IGN has posted this MLB 13 The Show video, which features Ramone Russell discussing Franchise and Road to the Show changes. You can see some gameplay in the background.
The only cutscenes I personally have seen the scorebug still visible (which still is very rare at least for me) are where it shows the pitcher getting the ball back from the catcher walking back up the mound and sometimes batters at the plate and MAYBE if RARELY a certain foul ball type or whatever.
Obviously this is not a deal breaker haha, but , it should be something that just doesn't happen to "go away" on routine plays. Damn, I should have brought this up a couple months ago . Oh well, maybe next year....it would add so much more authenticity.
This would make a good option. I think though that it would need to be an option though since I'd assume some players would want it gone to get a better view of the gameplay.
I'm all for more authentic replication of broadcasts. It was mentioned before to have a delay after the batter hits the ball in broadcast view since in real broadcasts the camera doesn't cut right away as it does in the show. Little things like this would go a long way in making the broadcast feel more authentic like you said. Another thing I always wanted, but not sure if its in this year, is the MPH to be displayed when having the pitch call out off. I love the look of playing the game with the pitch callout off, but I also love seeing the MPH of the pitches. I'd love to have both like a real broadcast.
I'd assume some players would want it gone to get a better view of the gameplay.
"...is the MPH to be displayed when having the pitch call out off. I love the look of playing the game with the pitch callout off, but I also love seeing the MPH of the pitches. I'd love to have both like a real broadcast.
Yea, I agree with all that you mentioned. I saw the MPH displayed in the SF/CHI gameplay and it was a thing of beauty. I also play with pitch callout (and everything else) off though, so it would be pretty coool if it was displayed with it off somehow.
If a game was real to life it would suck. So many games have gotten such a simple concept of increasing budgets due to exceeding expectations. It doesn't need to be terribly complicated. Say you're team is the 25th ranked team in MLB and you win 81 games guess what you're budget should go up.
There still lacks a mechanism for anyone who is say a Padres fan a way to sit down and start playing games with the Padres in franchise mode and turning them into a winner. They may as well call it "sim-mode".
I would bet my membership to OS the number of people on earth who sit down and play 50% of a team's games with someone like the Padres, Astros or Indians and make it to the year 2014 is in the single digits.
Buidling up the Padres seems like a great idea until you sit down and play a game with that lineup. It sucks.
This is where baseball games fail us fans. I don't know how to fix it, but I'm sure the fellows at SCEA and 2k are much smarter than me and I wish for once they found a way to fix it.
the brewers added a new alternate uniforms.. where can I post this so it will be noticed??
I think it's very well known by now. The problem is that Milwaukee has a billion and one uniforms and it's yet to be seen if they can even add them at this point.
I'm still a little nervous at the IF placement when the yellow team turns 2 towards the end of the video. Same scene as previously shown, but the 2b is too far in for a double play situation.
I think I will start my first Road To The Show Carreer this year!
I really like the direction they're going with it. Especially soundwise. No play by play commentary all the time, field chatter etc. makes the immersion factor that much bigger!