MLB 13 The Show News Post

Check out the latest MLB 13 The Show video, featuring the Baltimore Orioles vs. Cleveland Indians.

Thanks N51_rob!!

Game: MLB 13 The ShowReader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3Votes for game: 36 - View All
MLB 13 The Show Videos
Member Comments
# 41 stealyerface @ 03/02/13 02:21 PM
My guess is that the graphical differences will be easier to spot when one actually plays it on an HDTV in their family room, as opposed to a compressed video feed on a computer monitor.

I saw new animations in the first few innings of this video, and the Cubs-ChiSox game had some tweaks I could see as well.

The only thing I have noticed that is a bit odd, is that I saw a base hit in the second inning of a game that was the second game of the year, and the crowd went ballistic... There does seem to be some weird swells of the crowd noise during things that would not normally get the crowd into a lather, so we'll have to see what is up with that.

# 42 tnixen @ 03/02/13 02:23 PM
Originally Posted by N51_rob
No one is saying you can't give criticism of the game. Feel free, but we do ask that it be constructive.

Comments about wanting or waiting for PS4 are not constructive at all. And do nothing to further the conversation about making 13 a more enjoyable experience for everyone?

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
Im just kind of confused?

This is a forum for people to hang out and talk about gaming and there opinions. Why would someone saying they are getting bored of MLB The Show on PS3 be such a negative comment? It's just one mans opionion. Just like if some one gave a bad movie review when maybe most people liked it.

I just do not see anything wrong with that.

Now of course if all someone did on the OS boards was make post after post about how MLB The Show sucks all the time then yes that would certainly be negative and more then likely would be someone trying to start a flame war. Which is defenitly not something I do around here
# 43 Drew127 @ 03/02/13 02:25 PM
Originally Posted by MVP9072
Nobody is forcing you guys to buy it you know...
I guess it's a crime to have an opinion. I happen to agree with the points he made. No one said anything out of line and I thought it was well-written and raised valid points. People on this board are ridiculous.

So by your logic, I must view the game as flawless. If I don't view it as flawless I should shut up and not buy it.

That won't be happening. I will buy the game and enjoy it. But I can and will comprehend how this game can and will get better on PS4.

I think the game will be great, but the technical limitations holding it back are more than apparent at this point and while I won't let these factors stop me from getting the most of the game this year, there is nothing wrong with acknowledging these things.
# 44 tnixen @ 03/02/13 02:25 PM
Originally Posted by crains13
So which versions do you actually think look the same? The guys over in the Impressions thread must be screwing with us when they say the graphics are better.

What else would you like to see other than "new improved gameplay, new modes, and prettier presentation"?
Yes it will look better but not "Next Gen" better

Guys just forget about what I said and enjoy MLB 13 The Show as much as I know I will

No need for this back and forth nonsense. I am starting to feel like I am 10 years old again lol.
# 45 Knight165 @ 03/02/13 02:27 PM
Originally Posted by tnixen
Im just kind of confused?

This is a forum for people to hang out and talk about gaming and there opinions. Why would someone saying they are getting bored of MLB The Show on PS3 be such a negative comment? It's just one mans opionion. Just like if some one gave a bad movie review when maybe most people liked it.

I just do not see anything wrong with that.

Now of course if all someone did on the OS boards was make post after post about how MLB The Show sucks all the time then yes that would certainly be negative and more then likely would be someone trying to start a flame war. Which is defenitly not something I do around here

Nobody cares if you say you are bored with The Show.

But a lot of guys are making statements about the game...who haven't even played it...and they are in a pretty big contradiction to the actual impressions thread in which guys are saying that they do see more hit variety and while not game changing the commentary is improved...as well as the graphics.
(I'll leave my own impressions out of it.)

You don't even have to agree with them....but wouldn't it be great if you did that AFTER you've played?
That's all anyone is really saying.(or at least me)

# 46 Lovesports @ 03/02/13 02:27 PM
Personally im very much looking forward to 3/5
# 47 Drew127 @ 03/02/13 02:36 PM
Originally Posted by Knight165
Nobody cares if you say you are bored with The Show.

But a lot of guys are making statements about the game...who haven't even played it...and they are in a pretty big contradiction to the actual impressions thread in which guys are saying that they do see more hit variety and while not game changing the commentary is improved...as well as the graphics.
(I'll leave my own impressions out of it.)

