MLB 2K13 News Post

We were all surprised when 2K Sports announced the release of MLB 2K13, the next Major League Baseball game to surely leave 360 owners pining for a separate system. For baseball lovers without a Playstation 3, time stood still for a brief moment and excitement took over.

But inevitable questions loomed. From thoughts of 2K and MLB just trying to pocket extra money, to gamers wondering if they need to shell out $60 for what seems to amount to a roster update and nothing else.

2K kept quiet, didn’t promote or talk much about MLB 2K13, but sure enough MLB 2K13 released with that hefty $60 price tag. But something happened once I opened up the game and placed it in my system: MLB 2K13 really isn’t that bad; it’s honestly a very enjoyable game. It’s a blast to pick-up-and-play with friends and feels very familiar on the field. It's not in the same league as The Show at this point, with many legacy issues marring the experience and with no real sizeable upgrades over 2K12 waiting on you, but it's hard to say the entire experience is just bad.
It's more like way too familiar.

The depth in Major League Baseball 2K13 is as deep as the kiddie pool in your back yard. Yes the game has some slight improvements, but MLB 2K13’s issues, both hidden and glaring, keeps this franchise from enjoying its presumable swan song.

Read More - Major League Baseball 2K13 Review (XBox 360)

Game: Major League Baseball 2K13Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 14 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 econoodle @ 03/11/13 03:35 PM
I stopped reading at this:

The depth in Major League Baseball 2K13 is as deep as the kiddie pool in your back yard.
# 2 RUFFNREADY @ 03/11/13 03:37 PM
Nicely said, without the profanity! lol
Now most baseball gamers on the xbox360 will be waiting for a major price cut! lol
# 3 pistolpete @ 03/11/13 03:41 PM

I don't think the game is that bad. I also kind of enjoy the soundtrack.
# 4 nemesis04 @ 03/11/13 03:41 PM
Oh boy!

# 5 malky @ 03/11/13 03:43 PM
Actually this is a very honest and polite review, probably the best this game is going to get imho, but I'm glad you mentioned the 60 because that is what really irks me. Come on 2k that's just wrong!
# 6 DBMcGee3 @ 03/11/13 03:47 PM
I've tried for years to give this franchise a chance, but to me they just never made the hitting fun. It's simple, I want to aim a visible cursor with the LS, and swing with either the button or the RS. The way this game is set up, you really don't even need to guess on the location of a pitch, as long as it's in the strike zone and your timing is ok. It just isn't rewarding when you hit the ball in my opinion, and that ruins it for me in a hurry.
# 7 Cardot @ 03/11/13 04:49 PM
Originally Posted by malky
I'm glad you mentioned the 60 because that is what really irks me. Come on 2k that's just wrong!
I believe we have the million dollar challenge to thank for this. It isn't the marketing strategy I would have preferred, but the niche market of gamers who think they can will the million will pay $60.
# 8 dubcity @ 03/11/13 05:54 PM
Originally Posted by RUFFNREADY
Nicely said, without the profanity! lol
Now most baseball gamers on the xbox360 will be waiting for a major price cut! lol
Yep. I played it at Best Buy today, then I saw it on the shelf for $60. I had plenty of cash, but I just couldn't do it. Upgrading from 2K12 to 2K13 isn't worth half that much money.

PS: sounds like a good, honest review.
# 9 chris68pj @ 03/11/13 06:09 PM
MLB Today Season was in last year's game, although it was rather broken. So I wasn't sure if you just meant you hoped it was fixed or if unaware it was in there last year.
# 10 scottyo60 @ 03/11/13 06:26 PM
I never played 2k12 past demo and can't get enough of how fun this game is. Had I bought 2k12 and even 2k11 at full price (got 11 for $5) I'd be upset probably and not buying it.
# 11 tvman @ 03/11/13 06:28 PM
Originally Posted by DBMcGee3
I've tried for years to give this franchise a chance, but to me they just never made the hitting fun. It's simple, I want to aim a visible cursor with the LS, and swing with either the button or the RS. The way this game is set up, you really don't even need to guess on the location of a pitch, as long as it's in the strike zone and your timing is ok. It just isn't rewarding when you hit the ball in my opinion, and that ruins it for me in a hurry.
And yet with the show that is how most like to play the game as they say it brings ratings more into play. I'll agree though that some sort of zone hitting would be a nice option to have.
# 12 Eski33 @ 03/11/13 06:42 PM
The biggest slap in the face is the price tag. If a company wants to push a mild update out, that is fine but at $60? No thanks. $19.99 would be more fitting. Of course if you get the combo pack with NBA the cost of the game is $20.

