MLB 13 The Show News Post

MLB 13 The Show features seven more minor league ballparks. In the latest Developer blog, The Show Nation details three of them. Environment Artists Kevin Weinstein, Franz Borowitz and Sito Francisco each talk about what inspired their creations.

Bayfront Park - Field Dimensions: Right & Left Field Lines 330ft, Right & Left Center Field 390ft, Center Field 403ft

The background idea for Bayfront Park comes from viewing the Santa Monica Pier, which features a Ferris Wheel displaying a fantastic light show as it rotates around. Kevin decided to incorporate the west coast look of the Santa Monica Pier, blended with a Coney Island style for the unique background you see beyond the right field wall.

Crystal Falls Stadium - Field Dimensions: Left Field 345ft, Center Field 420ft, Right Center Field 365ft, Right Field 330ft

Franz initially got the inspiration to create Crystal Falls from an Art Deco stadium in Florida. The arches in the stadium reminded him of the old Spanish style Missions in California where he grew up. Franz thought the surrounding landscape of the stadium should represent the spirit of baseball when it first began, taking place in a small town setting out in the country for people to enjoy the game in a simpler time of life. You can see a train in the background that brings in people from all over the county to enjoy a day out in the sun watching their favorite hometown team.

Stateman Park - Field Dimensions: Right & Left Field Lines 336ft, Center Field 390ft

Sito initially got his idea watching a late night Home buying show. In one particular episode was a story of a couple and their search for a place to live in the city. The one thing that stuck out about this couple was their love of baseball and living close to a ballpark. While thinking about creating his minor league ballpark, Sito thought about this couple living in a downtown area of a city, featuring a stadium where they could go see a ballgame close to home.

Source - Dev Journal: 7 New Minor League Stadiums (The Show Nation)

Game: MLB 13 The ShowReader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3Votes for game: 36 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 nemesis04 @ 02/05/13 08:07 PM
I played in a few of these parks at the event and some of the outfields are huuuuuuge. Feels like you run for miles. They are nice parks enjoyed using them.
# 2 basketballer0385 @ 02/05/13 08:08 PM
Love the idea of the new minor league stadiums gonna make making the show better with more variations of stadiums love the insights that the creators came up with their very own fields of dreams thanks for sharing and thanks for the insight if at all possible can I get the last name Viselli in the game pronounced va-sell-e if not this year next year I would greatly appreciate it
# 3 bcruise @ 02/05/13 08:08 PM
Always nice to have some more variety in the RTTS experience. Looking forward to seeing them!
# 4 metsfan4life1 @ 02/05/13 08:08 PM
Originally Posted by HustlinOwl
Hello everyone. I’m Jody Kelsey, Sr. Producer for MLB 13 The Show, and here’s a quick look at some of our new Minor League Ballparks in MLB 13 The Show.

Past MLB The Show releases have featured a variety of Minor League ballparks, and this year MLB 13 The Show will introduce an additional 7 for users to enjoy. Today I’m going to give you a sneak peek and 3 of them, with insight from the Environment Artist himself on what inspired the idea behind the stadium.

First up, here’s a shot of Bayfront Park. Environment Artist: Kevin Weinstein

Field Dimensions: Right & Left Field Lines 330ft, Right & Left Center Field 390ft, Center Field 403ft

The background idea for Bayfront Park comes from viewing the Santa Monica Pier, which features a Ferris Wheel displaying a fantastic light show as it rotates around. Kevin decided to incorporate the west coast look of the Santa Monica Pier, blended with a Coney Island style for the unique background you see beyond the right field wall.

Next up is Crystal Falls Stadium. Environment Artist: Franz Borowitz

Field Dimensions: Left Field 345ft, Center Field 420ft, Right Center Field 365ft, Right Field 330ft

Franz initially got the inspiration to create Crystal Falls from an Art Deco stadium in Florida. The arches in the stadium reminded him of the old Spanish style Missions in California where he grew up. Franz thought the surrounding landscape of the stadium should represent the spirit of baseball when it first began, taking place in a small town setting out in the country for people to enjoy the game in a simpler time of life. You can see a train in the background that brings in people from all over the county to enjoy a day out in the sun watching their favorite hometown team.

And last on our sneak peek is Stateman Park. Environment Artist: Sito Francisco

Field Dimensions: Right & Left Field Lines 336ft, Center Field 390ft

Sito initially got his idea watching a late night Home buying show. In one particular episode was a story of a couple and their search for a place to live in the city. The one thing that stuck out about this couple was their love of baseball and living close to a ballpark. While thinking about creating his minor league ballpark, Sito thought about this couple living in a downtown area of a city, featuring a stadium where they could go see a ballgame close to home.

