I doubt it, I don't think they ever patched anything uniform related before.
Well that's because of the damn Style Guide issue. According to the Braves..they had never decided on the screaming Indian hat. So if the braves updated the Style Guide they may have to patch the new cap in.
I like the screaming Indian, and I'm a Native American. People just get so sensitive.
My grandfather was full blooded Native American making me 1/4. I remember my Dad asking him if he was offended by the Braves and Redskins logos/names. He said he didn't care so that was always good enough for me. A lot of time the people who are complaining aren't even Native American.
Please keep it on topic. We cannot start talking about the Native American issues as it falls into politics and race which are both non discussions here on OS.
The Yankees should have two caps. Home hat has a white bill. road has a gray bill.
Yea I noticed a few hats missing. Not sure if he included all the hats in the screenshots or they just didn't make the game..but I doubt they left them out.
Also, they don't have the Padres hat right. It should be a white back with a blue front panel.