MLB 13 The Show News Post

According to Samit Sarkar of Polygon, MLB 13 The Show for the PS Vita will be missing much of the Postseason Mode audio, due to its large file size.

One of MLB 13's major new features is Postseason Mode, which lets people play through a customizable playoff bracket. It includes numerous presentation elements that differentiate postseason games from regular-season games, including graphical overlays, different camera angles, new cutscenes and playoff-specific commentary.

All those features, especially the audio, take up a lot of storage. According to Sony San Diego community manager Ramone Russell, a PS Vita game can be no larger than 3 GB or so, whereas MLB 13 on PS3 boasts 6 GB of audio just from Postseason Mode.

"We could fill up the [cartridge] with audio alone and still have three gigs left over," Russell told Polygon. So while Postseason Mode is available in the Vita version, much of its distinctive audio had to be cut.

Game: MLB 13 The ShowReader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3Votes for game: 36 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 Flaxseed Oil @ 01/24/13 09:55 AM
i dont understand why Sony would create such a limited cartrage? I mean, they can create the proprietary 32GB memory cards, but they can't have an 8GB game?
# 2 Number2DJ @ 01/24/13 09:55 AM
Glad I'll be getting the PS3 version, I'm sure the vita version will be fine, though.
# 3 geisterhome @ 01/24/13 10:15 AM
MLB The Show 12 was 2.8 GB. There are rumors the maximum size of VITA games right now is limited to 4 GB. The biggest game available for the VITA is Blazblue and its about 3.4 GB, so I guess it can be a bit bigger than 3 GB. But yea 6 GB for Postseason audio would be too much even if you compress it a lot, as it has been done with the commentary for The Show 12.

While I probably wont play the Postseason Mode anyways (same goes for Diamond Dynasty and Online Leauges), I guess once you reach the postseason in Franchise mode it will be lacking smth when compared with the PS3. I havent played any postseason games on my VITA but can somebody who has maybe tell how big the differences differences are btwn PS3 and VITA in that aspect and how the postseason presentation is on the VITA in general?
# 4 GreenGlen @ 01/24/13 10:39 AM
I am not sure why sony limits the size of the Vita's memory card. They likely have a good reason for limiting it. Anyway, If I could every have the time when I am not traveling or on the go, I would have the PS3. I accept the limitations of the vita as what it is. I am very happy to have something that is made as close to the PS3 version as possible then not have nothing at all. I am sure the developers are getting the pieces of the overall PS3 game to make the vita version as complete and good as possible.
# 5 fsufan4423 @ 01/24/13 05:03 PM
Although this is disappointing, still a day one buy. I just hope they didn't add the easy mode to the Vita version instead of more playoff audio.
# 6 JG1986 @ 01/24/13 05:05 PM
Does all of this presentation stuff apply to Franchise mode, if the team you are playing with reaches the playoffs? That would be pretty sweet if it does.
# 7 Sco291 @ 01/24/13 05:26 PM
Originally Posted by JG1986
Does all of this presentation stuff apply to Franchise mode, if the team you are playing with reaches the playoffs? That would be pretty sweet if it does.
Yes it does
# 8 geisterhome @ 01/24/13 05:31 PM
Originally Posted by JG1986
Does all of this presentation stuff apply to Franchise mode, if the team you are playing with reaches the playoffs? That would be pretty sweet if it does.
but it doesn't apply to vita franchise mode right? that's not as sweet

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# 9 Sco291 @ 01/24/13 05:32 PM
Originally Posted by geisterhome
but it doesn't apply to vita franchise mode right? that's not as sweet

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2
I don't own a vita, win-win for me
# 10 Blzer @ 01/25/13 01:07 AM
That's alright. If my team even makes the playoffs, I'll need the PS3 version for that kind of atmosphere anyway. Vita version can have any other possible games in my franchise.
# 11 MrOldboy @ 01/25/13 04:41 AM
I hope that MLB 13 on Vita is at least as large as Blazbue is. Otherwise some people might question devs coming out talking about storage size limitations if they don't use all of it.
# 12 geisterhome @ 01/25/13 04:57 AM
I haven't played any postseason on my vita yet but to those who have how is the presentation of it? do you kind of get to feel the special atmosphere, and are commentators actually acknowledging that it's postseason? asking abt the show 12 obviously.

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# 13 blueduke @ 01/25/13 09:43 AM
Originally Posted by geisterhome
I haven't played any postseason on my vita yet but to those who have how is the presentation of it? do you kind of get to feel the special atmosphere, and are commentators actually acknowledging that it's postseason? asking abt the show 12 obviously.

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2
No special atmosphere. Same as a regular season game. Announcers do make mention it's the post season though
# 14 geisterhome @ 01/25/13 10:00 AM
Originally Posted by blueduke
No special atmosphere. Same as a regular season game. Announcers do make mention it's the post season though
Thanks for the info blueduke!

Actually I shouldnt worry about this too much. I wont play postseason mode anyways, just franchise as always and a bit RTTS. And in fact the last time I made it to the postseason/playoffs (via Franchise mode) in a videogame must have been with NHL 2002, lol.
I really want to but I just dont manage, usually im getting half of the games in and then I feel like trying smth new and start another franchise with some other team, usually one I just played against.. And the lengthy 162 schedule (which I like in real life!) doesnt help much either in that case
# 15 SamitSarkar @ 01/29/13 11:57 PM
Originally Posted by blueduke
No special atmosphere. Same as a regular season game. Announcers do make mention it's the post season though
Actually, that's not true at all — see here:

Note that according to Ramone Russell, a lot of the Postseason presentation stuff (including commentary) was actually missing in the build I played.
# 16 geisterhome @ 01/30/13 07:09 AM
Originally Posted by dingleberryfinn
I believe Blueduke was referring to Show12 on Vita, possibly.
think so too. anyways I believe it would be true for either 12 and 13.

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# 17 blueduke @ 01/30/13 11:54 AM
Originally Posted by SamitSarkar
Actually, that's not true at all — see here:

Note that according to Ramone Russell, a lot of the Postseason presentation stuff (including commentary) was actually missing in the build I played.
As others mentioned I was referring to 12

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