Tiger 14 News Post

According to IGN and Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 14 director Mike DeVault, a more traditional DLC will be offered this year, replacing the Course Mastery system some users complained about last year.

A bitter criticism leveled at last year’s Tiger Woods PGA Tour 13 was its disgraceful use of gougy content-walls poorly disguised as free-DLC upgrades. Players were required to grind in order to access courses...or take the option of paying EA for this content.

This year, the new Tiger Woods game will return to a saner system of DLC, offering players the simple option to buy extra courses, or not.

Speaking at an EA-organized event at the Pebble Beach golf resort yesterday, franchise director Mike DeVault told IGN, “We’ve taken that [Course Mastery] system out and are using a more traditional DLC approach.” He said the game would come with 20 courses as standard - up from 16 last year - with extra courses available to buy.

Game: Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 14Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 13 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 kickingguru @ 02/06/13 05:27 PM
Mixed feelings on this one.... not sure why allowing people to earn the DLC vs purchasing it was all that bad... Now... I have to buy it or not have it at all.... Explain to me why that is better again?
# 2 Retropyro @ 02/06/13 05:57 PM
Originally Posted by kickingguru
Mixed feelings on this one.... not sure why allowing people to earn the DLC vs purchasing it was all that bad... Now... I have to buy it or not have it at all.... Explain to me why that is better again?
I agree, I never saw the problem.
# 3 cdawg44 @ 02/06/13 05:58 PM
This ready makes me upset. You had an option last year if you didn't want to have to pay for the courses. It was a grind, but it was doable if you played long enough. There was a course or two that I wanted as soon as I got the game, so I bought them. The rest I earned from gameplay. Just an overreaction from the Tiger Crew IMHO. I don't get what hurts everyone else buy letting some of us play to unlock courses.
# 4 OnlookerDelay @ 02/06/13 06:10 PM
This is a complaint that was lost on me as well, Guru :? You have a choice, grind it out and earn them, or pay for them - how can it be broken down any simpler than that!?
# 5 kickingguru @ 02/06/13 08:09 PM
What seems even worse is that the article was leaning toward EA being benevolent in taking it away.... Like they were the good guys on it... From my standpoint... they took it out because they made more money in 12 when it was pay or no play. Why does the sky not look blue to some people?
# 6 kickingguru @ 02/06/13 08:17 PM
"A bitter criticism leveled at last year’s Tiger Woods PGA Tour 13 was its disgraceful use of gougy content-walls poorly disguised as free-DLC upgrades. Players were required to grind in order to access courses...or take the option of paying EA for this content.

This year, the new Tiger Woods game will return to a saner system of DLC, offering players the simple option to buy extra courses, or not."

"SANER?" What freaking planet is this guy on? He over used words to try to sound "edumacated" and in essence his point makes zero sense...
# 7 lnin0 @ 02/06/13 08:34 PM
So now we just get gougy content-walls....no disguise
# 8 OnlookerDelay @ 02/06/13 08:36 PM
You're right Guru, this article has a bit of a stench to it! It's like it's designed to make those who are now having to pay cash to get DLC courses are being done a favor? Again, I'm not one to haggle over the cost of a bundled download pack, but I also recognize that I'm not really typical of the average gamer when it comes to this game.
# 9 cj24 @ 02/06/13 10:08 PM
well this blows
# 10 jbd345 @ 02/06/13 10:29 PM
I think I remember people being upset that after you completed the course mastery on the 360, you still had to pay full retail price for the course. On the ps3 however you could keep the course for free if you completed the mastery. Due to the 360's own currency system.
# 11 ParquetPosse @ 02/06/13 11:17 PM
How about for $60 you let me play all the courses EA, instead of releasing half a game??? I mean really, you are essentially charging gamers $120 for a game that should be $60! We would all be up in arms if Madden released a game with only half the NFL stadiums and told us to pay another $60 for the other half. How is this not the same concept?