People who try to compare this to The Show need to stop. The Show does so many things right from visuals, player movement and animations and gameplay. The sentiment I get is that those that haven't tried The Show think the visuals are the only upgrade over 2K. Well, that is where it starts but doesn't end.

I own both and pine for the return of EA in the baseball world.
# 13 bigfnjoe96 @ 03/11/13 06:55 PM
We'll I didn't expect anything less from this review. The game got killed in the OS Podcast. It's unfortunate that reviewer's are killing this game when Visual Concepts had no intention on releasing a baseball game this year.

They basically were forced by MLB to release this title. What did reviewer's expect with a probable 3 month dev cycle? If anything this game should have gotten an incomplete grade, with a detailed explanation to the community about why.

This game will get killed, but the sad reality is both Take-2 & MLB are to blame for the failure of Baseball on this generations console cycle. MLB for signing an exclusive license and Take-2 for killing the development team solely responsible for developing baseball for them which gave baseball on the 360 a disadvantage compared to the PS3 which has 1 development team for their baseball game.

BTW those killing the game for a $60.00 buck release, blame MLB not Take-2.
# 14 econoodle @ 03/11/13 08:02 PM
Originally Posted by bigfnjoe96
We'll I didn't expect anything less from this review. The game got killed in the OS Podcast. It's unfortunate that reviewer's are killing this game when Visual Concepts had no intention on releasing a baseball game this year.

They basically were forced by MLB to release this title. What did reviewer's expect with a probable 3 month dev cycle? If anything this game should have gotten an incomplete grade, with a detailed explanation to the community about why.

This game will get killed, but the sad reality is both Take-2 & MLB are to blame for the failure of Baseball on this generations console cycle. MLB for signing an exclusive license and Take-2 for killing the development team solely responsible for developing baseball for them which gave baseball on the 360 a disadvantage compared to the PS3 which has 1 development team for their baseball game.

BTW those killing the game for a $60.00 buck release, blame MLB not Take-2.

Amen, brother.

Like it was stated earlier, a 4 is a slap in the face. This coming from someone [me] who sold 2k12 after a few months last year because the overall weirdness/glitchy play was too much. This game aint no 4.

I do feel if 2k had a long standing dev presence here, It'd never get that low of a score.
That' how I see it.

And congrats to the thread in general. I'd thought there'd be way more hit and run comments from the people who only post in the Show forums. There's only been a few.

I mean really, how can a game where the reviewer states this:

But something happened once I opened up the game and placed it in my system: MLB 2K13 really isn’t that bad; it’s honestly a very enjoyable game. It’s a blast to pick-up-and-play with friends and feels very familiar on the field

....get that low of a score.
# 15 pistolpete @ 03/11/13 08:35 PM
I'm a little confused by the reviews this franchise has routinely gotten.

Basically all reviews boil down to something like this: This game sucks, but I like playing it.
# 16 philmnn @ 03/11/13 11:09 PM
There's nothing wrong with not giving this review pity points because of the short dev cycle. If I bought this game and didn't like it, I wouldn't play it any more just because I felt sorry for them for not having a full year to make it. I thought the review was fair.

I'll consider buying this when the price drops
# 17 DaveDQ @ 03/12/13 12:07 AM
Was this a review or another thread started to try and make witty and sarcastic remarks about the series?

It's interesting, the review hardly scratches the surface on what is really wrong with the game (other than it's trendy to hate on it), and then complains about the price tag, claiming it's a "get-rich-quick" scheme. But the game is what's shallow...not the review...right?

This review relies more on the negative tone many have already given this series, rather than thoroughly explaining why the game lacks. It's really more a rinse and repeat of a review. It's entirely too predictable:

Claim the game is fun
Mention how it doesn't compete with The Show
Throw out a gripe about Franchise Mode
Try and reinforce the above by giving it a very low numerical score

The MLB 2K series is far from perfect. It has some key issues that can be frustrating. But please go beyond what everyone else is saying and prove it. Otherwise, post something like this in the MLB 2K vs The Show thread.
# 18 tvman @ 03/12/13 12:55 AM
The reviewer talks about the game being shallow but at least 2k implements varying defensive alignments against many hitters not just extreme type shifts. Now do I think they are all perfect, no, but hey at least they made an attempt.
# 19 thbends @ 03/12/13 01:09 AM
It is what it is. No I would not buy it over The Show but if I did not have a PS3 there is no shame in getting it. If you enjoy it then good for you. You can't blame 2k alone for the state of the game. The MLB was too slow in making a deal to get the game out there.
Actually sounds like some really like it. I collect sports games so I'll pick it up used to put in my collection.
# 20 teddyballgame78 @ 03/12/13 03:47 AM
I like it and I know the score as far as baseball games go and 2k's deal. This is all the matters to me (I LIKE IT).

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