Madden NFL 13 News Post

Madden NFL 13 title update #4 is set to arrive tomorrow for PS3 and 360 users. Joystiq has the details. Most of the fixes have to deal with Madden Ultimate Team.
  • Fixed bug where Connected Careers panel in main menu is blank
  • Fixed exploit in Madden Ultimate Team Solo Challenges where players were using frozen kick meter to run out the clock
  • Fixed issue in Panthers playbook where Shotgun formation was properly displaying
  • Fixed squib kick exploit
  • Fixed exploit that allowed MLB to get instant pressure when in a specific position with a specific coverage called
  • Fixed bug when reviewing a friend's depth chart in Madden Ultimate Team
  • Fixed erroneous screen telling Madden Ultimate Team players EA servers were unavailable when an opponent signed out before progressing to the loading screen
  • Fixed issue where replaying completed Solo Challenges in Madden Ultimate Team consumed contracts
  • Fixed issue where Connected Careers offline depth chart would reset after each game when player used imported My Madden roster
  • Fixed issue where users could not save edits to existing NFL players whose names were flagged as profane.
  • Fixed exploit where Madden Ultimate Team users who were kicked out a match for grieving were still granted 800 coins
  • Fixed a menu display bug in Madden Ultimate Team matchmaking screen
Source - Next Madden 13 title update lands Thursday, adds Ultimate Team features

Game: Madden NFL 13Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Wii U / Xbox 360Votes for game: 77 - View All
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Member Comments
# 21 tfctillidie @ 11/28/12 01:15 PM
Originally Posted by RGiles36

After FOUR title updates, not even a mere mention of the CPU playcalling issues? I know Emmdot previously threw out some stats about how a sizeable amount of Madden customers play offline. That being the case, where's the love?
Perhaps EA should charge $1 per offline season, then you get the love.

No incentive, no effort.
# 22 RandyBass @ 11/28/12 01:20 PM
"What we're really striving for is aiming these title updates not just at bug fixes, but adding brand-new content so people feel like they're constantly getting a new game experience," an EA rep told Joystiq.

There is a special place in hell for marketers and PR guys.

All I want is the "game experience" I expected when I bought the game in the first place.
# 23 hanzsomehanz @ 11/28/12 01:23 PM
MUT is for the kids.. these aren't updates for the mature gamer
# 24 don28 @ 11/28/12 01:26 PM
Four patches and no fix for the Bears' orange road pants? I'm not a Bears fan, but this is ridiculous. Sorry EA, but you dropped the ball on this one.
# 25 NDAlum @ 11/28/12 01:31 PM
Nothing in this patch applies to me, bummer. I like the freshness of CCM and the direction it is heading. I would have preferred they fix that instead of a trading card mini game feature.

Tough luck for me
# 26 Sausage @ 11/28/12 01:33 PM
I'm hoping CPU playcalling was under the hood no mention fix, but I doubt it. This game has a way to go to improve the offline experience.
# 27 Jr. @ 11/28/12 01:38 PM
Keeping my fingers crossed that the "other announcement" will be more substantial to CCM
# 28 LowerWolf @ 11/28/12 01:42 PM
Wow EA. Just wow.
# 29 DeuceDouglas @ 11/28/12 01:49 PM
I'll wait to see what this other announcement is this week before I pass any judgement. Until then I'm happy for the people that play MUT.
# 30 N51_rob @ 11/28/12 02:09 PM
Going to hold off my judgement until I hear what the other announcement is going to be later this week. That said, now that both of my online CCMs are entering season #2 and both have multiple users who are suffering the Salary Cap Glitch, this patch is highly disappointing.

For the time being I will leave it at that.
# 31 ChicagoChris @ 11/28/12 02:09 PM
To devote time and resources to a title update such as this is a damn shame.
# 32 DJ @ 11/28/12 02:25 PM
Traded the game in today, before seeing this announcement. I wouldn't hold my breath for another substantial patch, guys.

There's just way too many issues with this game, unfortunately.
# 33 hanzsomehanz @ 11/28/12 02:53 PM
You cowards can run from your responsibilities EA but you can't hide from your own tail. Your injustices will follow you out. You will tailspin. For as much as you have caused your simulation gamers to suffer great falls, so will your own fall be exacted upon you!

We don't pay 60 dollars for an infinity system that performs more finicky than yields any infinite possibility of outcomes. We don't pay 60 dollars for Pro logical football and in return receive illogical play calling from Pro's, every Sunday, at even the highest of difficulty levels!

Since when did Madden because a casual gamer's fascination?
# 34 SynShadowzz @ 11/28/12 03:13 PM
Originally Posted by DJ
Traded the game in today, before seeing this announcement. I wouldn't hold my breath for another substantial patch, guys.

There's just way too many issues with this game, unfortunately.
I think someone has trader's remorse...
# 35 EMbow513 @ 11/28/12 03:53 PM
who gives a damn about ultimate team?!!
# 36 JerzeyReign @ 11/28/12 04:10 PM
I'm going to go against the grain a bit but I have faith that they'll at least get the salary cap thing handled.

I enjoy 13, I'm just hoping they can at least fix that.
# 37 RogueHominid @ 11/28/12 04:51 PM
Never played MUT, never will.

This reminds me of M10, when Online Franchise was the new super cool most important feature and it didn't get the support it deserved from EA.

I can live with the playcalling issue, but the salary cap glitch is simply unacceptable. If they address this in their surprise announcement, then great. If they don't, then that's pretty crappy.
# 38 rudyjuly2 @ 11/28/12 04:58 PM
So no gameplay fixes at all? Give me a break. I hope there are more details forthcoming because this sure seems useless to me.
# 39 KBLover @ 11/28/12 05:15 PM
Originally Posted by tfctillidie
Perhaps EA should charge $1 per offline season, then you get the love.

No incentive, no effort.
Perhaps when EA can make an offline mode not filled with silly glitches, I'd be willing to pay.

Oh wait - I already did, I didn't get the game for free...
# 40 LovejoyOTF @ 11/28/12 05:40 PM
well this announcement business sounds promising, but knowing what a cluster**** EA is, it'll be probably be about something utterly pointless and unwanted.

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