NHL 13 News Post

Another NHL 13 tuner has been released, bringing it up to version 1.07. Check out the details below.

  • Reduce ability to score with slap shots in close to the goalie
  • Increase the effect of the injury slider
  • Reduce ability to score with flip dump at the net
  • Increase injuries in HUT

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# 1 ucas005 @ 12/04/12 07:14 PM
Tuner 1.07

• Reduce ability to score with slap shots in close to the goalie
• Increase the effect of the injury slider

• Reduce ability to score with flip dump at the net

• Increase injuries in HUT

# 2 Cletus @ 12/04/12 07:20 PM
Originally Posted by ucas005
Tuner 1.07

• Reduce ability to score with slap shots in close to the goalie
• Increase the effect of the injury slider

• Reduce ability to score with flip dump at the net

• Increase injuries in HUT

Lol thanks EA. These are on the top of everyone's lists. I thought everyone wanted LESS injuries in BAGM, guess I was wrong.
# 3 MizzouRah @ 12/04/12 09:46 PM
Oh boy... just saw this myself.. getting ready to fire up a game.
# 4 mkharsh33 @ 12/04/12 10:21 PM
Goalie fatigue missing still... Bummer - one of the most realistic elements of this game still missing. Looks like we'll be toning DOWN the injury slider - not sure who's bright idea EA stole that from?
# 5 misch13fRoyale @ 12/04/12 10:47 PM
I was just toning down my injury slider cuz it's all screwed up, whether its be a gm or gm connected, some of the injuries are ridiculous lol.. Anyways, it's like handing the goons in gm connected leagues (every league has one or two, i know mine does)(guys who go down a couple goals and just make it their objective to injure as many as they can) the keys to success.... Good luck to everyone!!
# 6 robbie24 @ 12/05/12 01:32 AM
Daaang. I was hoping for something more like:

- Make game better
- Remove goalies abilities to perform signs and wonders
- Give computer penalties for viciously clobbering players
- Cause passed to go where you aim them and not right to the computer in the slot
- Cause computer to score good goals and not cheap crap

No prob. I'll just never buy any more NHL games.
# 7 r3zn1k @ 12/05/12 04:04 AM
Originally Posted by ucas005
• Increase the effect of the injury slider
Hmmm... I've them at MAX, i guess I can finally turn them down a little bit...

This still doesn't effect the injuries while simulating, does it?
# 8 Redshirt_EA @ 12/05/12 02:41 PM
Originally Posted by CupCrazyManiac
Uhm, v1.07 is gone ... Back to v1.06 ? Why EA?
It got stomped by mistake by a server update. Should be back up soon (if not already). The loophole in the process that let it happen should be corrected too now.
# 9 canucksss @ 12/05/12 02:45 PM
Originally Posted by ucas005
Tuner 1.07

• Increase the effect of the injury slider



Originally Posted by mkharsh33
Goalie fatigue missing still... Bummer - one of the most realistic elements of this game still missing. Looks like we'll be toning DOWN the injury slider - not sure who's bright idea EA stole that from?
THIS I WANT. cmon EA...since there's no NHL season and your hands are not tied up in releasing a mediocre roster updates. why not include some basics in the game such as goalie fatigue?
# 10 Steven547 @ 12/05/12 03:44 PM
Originally Posted by ucas005
Tuner 1.07

• Reduce ability to score with slap shots in close to the goalie
• Increase the effect of the injury slider

• Reduce ability to score with flip dump at the net

• Increase injuries in HUT

Curious about this, too. If there are numerous complaints about players always getting injured, why would EA raise the effect?? Makes no sense to go in the opposite direction!
# 11 superbus @ 12/05/12 04:18 PM
So have they made it yet so that every solid check isn't a ragdoll hit? Or that we can get out of the corner when we're pinned? Or something to get rid of the sixteen stride hits from behind in the open ice? Anything? Bueller?
# 12 Gangrel @ 12/05/12 04:22 PM
Originally Posted by Steven547
Curious about this, too. If there are numerous complaints about players always getting injured, why would EA raise the effect?? Makes no sense to go in the opposite direction!
The injury slider has no effect on simmed games, which is where all the injuries happen. It's on the ice that the slider works, which I am glad for, since I have only ever had one or two in game injuries happen in tons of games played.......
# 13 tvman @ 12/05/12 04:29 PM
Originally Posted by Steven547
Curious about this, too. If there are numerous complaints about players always getting injured, why would EA raise the effect?? Makes no sense to go in the opposite direction!
Just a guess here but "increasing the effect" could mean that the slider works better now.
# 14 bwiggy33 @ 12/05/12 05:04 PM
Guys as Gangrel said the injury effect slider is for on ice play. That slider has nothing to do at all with the simmed injuries. That is just a straight up flaw in Be A GM. IMO this is a great change. I have not seen one injury on the ice in the times I've played this game.
# 15 Redshirt_EA @ 12/05/12 05:05 PM
Originally Posted by tvman
Just a guess here but "increasing the effect" could mean that the slider works better now.
The changes are for in-game, don't affect simulated results. The extreme bottom end of the injury slider is the same, the default value gives a bit more injuries and as a result you get a bit more fine control over the values at the high end of the slider.

If you switch back to V1.06 it'll be the same as before.
# 16 Redshirt_EA @ 12/05/12 05:06 PM
Originally Posted by bwiggy33
Guys the injury effect slider is for on ice play. That slider has nothing to do at all with the simmed injuries. That is just a straight up flaw in Be A GM. IMO this is a great change. I have not seen one injury on the ice in the times I've played this game.
What slider value do you use for Injuries?
# 17 Gangrel @ 12/05/12 05:23 PM
Redshirt, I just went online at 5:22 EST and the tuner still isn't back up yet, just so you know.
# 18 mkharsh33 @ 12/05/12 05:44 PM
Redshirt... thanks for updating us. Q: Are you guys aware that there's no goalie fatigue, and therefore no need to use your backup goalie, unless you personally impose some "house rules" to play him? Not a criticism, but we would love to see this incorporated into the game. Otherwise, there's really no need for the backup because the starter never tires. Thanks...
# 19 Hamsterkiker @ 12/05/12 05:45 PM
So i'm guessin the stuck in nhl when sent down to ahl isin't fixed yet.
# 20 addybojangles @ 12/05/12 05:48 PM
Increase injuries = makes people use more pucks = more money for EA. Well done to the intern who thought that change up.

Otherwise, what a joke of a tuner. This game is still trash 3 months after release. Sad

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