Madden NFL 13 News Post

As announced yesterday, Madden NFL 13 Title Update #4 has arrived this morning. As seen below, most of the fixes are for Madden Ultimate Team, but let us know what you're seeing.

If anyone can confirm it is available for PS3, I'll update the post.
  • Fixed bug where Connected Careers panel in main menu is blank
  • Fixed exploit in Madden Ultimate Team Solo Challenges where players were using frozen kick meter to run out the clock
  • Fixed issue in Panthers playbook where Shotgun formation was properly displaying
  • Fixed squib kick exploit
  • Fixed exploit that allowed MLB to get instant pressure when in a specific position with a specific coverage called
  • Fixed bug when reviewing a friend's depth chart in Madden Ultimate Team
  • Fixed erroneous screen telling Madden Ultimate Team players EA servers were unavailable when an opponent signed out before progressing to the loading screen
  • Fixed issue where replaying completed Solo Challenges in Madden Ultimate Team consumed contracts
  • Fixed issue where Connected Careers offline depth chart would reset after each game when player used imported My Madden roster
  • Fixed issue where users could not save edits to existing NFL players whose names were flagged as profane.
  • Fixed exploit where Madden Ultimate Team users who were kicked out a match for grieving were still granted 800 coins
  • Fixed a menu display bug in Madden Ultimate Team matchmaking screen

Game: Madden NFL 13Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Wii U / Xbox 360Votes for game: 77 - View All
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Member Comments
# 41 Ueauvan @ 12/01/12 06:24 AM
forgot milestones for olbs ...
# 42 Stacks @ 12/01/12 11:42 AM
No more editing player body sizes with this patch. They took it out. Only equipment now.
# 43 Mauler97 @ 12/01/12 03:16 PM
Does anyone care about MUT??? I sure don't. It seams like a huge waste of time and resources.
# 44 Elite49 @ 12/01/12 03:35 PM
Has anyone noticed the in-game score UI changed or is it just me? It's different looking in my game. If no one else see's this Ill upload a shot after the Bama game today. Its more sleek.
# 45 rudyjuly2 @ 12/01/12 04:27 PM
Originally Posted by Mauler97
Does anyone care about MUT??? I sure don't. It seams like a huge waste of time and resources.
I don't care about it but plenty of people do. There are a lot of people that buy these cards and it makes EA a lot of money. We all have to respect the idea that we have different interests and desires for the game. I'm fine with that. I don't mind that EA patches MUT. I expect it. But to ignore all other issues with the game? It seems EA is focusing on maximizing dollars and leaving us franchise guys out in the cold since they already have our money.
# 46 jwmcards @ 12/01/12 06:38 PM
I can't say that I don't enjoy MUT b/c surprisingly I have; it's actually quite addictive once you get into it. I haven't put money into it, but quite a bit of time. I actually gave it shot while waiting for the last patch (#2).

In any event, addictive or not, I'm disappointed as well (I don't particularly like what it did for MUT either actually). I've always been, & still am, an offline franchise guy, regardless of the sport. I can get past most issues & live with them, as I've actually enjoyed the on the field play quite a bit this year as opposed to the last several Maddens (ragdoll animations aside). However, the salary glitch thing pisses me off to no end & I hate that it wasn't addressed.

I thought this year might be different for me, but so far my split for football time this year is still probably 70/30 NCAA over Madden (as the last few years). NCAA is not without it's own issues, but at least I can go through an offseason without wanting to throw something across the room.
# 47 IlluminatusUIUC @ 12/01/12 10:16 PM
Has anyone been having serious choppyness issues since the patch? I've had lag before but this seems like serious packet loss. And it just began after the patch.
# 48 Truthseeker83 @ 12/01/12 10:21 PM
Are they ever going to fix the visuals showing a 3-4 lineup when you're obviously running a 4-3 alignment? Or how about the fact that the wind STILL blows in the opposite direction of the way the arrow is pointing...
# 49 Sturzinator @ 12/01/12 10:35 PM
Originally Posted by IlluminatusUIUC
Has anyone been having serious choppyness issues since the patch? I've had lag before but this seems like serious packet loss. And it just began after the patch.
I have noticed this a little bit as well.

Nice job EA.
# 50 Sturzinator @ 12/01/12 10:36 PM
Originally Posted by phillyax
No more editing player body sizes with this patch. They took it out. Only equipment now.
Does this mean we can now change somebody's number without turning them into Pee Wee Herman?
# 51 SamoanSteelerFromAus @ 12/02/12 07:36 PM
I cannot fathom how people enjoy this game really. I gave it another go about two weeks ago, threw a pick in the second quarter and then every throw after that in proximity of a defender was picked off. Linebackers were making circus catches and morphing in front of my receivers which shows me this game isnt about ratings just about momentum and animations that override ratings. This always happens when I play even with custom slider sets from this site.