Look, I tell myself every year that I won't buy TW next year because I feel ripped off but somehow I get caught up and the new "features" look cool and I pull out my wallet. But I get no loyalty points or reward for being a loyal customer, I get screwed over. I bought all your courses the last 3 years in a row but I have to buy them all over again and spend $120 on this game. That doesn't seem right. We need to stop falling for it. At the very least buy the game next year used in the bargain bin at GameStop. The technology is there, EA could recognize I bought previous DLC. They can't cut me a break on future games or DLC I already paid for? This news doesn't help anyone but EA themselves. Greed. Pure and simple.
# 12 ParquetPosse @ 02/06/13 11:28 PM
Please, can anyone here tell me how this game is worth $120? When you break it all down and buy all the DLC that's what you are spending (at the very least unless you pick the game itself up on sale.) If, and that's a BIG IF, this game only released every few years I could maybe justify spending that much. But you are talking about a mediocre golf game that doesn't have much competition, (Madden anyone) a game that releases once a year with minor upgrades and useless new features. I can remember playing TW 04 and I actually seemed to enjoy that game more than the current Tiger Woods. How can that be? A 9 year old game that was on the original XBOX? Sure, there are a few new things they've added over the years but EA also took away some cool stuff and some features such as gameface actually got worse throughout the years. In 9 years this game hasn't progressed much and if you don't believe me pop in TW 04 or just play NBA 2K4 and see how much that game has evolved over 9 years. I get that golf doesn't have nearly as big of a following as the NBA but still. This game is double the price of NBA2k13 and for the most part you get a complete game for $60 unlike TW. I know, I'm at fault for buying this. I think this year I'm sitting this one out.
# 13 scottmac @ 02/07/13 04:42 AM
Originally Posted by kickingguru
What seems even worse is that the article was leaning toward EA being benevolent in taking it away.... Like they were the good guys on it... From my standpoint... they took it out because they made more money in 12 when it was pay or no play. Why does the sky not look blue to some people?
100% that's the reason why they changed it this year. I hope anyone isn't silly enough to believe what EA say regarding this.

As others have stated you should not have to buy courses over and over again each year.
# 14 DivotMaker @ 02/07/13 07:42 AM
Originally Posted by scottmac
As others have stated you should not have to buy courses over and over again each year.
Then EA should just stop providing DLC courses. You have to re-purchase courses for several reasons.

1) Most versions come with updates to the existing courses to ensure accuracy of the course per the licensing agreement with each course. Most courses from a previous version would not work properly and/or have graphical issues that could violate the terms of licensing between EA and each course.

2) Each time a licensed course is used in the game, there is a COST per course that is downloaded or used on the CD. Licensing is a major cost for EA for TW because NOTHING comes with the PGA TOUR license other than the branding and the players names for leaderboard purposes.

3) DLC courses are also used because the 360 does not have enough disc space for 44 courses. It barely has enough for 25 due to the update MS pushed out last year up****** the amount of disc space available on the 360 DVD. The PS3 does have the disc space, but they will not give one platform a distinct advantage over another one. A second 360 DVD is not going to happen at this stage of the game since new consoles are possibly being released late this year. And the cost of the added DVD is still there as well as the cost of including the DLC courses on that disc, so it is about a wash in cost to the user.

Lastly, they are including 20 courses on the Standard Edition and 25 on the Historic which is FAR MORE than any Golf game has released on its disc in history. They give users the OPTION of paying roughly $2.50 per course for additional licensed courses. You get updated courses that work properly with the updates to the game engines each year. Giving users the option to bring courses from previous TW games presents technical and legal concerns due to licensing that no one wants to have to deal with. To me, I have the option to buy courses or not. I bought every DLC course (excluding fantasy courses) every year since they came out and IMO, they are a better value every year as the cost of them continues to go downward on a per course basis. Am I happy that EA has taken away the option to earn these courses? Of course not. But they did get reamed by a number of very misinformed game reviewers and it is a damn shame that we, the users of the product are impacted by their misinformation and EA's subsequent decision to remove this feature. I fully understand anyone who is disappointed in this and critical of this. But I do not buy the argument that you should not have to buy courses in subsequent versions for the reasons stated above........
# 15 Flightwhite24 @ 02/07/13 08:22 AM
Gonna buy the courses like I do every year and keep it moving. No doubt I get my $$ worth out of this game.

