FIFA 13 News Post

Playing career mode with an MLS team in FIFA is like that nagging feeling you get when you're watching Man City play–everything looks good on the surface, but there's an undercurrent of inauthenticity running through it.

In real life, the biggest soccer league in the continent is an interesting hybrid of Europe and North America: While the action on the pitch mirrors a match you’d find on the other side of the Atlantic, off the field things are more North American—there’s a players draft, trading instead of buying and selling, and a salary cap (along with which comes a slew of special player quotas). But in the FIFA series, the MLS is just another league in the Career Mode, still stuck with the European management system. The MLS experience in FIFA needs improving, this much is obvious.

Read More - FIFA: Time to Improve the MLS Experience

Game: FIFA Soccer 13Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Wii U / Xbox 360Votes for game: 15 - View All
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Member Comments
# 41 Rwilldred27 @ 06/06/13 08:21 PM
I've been thinking of doing this myself. I was actually thinking of just putting MLS, Liga MX, and Brazilian league into the lower British league tiers and keep the Premier League. I'd at least get to participate in 2 cup tourneys a year, each drawn out over half of a season, which is a huge huge huge upgrade over U.S Open Cup, which is just a sad sad tournament in this game.

I hope FIFA 14 makes some MLS improvements, but not going to hold my breath. I actually enjoy playing with my local team though, because as a recent soccer fan and MLS follower, it helps acquaint me better with the good players in this league.
# 42 _ChicoBass @ 06/06/13 08:44 PM
Originally Posted by Rwilldred27
I've been thinking of doing this myself. I was actually thinking of just putting MLS, Liga MX, and Brazilian league into the lower British league tiers and keep the Premier League. I'd at least get to participate in 2 cup tourneys a year, each drawn out over half of a season, which is a huge huge huge upgrade over U.S Open Cup, which is just a sad sad tournament in this game.

I hope FIFA 14 makes some MLS improvements, but not going to hold my breath. I actually enjoy playing with my local team though, because as a recent soccer fan and MLS follower, it helps acquaint me better with the good players in this league.
I wouldn't recommend you do that. You should just replace the Netherlands league with the MLS league because if you put the league in England, then eventually you'll move up to the premier league and you'll leave all the other MLS teams behind. A few years down the road you'll just be an American team in an English league. You should make a league with ONLY MLS teams or you can take a league like France, and replace the top league with MLS, and bottom league with Liga MX. That way your local tournament will be a Mexico-USA tournament and you'll be able to qualify for bigger tournaments like the champions/Europa.
# 43 rckabillyRaider @ 06/06/13 09:41 PM
Originally Posted by _ChicoBass
I wouldn't recommend you do that. You should just replace the Netherlands league with the MLS league because if you put the league in England, then eventually you'll move up to the premier league and you'll leave all the other MLS teams behind. A few years down the road you'll just be an American team in an English league. You should make a league with ONLY MLS teams or you can take a league like France, and replace the top league with MLS, and bottom league with Liga MX. That way your local tournament will be a Mexico-USA tournament and you'll be able to qualify for bigger tournaments like the champions/Europa.
this year I played mainly on PC, so thankfully there are some great mods and patches for concacaf cl, etc. but your idea sounds good. I think I'll try that when I'm on my ps3.
# 44 _ChicoBass @ 06/07/13 12:16 AM
Originally Posted by rckabillyRaider
this year I played mainly on PC, so thankfully there are some great mods and patches for concacaf cl, etc. but your idea sounds good. I think I'll try that when I'm on my ps3.
Yeah I read that on PC you had Concacaf tournaments. Wtf man! Leaves us console players wishing
# 45 Zrightning @ 06/07/13 08:55 AM
Originally Posted by believeinnow
The idea of an MLS-centric FIFA game is an interesting case that has been murmured about for years. It won't happen since it would require a completely different interface. Yes, Americans want everything to be americanized, but considering the MLS is ran differently than most other leagues, it would be unfair to change things for just one league. If they do that, then, they'll have to make changes to every other league. When Holland and Turkish leagues did playoff systems for a brief period of time, I don't think either saw those systems implemented in the game. Then to top it off, both countries stopped the playoff system.
playoff system of belgium is implemented albeit unclear, i can win the 30'ish league matches and be declared the victor, while the victor in reality is only declared after the 10 additional play off matches. which can be someone completely else.

i also hate how 2nd and third class from belgium aren't implemented
# 46 Love13 @ 10/31/13 03:43 PM
Originally Posted by Zrightning
playoff system of belgium is implemented albeit unclear, i can win the 30'ish league matches and be declared the victor, while the victor in reality is only declared after the 10 additional play off matches. which can be someone completely else.

i also hate how 2nd and third class from belgium aren't implemented
This is what I am doing in FIFA 14, I did the English league 1 on FIFA 13 but didn't like it as much because it was like someone said. I was an American team in an English league. So I put the top 16 teams in Belgium pro league on FIFA 14. Stibut not the best, but it's better than just mls as it is right now.

Someone mentioned salary cap would restrict mls clubs, and I agree, don't add the salary cap. But what they should do is include all teams or at least top 16 teams from previous season into mls cup, not the weird 2 tiered tournament it is now. And they should take all the leagues in the America's, north, south and central and make 1 giant champions league between them all. That would give now 6 leagues that they could make a champions league from. 4 teams from each league, for mls, you gain entry from us open cup, supporters shield, and 2 teams in mls cup final. Just like in real life. And for fun they could take the champions of euro and American champions league and have a 1 game club world cup game. Or take Asia and Australia champions play America and winner faces euro champ, something like that. If FIFA would simply change those 2 things though (us open cup, and American champions league) I would be content playing mls only. I love they're season format with the playoffs for mls cup, and you don't get that with any other league.
# 47 morieeel @ 11/04/13 07:17 AM
Just too boring for me unless they could implement more cup tourneys. Played a couple of seasons last year with Kansas City and just felt like it dragged on. Especially playing as a American and auto qualify for World Cup. With Promotion and Relegations thrown in with all the tourneys, its just more enjoyable to stay in the Europe leagues.

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