MLB 13 The Show News Post

Cozybean has just posted this new MLB 13 The Show video showcasing the Oakland A's vs. Los Angeles Angels in Game 1 of the ALDS.

Game: MLB 13 The ShowReader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3Votes for game: 36 - View All
MLB 13 The Show Videos
Member Comments
# 1 woz411 @ 03/02/13 09:17 PM
that first inning HR seemed to garner some expression from the announcer...... I thought we said they had none?
# 2 nascar163 @ 03/02/13 09:39 PM
I love the presentation! Feels like an actual playoff game in the Division Series. Now if you excuse me, my ears are ringing from the crowd being so realistic...
# 3 econoodle @ 03/02/13 09:45 PM
wow. protip: play this clip with headphones on.

no way you can't get pumped.

again, that orchestral theme seriously brings the noise.

I think that starting pitcher osd would look nice in franchise mode.
# 4 woz411 @ 03/02/13 09:52 PM
like I said in the first thread posted with video, the HR calls are completely random.... and it seems like that is the case
# 5 Sretep75 @ 03/02/13 09:55 PM
The homerun by Smith sounded MUCH BETTER than the other video. Matt V actually had some enthusiasm in that call.
# 6 Grnngld @ 03/02/13 09:59 PM
The best player on the defending AL West champs can't even get some respect.....sigh. It's quite obvious that he's a Created Player.
# 7 x8Tommy8x @ 03/02/13 10:29 PM
The rocks seem to look better along with other center field environment. Missing the jack in the box sign in left center though. Man I can't wait for this game!!!

Edit: after looking at it more the sign is there. Awesome.
# 8 thaSLAB @ 03/02/13 11:47 PM
Thunder Stiiiiiicks!!! LOL

Another AI improvement for 13... Trout would have "psychic"-ly scored on that base hit to right, when CB threw it to second.

-- Sent from the Future...
# 9 BOSKY! @ 03/03/13 12:20 AM
That was great. I switched the sound over from PC speakers to the surround sound I'll use for the game and WOW! what a difference from last year. That first at bat you could feel the crowd.
# 10 Doran @ 03/03/13 12:27 AM
*player chooses all R-Alternate for the A's*

*Doran twitches*
# 11 ThaShark28_316 @ 03/03/13 12:47 AM
On the Seth Smith HR, first thing popped in my head was...

"Anddddddddd THAT BABY IS GONE!"
# 12 Dr.Livingdead @ 03/03/13 01:26 AM
Love the little flair Bourjos hit in the second inning. Diddn't see many hits like that last year
# 13 eaw913 @ 03/03/13 01:36 AM
Hearing those thunder sticks was insanely awesome. Crowd is definitely much better this year.
# 14 strawberryshortcake @ 03/03/13 04:23 AM
Thank you for the Athletics upload.

I have only seen the first 10 minutes. Would like to have seen the following:

1. Dugout celebration + Homerun replay split screen - What I would liked to have seen after the Seth Smith's homerun was a dugout celebration (i.e. hi fives with teammates) after Smith trotted back into the dugout, along with a split screen replay of the homerun.

Dugout celebration

2. Hometown fans throwing the HR ball back into the field of play
- this would be a cool addition (it must be dynamic; don't need to see it all the time) instead of having the camera continue to focus in on Seth Smith trotting around the bases.

3. Split screens - can't think of any examples right now, but I usually see split screens during televised playoff baseball. Examples: pitcher vs. batter, pitcher vs. baserunner on 1st.
# 15 Cavicchi @ 03/03/13 08:36 AM
Originally Posted by strawberryshortcake
Thank you for the Athletics upload.

I have only seen the first 10 minutes. Would like to have seen the following:

1. Dugout celebration + Homerun replay split screen - What I would liked to have seen after the Seth Smith's homerun was a dugout celebration (i.e. hi fives with teammates) after Smith trotted back into the dugout, along with a split screen replay of the homerun.

Dugout celebration

2. Hometown fans throwing the HR ball back into the field of play
- this would be a cool addition (it must be dynamic; don't need to see it all the time) instead of having the camera continue to focus in on Seth Smith trotting around the bases.

