MUD: FIM Motocross Championship News Post

When it comes to motocross games, there have never been a ton of options for us to choose from. And with the MX vs ATV franchise in THQ limbo, we have even fewer options. Luckily, Namco Bandai and developer Milestone have given us MUD: FIM Motocross World Championship: a motocross game with solid gameplay, but a few issues that severely hurt it.

Read More - MUD: FIM Motocross Championship Review (PS Vita)

Game: MUD: FIM Motocross Championship Reader Score: Vote Now
Platform: PS VitaVotes for game: 0 - View All
Member Comments
# 1 DJ @ 03/05/13 09:21 PM
Nice to see a review on a Vita game. I haven't played a motocross game in years, but I may pick this up when there's a price drop. Glad to hear the AI is solid.
# 2 jyoung @ 03/09/13 05:54 PM
The VITA game is pretty much identical to the console/PC version minus the graphics; it has all the same modes and features.

That said, I do not like the handling or AI nearly as much as Bishop. I would probably give the PC version a 5/10 at best. The handling and AI ruin it for me.
# 3 AidanTimothy @ 03/11/13 04:45 AM
MX vs ATV have always remained my favorite game and i love playing it.

# 4 jyoung @ 03/16/13 10:53 AM
The PC verion is $8.99 right now on Amazon and will activate on STEAM:


That's about what I'd want to pay for it.

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