Operation Sports News Post

We, at Operation Sports, wish you and yours a very safe and happy Holiday season. For those of you that celebrate this day, after you've opened your presents (tonight, or in the morning), share with us what you received or what you bought for your loved ones.

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# 41 Qb @ 12/25/12 04:55 PM
A sweater vest. Yes, you read that correctly.
# 42 Beantown @ 12/25/12 05:17 PM
Originally Posted by Qb
A sweater vest. Yes, you read that correctly.
Tressel-fever right there.
# 43 yougo1000 @ 12/25/12 05:19 PM
Some xbox games and getting a ps3 tomorrow.
# 44 cubsfan203 @ 12/25/12 05:26 PM
Merry Christmas (and Happy Holidays) to you guys! I was focused on giving more than receiving this year, and my family still outdid themselves despite me not asking for anything.

Halo 4
Versace Cologne
Wireless keyboard & mouse
$50 Amazon gift card
$50 Target gift card
$25 iTunes gift card
$25 Buffalo Wild Wings gift card
12 month (+1 month) Xbox Live card
Kinect and that weird NBA game for it, will probably return though because I'd never use it

Hope you all have a great day. Snowing like crazy here in Texas on Christmas.
# 45 MillerTime89 @ 12/25/12 05:27 PM
New car
Loose change counter for in my car
A talking tire pressure gauge
OS X Mountain Lion for my Macbook Air
Apple Airport Express
PSU Nike KO Hoodie
Two Mitchell and Ness crew sweatshirts (76ers and Eagles)
Black Nike Dri-Fit high socks
Under Armour Boxerjocks
Gap polo shirt
Gap khakis
Pea coat
Two Old Navy sweaters
Couple of movies
And a new coffee mug
# 46 23 @ 12/25/12 05:30 PM
Merry Christmas OS

What did I get

Far Cry 3

Gaming computer

A new wallet

$200 cash

I'm good lol... Best of all, off from work and home with the family
# 47 jack1535 @ 12/25/12 05:30 PM
64 GB black iPhone 5 ( I asked for 32 and I was so happy when I opened iTunes and saw 64)
Orange Polo Ralph Lauren t-shirt
Blue Ralph Lauren Denim Supply shirt
NBA 2k13
Old Spice body wash body spray and deodorant pack

Great Christmas!
# 48 SPTO @ 12/25/12 05:35 PM
As per usual didn't get much but I appreciated what I got all the same:

- Trouble Man 40th anniversary double CD
- Winter gloves and hat
- a pair of Nike shoes
- Two long sleeve shirts
- Jake and the Fatman Season One
- $120 bucks
# 49 sydrogerdavid @ 12/25/12 06:04 PM
A black on black Squier Vintage Modified 70s Stratocaster
A $10 Sonic giftcard
A pair of over the ear Koss headphones
A dual package of HPDH 1 & 2, even though we already had Part 1.
I guess you could put textbooks along with this.
I guess you could also put Ram and Rubber Soul on vinyl on here too, but I got that weeks earlier. It really has no connection to Christmas.

Hopefully I get Pet Sounds on vinyl for my birthday.
# 50 h4mbon3s @ 12/25/12 06:15 PM
far cry 3, uncharted 1&2, FIFA 13 and a new ps3 controller.. a Pulsar watch... some clothes, and a chris long jersey. $15 itunes card
# 51 Cusefan @ 12/25/12 06:28 PM
My mom payed for the CPU and air cooler when I built this, got some nice shirts, $75 in gift cards to subway, 50 to the movies and 50 to iTunes.
# 52 TCM @ 12/25/12 07:22 PM
A new car

1995 Toyota 4Runner
Gym Membership
Clothes I will definitely return.
# 53 GAMEC0CK2002 @ 12/25/12 07:57 PM
Originally Posted by TCM
A new car

1995 Toyota 4Runner
Gym Membership
Clothes I will definitely return.
# 54 ChaseB @ 12/25/12 08:19 PM
Originally Posted by Qb
A sweater vest. Yes, you read that correctly.
Oh you.

# 55 BBallcoach @ 12/25/12 08:22 PM
I got a few gift cards but since I'm single I splurged on Video games this year for myself.

I bought...
NBA 2k13 for $40 through Gamefly
Dead Island for $9 through Gamefly
Batman Arkham City for $15 through Gamefly
Max Payne 3 for $13 through Game Fly
Ghost Recon: Future Soldier for $9 through GameFky
FIFA 13 for $30 through Orgin

Not a bad haul since Black Friday!
# 56 Chrisksaint @ 12/25/12 08:33 PM


-The most comfortable blanket i've had.
-About $90 to Walmart
-$25 to Gamestop

Can't take a picture, but a framed thing that features pictures of Sean Payton, Brees, Deuce, Swilling, Jackson, Anderson, etc. with their signatures.
# 57 TCM @ 12/25/12 09:25 PM
Originally Posted by GAMEC0CK2002
Whoops. I meant "a neeeeewwwww car!!!"
# 58 beast10 @ 12/25/12 09:38 PM
iPhone, Apple TV, Clothes, 50 Inch and 32 Inch in my room stuntin hahah, and later a laptop and the newer Xbox (trade in) and maybe some beats.
Being the only child is cool .. But I will always remember the true meaning of Christmas
# 59 Chaos81 @ 12/25/12 09:59 PM
Still have one more person to get gifts from, but this is the rest of it

$200 cash
$200 gas cards
The Complete Calvin and Hobbes box set
# 60 aukevin @ 12/25/12 10:08 PM
My wife got me billard themed stuff for my new game room. She got me Auburn, Falcons, Panthers, and Braves cue sticks. Also got an Auburn cue stick rack plus Auburn billiard balls.

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