3. Split screens - can't think of any examples right now, but I usually see split screens during televised playoff baseball. Examples: pitcher vs. batter, pitcher vs. baserunner on 1st.
I like your suggestions, especially number 1, the dugout celebration.
# 16 joshtree14 @ 03/03/13 09:42 AM
I noticed a lot of little things that made the game flow much better. I noticed a lot of new animations wether it be fielding, the batter preloading his swing. I noticed a couple of nice foul balls of the bat that were not in MLB 12. It looks like this is the best baseball package we have received since the beginning of video game baseball
# 17 raiderzride4free @ 03/03/13 10:24 AM
i still cant believe how bad cespedes looks in this game. SCEA should be ashamed at how bad he looks
# 18 Grnngld @ 03/03/13 11:59 AM
Originally Posted by tonadom
I don't understand the ragging about this. He'll be recreated perfectly anyway. Pettitte looked bad last year too, but someone made him perfectly, so what's the problem ?
1) Because he's been in the big leagues for a year already. We all understand that prospects making their MLB debuts can only be CAPs in the current season game. But in next year's game, the player and his actual, scanned face should be, and usually is, there. This didn't happened here.

2) Pettitte obviously has been out of the game for a while since he hasn't pitched in a couple seasons so SCEA had to remake him as a CAP. He didn't have his face and picture in last year's game like Cespedes didn't, but he'll have his face and picture in this year's game like Cespedes should but doesn't. So your analogy is inaccurate.

3) Even if you can re-edit his face, a CAP face is still nowhere close to the lifelike realism of a scanned face. I love OSFM but everyone can see that CAPs in that set look different from the actual scanned-face MLB players in the game, despite the excellent efforts of the OSFM people.

4) It's simply disrespectful. I get that the Oakland A's are a small market team that very few people care about. But they are a damn successful franchise, they are the defending AL West champs, and Cespedes is a damn fine player. People raise hell when a batting stance is off by a couple inches or uniform shade isn't to their liking. Now imagine if Robinson Cano had Ryan Howard's face or Jose Bautista was a CAP. Would people not be upset about that? If Cespedes was a New York Yankee, I'm reasonably confident that SCEA would make damn sure his actual face and picture were in the game.

I'm not going to resort to hysterical hyperbole like "OMG this is game breaking!!!" or threaten to boycott the game. But I reserve the right to express my displeasure at a clear mistake that I feel is disrespectful to my team.
# 19 thaSLAB @ 03/03/13 01:17 PM
I was fully with you up until this point...

Originally Posted by Grnngld

4) It's simply disrespectful. I get that the Oakland A's are a small market team that very few people care about. But they are a damn successful franchise, they are the defending AL West champs, and Cespedes is a damn fine player. People raise hell when a batting stance is off by a couple inches or uniform shade isn't to their liking. Now imagine if Robinson Cano had Ryan Howard's face or Jose Bautista was a CAP. Would people not be upset about that? If Cespedes was a New York Yankee, I'm reasonably confident that SCEA would make damn sure his actual face and picture were in the game.

I'm not going to resort to hysterical hyperbole like "OMG this is game breaking!!!" or threaten to boycott the game. But I reserve the right to express my displeasure at a clear mistake that I feel is disrespectful to my team.
I agree that the CAP could better represent him. However, it has nothing to do with respect, or disrespect, or what team he plays for. I can guarantee that no one at SCEA said at any point "it's only Oakland it'll be fine" or anything along those lines.

Knowing the circumstances in which Cespedes entered the league, I would assume he is not as accessible a player as others. The other players you mentioned have done media and/or been cover athletes for the game, so it would be a head scratcher if they were not as accurately portrayed.

-- Sent from the Future...
# 20 metsfan4life1 @ 03/03/13 01:29 PM
Luckily Matt Harvey looks great! I just edited him in MLB 12 last night( I think it looks great) but damn the one in the game looks FANTASTIC! So happy about that..

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