads on. How hard can that be ??

I mean hell even UFC Undisputed 3 body scanned the fighters to get their correct measurements and THQ don't even have the type of money EA has.
# 15 LionsFanNJ @ 04/11/13 12:47 AM
The lack of the reverse tc cleats is starting to irk me now. Those white in game cleats just don't look right anymore.
# 16 khaliib @ 04/11/13 01:12 AM
Were's the "Pop/Gloss/Sheen" to the helmets and uniforms?

Man..., grab the models from NBA Live and just use them to give some variation to player builds, anything.....

I never liked the blur thing.
To me, it was an effort to hide the background (stadium sideline/crowd) that has never been given a face lift through out all these "bedazzled" visual injections over the years.

M12 uni's looked nice.
They had "Pop" to them and the helmet reflection/scuffs on close-ups looked crazy.
What ever happened to "Scuffs" on the helmets comming to the college football side?

This game simply doesn't present any "WOW" factor at all right now.

The least EA could do is go over-the-top with the visuals since Gameplay and Player Movement is so far behind other Sports Games.

Man, pick something and go "ALL Out" with it instead of being just "blah" across the board!!!
# 17 Gap Integrity @ 04/11/13 01:19 AM
Another thing on the shoulder pads. Everyone wears "tight sleeves" but to EA that term means chop off stripes and numbers. In reality they need you be in between the two options they provide. Certain teams it can actually jack up their uniform appearance by selecting the tight sleeve option. Instead of moving the jersey art/skin up, they basically tuck it under the shoulder pads... like I did in Jr High when my jersey was too baggy.
# 18 Gap Integrity @ 04/11/13 01:23 AM
Originally Posted by khaliib

What ever happened to "Scuffs" on the helmets comming to the college football side?
Well, we did have a bunch of black crap on a select few of our facemasks this year, and on certain helmets they cut the logo tabs off the visors..... does that count? lol
# 19 KANE699 @ 04/11/13 01:29 AM
Originally Posted by paulbrownsrevenge
Another thing on the shoulder pads. Everyone wears "tight sleeves" but to EA that term means chop off stripes and numbers. In reality they need you be in between the two options they provide. Certain teams it can actually jack up their uniform appearance by selecting the tight sleeve option. Instead of moving the jersey art/skin up, they basically tuck it under the shoulder pads... like I did in Jr High when my jersey was too baggy.
This is another huge problem, this doesn't happen on madden because the tucked sleeve art is changed as well when the uniform is made.
# 20 outkaz79 @ 04/11/13 09:29 AM
God the arms!! For how many years have we and are we going to ask for this to be fixed and they wonder why the are considered the worst company ...YOU DON'T LISTEN

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