MLB 2K13 News Post

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We've also captured some MLB 2K13 screenshots from the video right here.

Still no word on any new features for MLB 2K13 and there isn't much time left, since the game releases on March 5th, almost 2 1/2 weeks away.

Major League Baseball 2K13 screenshot gallery - Click to view Major League Baseball 2K13 screenshot gallery - Click to view
Game: Major League Baseball 2K13Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 14 - View All
Major League Baseball 2K13 Videos
Member Comments
# 1 JustinVerlander35 @ 02/15/13 05:29 PM
Looks awful
# 2 woz411 @ 02/15/13 05:31 PM

YET AGAIN, How the **** is there no one in the green monster stands??!?!?!?!? that is UNACCEPTABLE
# 3 woz411 @ 02/15/13 05:40 PM
also looks like a last gen game by the pics
# 4 Money99 @ 02/15/13 05:41 PM
This game is 16 days away from release and this is what we get for an update?
This video is hardly different from the one they released a week ago.

Come on 2K. I love 2K12 and I'm buying 2K13, but your marketing is complete crap.
# 5 GrandMaster B @ 02/15/13 05:51 PM
Because they think you will spend $60 for it because it's your only option on the 360. No sale for me.
# 6 nbman @ 02/15/13 06:03 PM
Take Two is releasing 2k13 because they beleive they'll make a profit this year with a favorable one yr licence agreement and minimal devolopment costs?!?
# 7 LC26 @ 02/15/13 06:30 PM
the best baseball video game in the world (sarcasm)
# 8 Lovesports @ 02/15/13 06:48 PM
Looks like ps1
# 9 dansaint @ 02/15/13 07:18 PM
since they won't have the license for next year...it's just a fresh coat of paint. That's it. Nothing new.

I'll still get it because it's the only option for me...but I can't wait to see who gets the license next year and what they'll do with it.

Take Two has said this game is a money drain for them...so they are just fulfilling their contract for this year.
# 10 snaz16 @ 02/15/13 07:19 PM
Originally Posted by woz411

YET AGAIN, How the **** is there no one in the green monster stands??!?!?!?!? that is UNACCEPTABLE
not to mention those new modern light poles
# 11 woz411 @ 02/15/13 07:25 PM
Originally Posted by snaz16
not to mention those new modern light poles
those too....
# 12 Galvatron @ 02/15/13 07:26 PM
Ugh! I mean, for the sake of competition I'm glad they're releasing a game this year, especially if it leads to them developing for the next-gen, and I probably will pick up a copy. But those visuals are just embarrassing!

I remember sticking with 2k7 when the Show was delayed for PS3 because it played well and the visuals were awesome, even with the lower frame rate. Geez, six years later and this is what they're left with? And yes I know the engine was downgraded, but c'mon.
# 13 earp4530 @ 02/15/13 09:05 PM
2K has the same chance as me buying their AWFUL baseball game, as I would ever select a guy to throw a perfect game, that isn't even the best pitcher on his own team.
# 14 Blzer @ 02/15/13 09:25 PM
What I don't get is why NBA 2K13 gets a pass for its visuals and MLB 2K13 does not. It looks like the same art team. It might come off as different when you're in an arena, with different camera angles, and possibly superior animations, etc... but I think both games pretty much have the same look in terms of player models and textures.
# 15 kennyacid @ 02/15/13 09:35 PM
Nba 2k13 gets a pass from me because of its gameplay and animations, two things in which mlb 2k doesn't do well at to me. If your gonna move like a robot at lease look great doing it.
# 16 Blzer @ 02/15/13 09:37 PM
Originally Posted by kennyacid
Nba 2k13 gets a pass from me because of its gameplay and animations, two things in which mlb 2k doesn't do well at to me. If your gonna move like a robot at lease look great doing it.
I guess I was referring to screencaps, but no I understand. I mean I think NBA 2K13 is a more stellar game and encapsulates the NBA better than MLB 2K13 encapsulates the MLB, but I think if you look at screenshots from both games, you couldn't honestly say that the artists weren't from the same group, if that makes sense.
# 17 El_MaYiMbE @ 02/15/13 10:53 PM
Wow....this looks like PS2 compared to MLB The Show.....I came to see if there has been any improvement since I last played the MLB 2K7.

I actually think it got worst....I do not know how its possible.
NBA 2K13 is amazing and NFL 2K series was awesome in its time. This makes no sense.
# 18 cmidd @ 02/15/13 11:00 PM
Stop with the million dollar challenge crap, admit that this is worth $30 because it will be a roster update, release it with that price tag, change your release date for 2k14 to august because 2k13 will require three months to patch, leaving you about 6 months to work on 14. If there have been big improvements to franchise mode or my player I will be fine paying $60 but I find it hard to believe it was possible for 2k to have made those necessary improvements
# 19 Behindshadows @ 02/15/13 11:34 PM
I'm a 2k fan and visually it looks worse than 2k12...How is it the graphics have continued to decline.....not understanding that.
# 20 dubcity @ 02/16/13 12:05 AM
Well, damn. I knew going in that I shouldn't have expected much, but MY GOD those visuals are disappointing. And then I click over to the video of The Show where they've added post-game interviews and even more realistic elements of pre/post-game atmosphere. They are on just a completely different level. Sucks for me for being an xbox owner who loves baseball, I guess.

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