Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed News Post

The kart racing genre, popularized by Nintendo's Super Mario Kart in 1992, has slowed down significantly during its teenage years, seeing fewer releases and even fewer innovations to the original formula of power sliding, shooting items and wacky mascot races.

Sega's Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed, a direct sequel to 2010's Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing, isn't here to reinvent the genre or launch any major innovations. The game's main marketable feature, transforming between boats, planes, and go-karts during a single race, isn't necessarily an innovation so much as it is an extension of the multi-vehicle concept introduced in 1997's Diddy Kong Racing.

The excitement that comes from playing Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed isn't linked to anything new it does, but instead, from everything old it has wonderfully re-imagined.

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Game: Sonic & All-Stars Racing TransformedReader Score: Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 0 - View All
Member Comments
# 1 liberaluser @ 02/20/13 11:25 PM
A few mistakes in this review. The game is locked at a smooth 30 fps not at all 60 fps. And the pic that introduces the review has a Team Fortress character that isn't even in the console versions but is exclusive to the PC.

More importantly, I have no idea what you mean by the boat and plane controls being "frustrating" when they actually have superb handling and the plane in particular is really easy to use and great for catching up when your behind. The boat requires you to oversteer a bit to make turns on choppy water but compared to the learning curve of games like Hydro Thunder, it's still a breeze.
# 2 fearwhatnow @ 02/21/13 07:26 AM
Originally Posted by liberaluser
A few mistakes in this review. The game is locked at a smooth 30 fps not at all 60 fps. And the pic that introduces the review has a Team Fortress character that isn't even in the console versions but is exclusive to the PC.

More importantly, I have no idea what you mean by the boat and plane controls being "frustrating" when they actually have superb handling and the plane in particular is really easy to use and great for catching up when your behind. The boat requires you to oversteer a bit to make turns on choppy water but compared to the learning curve of games like Hydro Thunder, it's still a breeze.
Maybe Chris played the pc version? It also is PS3/X360/PC. Needs to be fixed.
# 3 jyoung @ 02/22/13 12:08 AM
Yes, the version being reviewed here is the PC version, which is why the screenshots in the review have the Team Fortress and Football Manager riders in them.

The PC port runs at a steady 60 frames per second in 1080p resolution.

The console games all peak at 30 frames per second, though they will drop down to 20-25 FPS on certain maps. The PS3 also outputs 720p resolution, while the Wii U and Xbox 360 are slighter lower resolution.

I am not sure why it says "Xbox 360" at the top of the review, but rest assured, the PC version is the one that is actually being reviewed. I am trying to get the header at the top of the review corrected.
# 4 fearwhatnow @ 02/22/13 04:00 AM
"Controlling your vehicle is easy as long as you have a game controller plugged into your PC."

Yes, it's pc version and it's Jayson that reviewed it and not Chris. My mistake there.
As Jayson stated above the pc version is superior in all aspects. What's strange is that the medium difficulty is even harder on pc.I have both pc/ps3 versions and while I can easily cruise in first 3 places on ps3, the AI on pc is more aware of the enviroment and uses power-ups more wisely. Strange indeed.
# 5 brandon27 @ 02/22/13 08:45 AM
I actually enjoy this game. I picked up the original from 2010 back about a year or so ago when it was like 10 bucks. Really enjoyed it. So I picked up a used copy of this a few weeks back and have been playing it. My fiance plays it as well, which is fun at times because its tough to get her to play anything. I've played it with a few of my buddies too when taking a break from halo or madden, and we've had a riot. While it may not be the greatest looking, or greatest game ever made, you can have a heck of alot of fun with it!
# 6 rudyjuly2 @ 02/22/13 11:48 AM
My one big complaint is the horrible audio static bug when playing with 3 or more players. On the Wii U it is great as only two share the TV and one races on the game pad but you have to turn the sound effects off due to how bad it is.
# 7 jyoung @ 02/23/13 01:04 PM
Originally Posted by brandon27
I actually enjoy this game. I picked up the original from 2010 back about a year or so ago when it was like 10 bucks. Really enjoyed it. So I picked up a used copy of this a few weeks back and have been playing it. My fiance plays it as well, which is fun at times because its tough to get her to play anything. I've played it with a few of my buddies too when taking a break from halo or madden, and we've had a riot. While it may not be the greatest looking, or greatest game ever made, you can have a heck of alot of fun with it!
Yes sir, multiplayer is definitely the highlight of this game.

The 4-player local co-op is my favorite part, as so many racing games this generation have just completely left splitscreen out. Plus Sega has made it where you can take your splitscreen buddies with you into every single mode in the game, including online!

The simplified control scheme also makes it easy for non-gamers and racing newcomers to pick up the controller and have a lot of fun.
# 8 jyoung @ 03/01/13 11:33 PM
PC version is on sale for $15 this weekend through Eurogamer's digitial download store:


Awesome price and it activates on STEAM.
# 9 jyoung @ 03/10/13 05:08 PM
Funny AI moment where Football Manager makes roadkill out of Sonic:

I picked up the Metal Sonic + Outrun Bay DLC this weekend and both are great additions to the game. I hope SEGA does some more character and course DLC in the future. SEGA really went all out with this game. It is probably their best release this generation.
# 10 Stormyhog @ 07/05/14 04:17 PM
I know I am late to the party but I picked this up today for the PS3 and have really enjoyed it. Was in the mood for a fun kart game. Wasn't a fan of the little big planet kart racing as it felt empty and just wasn't fun to me. The dlc content code that comes with new copies still works even though the expirey date has went by. Overall a really fun kart racer with lot's to do plus love the track design, look and feel of the game.

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