To each his/her own in regards to DLC

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
# 16 kickingguru @ 02/07/13 09:24 AM
Agreed Flight... I get every penny out of what I spend on Tiger games.....
# 17 kickingguru @ 02/07/13 09:35 AM
Originally Posted by jbd345
I think I remember people being upset that after you completed the course mastery on the 360, you still had to pay full retail price for the course. On the ps3 however you could keep the course for free if you completed the mastery. Due to the 360's own currency system.
This was not accurate...... Once you mastered a course, it was yours on xbox as well..... Here was the difference in the economies of PS3 and xbox...

PS3.... You had to purchase coins first before you did anything else. The coins could then buy the course or rent the rounds for mastery... I think 180,000 coins got you the DLC Pack of 11 courses.... Everything went through the coins.

Xbox.... Coins could only rent rounds for mastery.. You had to use MS points to buy the courses outright. Xbox forced that issue on EA...

The rest was exactly the same on both consoles....

In this the only reasons to be upset with the "choice" to earn vs purchase was....

1. Freeze issues would waste rounds rented, therefore wasting earned coins and time.

2. The Pins earned and advantages the pins gave to people who spent the money. When I say pins, I mean both the hole/course pins as well as the boost pins. Those who did not want to use them, felt they were sort of forced upon them to compete....

3. The whole debacle over the EA Golden Ticket... People's anger over that one was pretty much justified in my mind....

These were not brought up however in that rediculous IGN article... The article actually tried to convince people that having the "Choice" was bad and only purchase was good....
# 18 brandon27 @ 02/07/13 09:35 AM
Strange that they would take out the option to let you play for it, rather than pay for it. However, i guess that's taking money out of their pockets.

As for the DLC, I've got to say, I agree with ParquetPosse... I've bought TW11, 12, and 13, and all the DLC courses that came with it. However, year after year, I can't keep justifying it. Not enough changes, especially with the courses. They're the exact same every year, just DLC for a different "model year" of the game. It's almost criminal that I've got to pay full price, year after year. I buy the DLC courses, because I enjoy the variety of courses to play on, however it adds up quickly, especially year after year. I think they should give some kind of discount to those who have previously bought it in the past.

If they can see my profile from last years game, and give me XP for my golfer as a "reward" for playing in previous versions of the game, why not recognize my DLC, and give me a deal. Even if they gave it to me at a discounted price, they're still making money hand over fist on it. Especially by taking away the option to play for it this year.
# 19 Lieutenant Dan @ 02/07/13 10:49 AM
Originally Posted by FLIGHTWHITE
Gonna buy the courses like I do every year and keep it moving. No doubt I get my $$ worth out of this game.

To each his/her own in regards to DLC
Originally Posted by kickingguru
Agreed Flight... I get every penny out of what I spend on Tiger games.....
Yeah, I buy the DLC courses every year, and will again this year. I VERY easily get my money's worth out of the title and DLC.

However I am surprised they went the other way on this. Divot, I read your post and understand that some reviews ripped on them for this last year, but based on user feedback for 13 on OS, seemed ALMOST unanimous that guys liked having the option to grind or buy.

Per Divot, I also understand the DLC stuff costs EA to produce, so perhaps enough people did the grinding thing to earn the courses last year that it had a negative impact financially at EA. I think this might be the bigger issue than what some critics said.

I might be wrong and I respect Divot very much and always appreciate his great feedback here and inside scoops...just reading between the lines.
# 20 Panicshade @ 02/07/13 11:25 AM
I think that a lot of the "complaints" about the way the DLC was handled last year were about the fact that I believe PS3 users could flat-out buy the courses with coins they earned while 360 users didn't have that option. That wasn't an EA issue but a MS one but a lot of people just want to bash EA because it's easy to do. I'm not saying EA is always innocent in the situations that happen but I just wish at times that people would take a step back and understand that there are a lot more things going on behind the scenes that are out of EA's (and every other company for that matter) control. If I am wrong on that I am sure I will get corrected.

Just on the surface with no DLC issues involved I liked the course mastery part of the game so I am a little bummed to see it removed but it's not a deal breaker.

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