Tiger 14 News Post

I had to let out a deep breath, the tournament hinged on this ten-foot putt.

Sink it and I win the Country Club tournament of the day, miss it and I’m the guy who choked it away at the end.

This is the essence of what makes Tiger Woods PGA Tour 14 so great this year: it’s just you and the course -- and your dozens of friends online playing against you at the same time. As a package, Tiger 14 is the best the series has put together thanks to new additions that just add depth and polish.

Tiger Woods PGA Tour 14 reaches for the stars and comes up just short, but what you get is likely one of the finest golfing games ever assembled.

Read More - Tiger Woods PGA Tour 14 Review (360/PS3)

Game: Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 14Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 13 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 simgameonly @ 03/27/13 12:42 PM
Your review is pretty spot on, the only issues I have are the nerfed easy putting mechanic, and the green speeds are horrible. Also I wish the practice swing was an option head to head it makes having a match at the sim level pretty difficult with the new swing mechanic. I am just praying they fix green speeds, as it seems they are pretty dead set on aiming marker based putting, people probably thought last years stroke based was too hard, which I actually truly enjoyed
# 2 Dazraz @ 03/27/13 01:09 PM
A solid review. I would go for a 8.5. I'm totally loving ths game. Never been one for the Career Mode so the Wuick Tournament option is a much welcomed. The new presentation gives it a much more TV broadcast feel despite the lack of quality commentary. All in all a great game.
# 3 ParquetPosse @ 03/27/13 04:51 PM
I'll wait for the patch and a price drop. Been burned too many times by TW Golf. Really it's an every other year game for me, or even every three years. Pick it up in the bargain bin 6 months from now and the $60 worth of DLC will be easier to stomach.
# 4 Luke466 @ 03/27/13 05:30 PM
Still difficult to understand why we can't play a season mode with a pro? Such a basic concept....
# 5 buckeyedawgtribe @ 03/27/13 08:40 PM
looks like a winner but in typical tiger woods fashion EA fashion it took until the end of the cycle to bring it all together. When this comes out on the next gen systems you will have such jaw dropping graphics you will look back at this game and wonder how you played a game so ugly. However if past is an indicator the next gen tiger woods will lack the various modes this game has
# 6 dcherry @ 03/27/13 09:44 PM
Really good review. As you mentioned, I hope there is a patch for scoring and green speeds soon.

Loving the game though. Sim mode is awesome.
# 7 BBallcoach @ 03/27/13 10:37 PM
Originally Posted by ParquetPosse
I'll wait for the patch and a price drop. Been burned too many times by TW Golf. Really it's an every other year game for me, or even every three years. Pick it up in the bargain bin 6 months from now and the $60 worth of DLC will be easier to stomach.
yeah I bought 10, 12, and now 14 (played the in between years though)... this is the first year its worthy enough to buy the DLC courses. Best tiger ive ever played and I go back to TW 99 and Cyber Tiger.
# 8 Love13 @ 03/29/13 12:48 AM
I'm loving the game, my only issue is the "out of bounds" I haven't played much but I've started a career on the Asian pacific am and at royal Melbourne its almost that if you don't hit the fairway it's O.B. and that is frustrating. I love the challenge the new swing mechanics bring but if I hook a shot into the trees I should be able to play out of the trees not have to take a 2 stroke penalty. It was like this in the demo as well on royal birkdale, yet at oak hill if you hit into the trees or on another fairway than it let you play it from there. I'm just wondering how many courses have the strict O.B. rules on them.

Other than that, it's an awesome game and I'm having a lot of fun with it.
# 9 Love13 @ 03/29/13 03:03 PM
Does anyone know if I can delete my career file and start a new one without having to create a new golfer?
# 10 ODogg @ 04/02/13 09:53 PM
So does Tiger FINALLY have Autumn courses or is everything summertime?

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