Football Manager 2013 News Post

Hello and welcome. If you are reading this, chances are you are either considering taking the plunge or have already purchased Football Manager 13 (and hopefully, have also perused our review of said game.)

A few final questions before you start: Are you willing to sacrifice a good chunk of your day playing the game—even when you know you shouldn’t, and just can’t help yourself—and are you willing to sacrifice the other parts of that day, when you're not playing the game, thinking about it? Football Manager is, by all accounts, addictive, and there have been stories about the game's crack-like hold on you.

So the answers to those question is yes you say? Excellent. Let’s get busy.

Read More - A Beginners Guide to Football Manager 2013

Game: Football Manager 2013Reader Score: 9.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PCVotes for game: 3 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 jacquito69 @ 11/20/12 10:24 PM
Good job on the article. I love Soccer managers, I played various ones since growing up in Germany. EAs manager isn't bad, but this one looks really good and I might give it a shot once I'm up for buying a new game.
There was a series called Hattrick back in the day which was incredible, kinda had some shady aspects in it as well which was fun, like trying to get a opponent hurt or engage in illegal hopefully lucrative money ventures!LOL
anyways these kinda managers should be much more popular in the US, with so many ppl loving stats.
# 2 ZenPancakes @ 11/21/12 02:27 AM
What a great article. I can remember my friend turning me on to CM way back, and I've been hooked ever since. I was devastated when the breakup happened, then thrilled when FM became reality. Jeebus, I'm old. If any of you guys have been on the fence about this game, try the demo, you can play a bunch of months (I think 6) to make up your mind. It is a phenomenal game once you unlearn all the PES and FIFA cm and master league stuff, you'll still play those but you'll find yourself thinking of tactics and scouting while driving, working, studying, whatever it is you do.
# 3 razorkaos @ 11/28/12 12:35 PM
great article. FM is so addictive that you will be playing it even when you are not in front of the pc. i play this since Championship Manager 01-02, and man, this series really deserves more media. well, let me focus on helping newcomers. first of all, pick a big team, like Madrid or Bayern Munich. some will say its easier to play with these teams, and in fact it is, but responsability is a factor, and you have to give your best to stay on the top. sometimes, finishing the season in third place will be enough for you to be fired. but believe me, its relatively easier than start with, lets say, Accrington Stanley.

Know your players and their roles. again, it becomes easier when you play with a big team, cause you probably know the players. But keep in mind that substitutes, reserves and the young team is also important.

Its always best to have a balanced group than a great starting 11. injuries and suspensions can ruin a season of a team that lacks good substitutes.

Search for young talents. if FM is still the same, look for 16 years old players in Belgium, Chile, Brazil, Bulgaria, Senegal, Ghana and Germany. 16 years old up to 19 years old. older than this, and they probably are busts or future stars you will not have money to buy.
# 4 Suntan Superman @ 11/29/12 08:16 PM
The biggest thing is, don't be afraid to fail. So many people go in with this cautious attribute afraid of signing the wrong players, or their tactics won't work. Even the most seasoned of us try things and ultimately fail. The beauty of the game is that it doesn't end. Much like Di Matteo will find a new gig soon enough, so will you, making the mistakes and learning from them is often the best part of a game like this.
# 5 Chin273 @ 12/10/12 02:30 AM
great article.

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