That finishes off our sneak peak into some of the New Minor League ballparks coming to you this year in MLB 13 The Show. Spring training is only a few weeks away and Baseball is Back!
Nice! Next Dev Journal: game play videos;P
Seriously though, I am thrilled for this game.
# 5 MLB Bob @ 02/05/13 08:11 PM
Looking good, like the amusement park back ground
# 6 HustlinOwl @ 02/05/13 08:11 PM
wish they would have showed all 7 new stadiums?
# 7 metsfan4life1 @ 02/05/13 08:12 PM
Originally Posted by HustlinOwl
wish they would have showed all 7 new stadiums?
I'll take videos or the rest if them;P that'd be way better! Lol
# 8 SilverBullet1929 @ 02/05/13 08:34 PM
Beautiful and its great to read the artists' inspirations for it all...

Just a note, I live in Miami Florida and there is an actual park down here called Bayfront Park, though its not a baseball field. Thought that was kinda cool.
# 9 MrOldboy @ 02/05/13 08:41 PM
Originally Posted by nemesis04
I played in a few of these parks at the event and some of the outfields are huuuuuuge. Feels like you run for miles. They are nice parks enjoyed using them.
Nice, time to make a speedy DD team. I usually host nearly every game I play in DD so more choices for big parks is nice. Cuts down on the players who just max out their players power/contact, hit up on the right stick and only use power swing. I still gave up 1-2 HRs a game, but would typically win handily since a lot of people can't really hit in the game online. They rely on getting those few lucky HRs, but only end up with 3-5 hits a game.
# 10 Scott @ 02/05/13 08:59 PM
The last one reminded me of the Rangers AAA stadium, since they just put in a new HD screen in RF.
# 11 sydrogerdavid @ 02/05/13 09:06 PM
I love the light towers at Crystal Falls. They are strikingly similar to Forbes Field and the other old parks. I wish they could have been put in play.
# 12 Curahee @ 02/05/13 09:15 PM
Originally Posted by HustlinOwl

I like this one. I also like Capital Park in the DD demo.
# 13 Majingir @ 02/05/13 09:17 PM
The one with roller coaster looks cool.

Since the minor league stadiums are made up, that's cool that more and more are having unique/fantasy elements to their background.

I wonder if we'd ever be able to suggest ideas for backgrounds in minor league stadiums.

I wouldn't mind having one stadium where it's basically the stadium on an island lol(so the background is just all water)
# 14 MrChainsaw @ 02/05/13 10:19 PM
"Inspired by an art deco stadium in Florida"

Marlins Park?
# 15 Timmer015 @ 02/05/13 10:32 PM
Originally Posted by HustlinOwl

Franz initially got the inspiration to create Crystal Falls from an Art Deco stadium in Florida. The arches in the stadium reminded him of the old Spanish style Missions in California where he grew up. Franz thought the surrounding landscape of the stadium should represent the spirit of baseball when it first began, taking place in a small town setting out in the country for people to enjoy the game in a simpler time of life. You can see a train in the background that brings in people from all over the county to enjoy a day out in the sun watching their favorite hometown team!
Baseball was a game born in the city, not in the countryside as often thought.
# 16 SoxFan01605 @ 02/05/13 10:42 PM
Originally Posted by sydrogerdavid
I love the light towers at Crystal Falls. They are strikingly similar to Forbes Field. And the other old parks. I wish they could have been put in play.
Agreed. I really like Crystal Falls overall. It (and Bayfront) reminds me of some of ASB's expansion parks, only with a minor league setup. I look forward to using it (and checking out the other four as well)!
# 17 sydrogerdavid @ 02/05/13 10:53 PM
Originally Posted by SoxFan01605
Agreed. I really like Crystal Falls overall. It (and Bayfront) reminds me of some of ASB's expansion parks, only with a minor league setup. I look forward to using it (and checking out the other four as well)!
That's exactly what I thought. Acclaim Sports Park also had a roller coaster out in right field.

I don't know if you guys noticed, but Acclaim Sports Park was really just Coors Field in reverse.
# 18 Nooooovak @ 02/05/13 10:59 PM
Crystal Falls is beautiful. Always nice to see more stadiums in the game as the minor league stadiums get a tad bit repetitive.
# 19 thaSLAB @ 02/05/13 11:20 PM
Originally Posted by SoxFan01605
Agreed. I really like Crystal Falls overall. It (and Bayfront) reminds me of some of ASB's expansion parks, only with a minor league setup. I look forward to using it (and checking out the other four as well)!
Be sure to check out Iron Horse Stadium... very cool (and unique).

-- Sent from the Future...
# 20 seanjeezy @ 02/05/13 11:40 PM
Originally Posted by Demizebf3
Is it me or this year SCEA is being stingy with showing us some videos, I felt like last year there were a lot of just pure gameplay videos!!! I feel like it been awhile since that hitting blog.
Lol its been a week...

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