You don't even have to agree with them....but wouldn't it be great if you did that AFTER you've played?
That's all anyone is really saying.(or at least me)

They are discussing what they know about the game so far which is all anyone who hasn't played it yet can do. Someone is more than entitled to speak their thoughts on what they are seeing. It's a message board.

No one would come after this guy if he said how great the game looked. "You haven't played it yet man, stop talking about how good this game is".

The gameplay I'm sure is better and will feel different. But the commentary overall, though it may have improved incrementally, does need an overhaul. I think the PS4 is the logical time for such an overhaul to happen and I'm excited for it.
# 48 tnixen @ 03/02/13 02:41 PM
Originally Posted by Knight165
Nobody cares if you say you are bored with The Show.

But a lot of guys are making statements about the game...who haven't even played it...and they are in a pretty big contradiction to the actual impressions thread in which guys are saying that they do see more hit variety and while not game changing the commentary is improved...as well as the graphics.
(I'll leave my own impressions out of it.)

You don't even have to agree with them....but wouldn't it be great if you did that AFTER you've played?
That's all anyone is really saying.(or at least me)

Knight I am not bored with the show I play it all the time.

I am just ready for next gen baseball after 7 years and that's what will really get me excited "again".

Also some people here may actually want to know why I am bored with the game you never know
# 49 tnixen @ 03/02/13 02:42 PM
Originally Posted by Drew127
They are discussing what they know about the game so far which is all anyone who hasn't played it yet can do. Someone is more than entitled to speak their thoughts on what they are seeing. It's a message board.

No one would come after this guy if he said how great the game looked. "You haven't played it yet man, stop talking about how good this game is".
This is so true
# 50 Knight165 @ 03/02/13 02:44 PM
Originally Posted by Drew127
They are discussing what they know about the game so far which is all anyone who hasn't played it yet can do. Someone is more than entitled to speak their thoughts on what they are seeing. It's a message board.

No one would come after this guy if he said how great the game looked. "You haven't played it yet man, stop talking about how good this game is".
I love this argument.
So anyone that says anything in response....shouldn't, right?

Nobody is telling him to "shut up".
I'm just saying reserve your opinions on gameplay until you've played.
What don't you get about that?

But...have at it....

# 51 PVarck31 @ 03/02/13 02:45 PM
I get why people feel the way they do, I really do. We all know what the law of diminishing returns is. The gen has been so long and devs can only stretch yearly releases so far.

We all have our little things that bother us. Most of my issues are presentation wise. Progressive Field is still not very accurate, no Tito (yet), and the commentary needs a complete overhaul. But its hard to argue with the gameplay. Its great. But the law of diminishing returns and the hardware once again say that there won't be huge leaps. As consumers we should know what we are getting because of this.

From what I have seen so far the game looks great. I love the new swing animations. Ball physics look good. And maybe its just me, but it looks like the players uniforms move a little more.

Now, I do understand why people aren't happy with the game anymore. Your opinions are encouraged and valued. Its just that there is that fine line between being disruptive about it, and being constructive about it.

And lets not kid ourselves. We all are stoked for the PS4 version next year. But this is not the thread to discus that in any form, so lets drop that.
# 52 tnixen @ 03/02/13 02:50 PM
Originally Posted by Knight165
I love this argument.
So anyone that says anything in response....shouldn't, right?

Nobody is telling him to "shut up".
I'm just saying reserve your opinions on gameplay until you've played.
What don't you get about that?

But...have at it....

O I agree with you on not commenting on the gameplay until ive actually played it. But all my comments in this thread were about the graphics not the gameplay which is awesome by the way
# 53 Drew127 @ 03/02/13 02:54 PM
Originally Posted by Knight165
I love this argument.
So anyone that says anything in response....shouldn't, right?

Nobody is telling him to "shut up".
I'm just saying reserve your opinions on gameplay until you've played.
What don't you get about that?

But...have at it....

Well I would argue that especially in the week leading up to release lots of guys anxious to get the game in hand are on here devouring all the content being made available since it helps tide us over until we can actually play.