This game is so far from realism it's baffling that people say its a "good" game or even an adequate game.
I am obsessed with football, however I bought NBA 2K13 the other week and there is no way I can go back to Madden after playing 2K.

Now everytime i play nba 2K i find myself say ing "this is how a sports game should be" I mean, Madden can't even get something as simple as REPLAYS right! Yet in 2K you can watch highlight reels of all players after the game?? I'm even thinking of getting MLB the show even though i've never watched a full baseball game, anything to not have to play a poor excuse of a game that madden is.

At this point, i've accepted that I have to wait for the license to be up for a good nfl game to be made. In the meantime I can dabble in other sports games and envy the hardcore fans of those sports that get to enjoy quality product over a sugar coated hyped piece of sh**

From someone who's played NFL games since 98'
# 52 starryclub @ 12/03/12 06:12 AM
Originally Posted by IlluminatusUIUC
Has anyone been having serious choppyness issues since the patch? I've had lag before but this seems like serious packet loss. And it just began after the patch.
Yes it's horrible. The amount of dropped passes I've had has increased stupidly also.

Edit: The game is unplayable. I don't know what it is, but it seemed a lot better at launch time than it does now.
# 53 ripp1p @ 12/03/12 05:13 PM
So did they fix auto subs for formations or Fo they still reset after each game? Aldo can you now use created play oils ?
# 54 nyrangers81 @ 12/03/12 07:59 PM
Originally Posted by SamoanSteelerFromAus
I cannot fathom how people enjoy this game really. I gave it another go about two weeks ago, threw a pick in the second quarter and then every throw after that in proximity of a defender was picked off. Linebackers were making circus catches and morphing in front of my receivers which shows me this game isnt about ratings just about momentum and animations that override ratings. This always happens when I play even with custom slider sets from this site.

This game is so far from realism it's baffling that people say its a "good" game or even an adequate game.
I am obsessed with football, however I bought NBA 2K13 the other week and there is no way I can go back to Madden after playing 2K.

Now everytime i play nba 2K i find myself say ing "this is how a sports game should be" I mean, Madden can't even get something as simple as REPLAYS right! Yet in 2K you can watch highlight reels of all players after the game?? I'm even thinking of getting MLB the show even though i've never watched a full baseball game, anything to not have to play a poor excuse of a game that madden is.

At this point, i've accepted that I have to wait for the license to be up for a good nfl game to be made. In the meantime I can dabble in other sports games and envy the hardcore fans of those sports that get to enjoy quality product over a sugar coated hyped piece of sh**

From someone who's played NFL games since 98'
It sounds like you are just wanting to complain about something that can easily be fixed with sliders. Out of all the serious issues with M13, none of what you posted is an actual problem. You just need to find the right slider set. I suggest MarketingWiz and then adjust them to fit your style more.
# 55 sictransitchris @ 12/04/12 04:45 PM
Originally Posted by phillyax
No more editing player body sizes with this patch. They took it out. Only equipment now.
This is such an insignificant thing... why remove it? What are your priorities, EA?
# 56 poorch @ 12/05/12 10:08 PM

got the update today on PS3, in my career mode, after playing my 2nd game after the new update, i recorded my first ASSISTED TACKLE! But it seems like i was the only one on the team that did...

makes me wonder if the patch had anything to do with this or not.
# 57 SamoanSteelerFromAus @ 12/10/12 12:57 AM
Originally Posted by nyrangers81
It sounds like you are just wanting to complain about something that can easily be fixed with sliders. Out of all the serious issues with M13, none of what you posted is an actual problem. You just need to find the right slider set. I suggest MarketingWiz and then adjust them to fit your style more.
Simply not the case. This was my most recent beef with the game, all the others are well addressed by many members on this site already.
RyanMoody on youtube documents the shortcomings of this game better than most and he compares it to Allpro Football 2k8 to show how things in a football game should be done.
The fact that this game still gets compared to games made several years ago is a valid reason to complain about something i payed $89 for. I only bought this game cause the highly touted physics engine yet i still see a large amount of morphing that effects outcomes in this game.

The reader score of 6/10 in my opinion is too generous.
# 58 CaptainZombie @ 12/10/12 09:43 AM
I just realized after the update, all of my settings and sliders were changed back to default. Did this happen to anyone else after downloading patch #4?
# 59 KleShreen @ 12/10/12 01:18 PM
It is absolutely unbelievable that either his patch (or #3, I don't know, went a long time without playing) has made it impossible to cycle through position groups in the off-season tasks. Yes, EA. That's what I want. To only be able to set my QB depth chart, to only be able to sign free agent QB's, and to only be able to DRAFT QB's. Go screw yourselves. A bunch of damn thieves.
# 60 CatMan72 @ 12/10/12 01:52 PM
Originally Posted by phillyax
No more editing player body sizes with this patch. They took it out. Only equipment now.
Yup and I just edited Ron Brace and Gerard Warren's equipment without encountering any body morphing.

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