If you acknowledge this you should also be able to acknowledge that 1) people will form opinions based on what they see and 2) they will discuss it since this is a...wait for it...discussion board about the game.

What's the point of watching and absorbing the content if you can't express an opinion on what you are watching? I think open discussion should be welcome as long as it is constructive which in this case it was. However the pattern around here is that any opinion of the game that isn't 100 positive is vocally disregarded as much as possible using arguments like the one being used in this case. There is a definite bias in here and it is frustrating.
# 54 MVP9072 @ 03/02/13 02:59 PM
Originally Posted by Drew127
I guess it's a crime to have an opinion. I happen to agree with the points he made. No one said anything out of line and I thought it was well-written and raised valid points. People on this board are ridiculous.

So by your logic, I must view the game as flawless. If I don't view it as flawless I should shut up and not buy it.

That won't be happening. I will buy the game and enjoy it. But I can and will comprehend how this game can and will get better on PS4.

I think the game will be great, but the technical limitations holding it back are more than apparent at this point and while I won't let these factors stop me from getting the most of the game this year, there is nothing wrong with acknowledging these things.
Both of you are complaining that the game hasn't made improvements and that you're bored with it waiting till the next system drops next year

I've seen you bashing the game that hasn't even game came out yet on every thread
# 55 Drew127 @ 03/02/13 03:12 PM
Originally Posted by MVP9072
Both of you are complaining that the game hasn't made improvements and that you're bored with it waiting till the next system drops next year

I've seen you bashing the game that hasn't even game came out yet on every thread
Bashing is a term used loosely here, as in if it isn't praise and worship it's bashing. I love the game. Buy it every year. Enjoy it every year. But I can and will talk about things that can be improved, for some reason it gets construed as being completely negative and hating on the game. That isn't the tone I'm going for at all. I love the Orioles but also talk freely about what they can do to improve...doesn't mean I love them any less.

I am also not claiming the game has made no improvements. I never thought that let alone said it. But thanks for putting words in my mouth.
# 56 Doormat @ 03/02/13 03:13 PM
Love the video but why do I get a feeling there's less commentary than the last games?
# 57 econoodle @ 03/02/13 10:17 PM
Sorry guys but someone doesn't have to spend 65 dollars just to have an opinion about this game. 12 videos willl suffice. Especially people like me and tnixen who have bought every single Show ever. We can see changes even in a grainy youtube vid.
Why doesn't everybody go and tell the people saying how great the videos are so far, to 'wait until you play it first'? Why would you say that though?
Stop telling them to buy it first.
This is why a demo is needed.

Don't really want to derail this thread any further, but my god..
Every year, nobody can say anything bad about this damn game.
It utterly ridiculous.

Do people really need to get on tnixen? I see this guy on here, very enthusiastically putting forth his hopes for this game, even to the point of excess.
The man love the game and wants it to be the best, but he sees things in the vids, as me and other do, that we aren't happy with.
Sorry that those comments put uric acids in your cheerios.
And sorry for going a bit out of the baseline guys.
# 58 N51_rob @ 03/02/13 10:42 PM
Originally Posted by econoodle
Sorry guys but someone doesn't have to spend 65 dollars just to have an opinion about this game. 12 videos willl suffice. Especially people like me and tnixen who have bought every single Show ever. We can see changes even in a grainy youtube vid.
Grainy, you sir insult me.
# 59 econoodle @ 03/02/13 10:49 PM
Originally Posted by N51_rob
Grainy, you sir insult me.
hahaha. I didn't mean THIS one per say. Just saying in general seeing a grainy one, as many youtube one can be sometimes. Especially when i have to view a lot of them on 240SD on my powerbook g4 din-o-saur.

And again sorry to slide this thing off the track without a comment on the video itself.
# 60 vegasmike @ 03/02/13 11:24 PM
Originally Posted by Knight165
I have this crazy idea.

Instead of trying to post "constructive criticism off of a few innings of a game watched....why don't you reserve that for after you've played a bit?

Because the guys who have played the game and are leaving impressions in the ...wait for it....impressions thread...seem to have a different view of what you guys are perceiving(right now....) of off watching SOME gameplay.

Just a thought.

(this is just MY constructive thoughts on this )

I wonder if some of the guys who went to CD got a quick glimpse of the game for PS4?

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