NBA 2K13 News Post

With the NBA season tipping off tomorrow evening, NBA 2K13 will receive a roster update in the morning, according to Ronnie2K.

Game: NBA 2K13Reader Score: 8.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 75 - View All
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# 61 STLRams @ 10/30/12 09:30 AM
I know in the past 2K likes to slightly modify the gameplay with the roster updates sometimes, anyone who has downloaded it, is there a difference in the coaching tendencies settings compared to the last update? Is the cpu still trying to fastbreak and score in the paint nomatter what, or does the cpu A.I. acutually try to run plays now?
# 62 Po0hd1n1 @ 10/30/12 09:33 AM
Originally Posted by Iasounis
Sure the update is incomplete, but if it is current rosters they offer, why leave an injured player in the rotation? Because he is on the cover?
tbh taking out injured players is stupid in my opinion
# 63 PrettyT11 @ 10/30/12 09:35 AM
They also changed the Knicks road headbands to black. But in somewhat common 2K fashoin instead of just changing it for the default road and leaving it at that they just did a complete overide so now all Knicks retro road jerseys and the st. Patricks day jerseys have black headbands as well.
# 64 MVP9072 @ 10/30/12 09:50 AM
Originally Posted by Eaglerock562
If you want the most ACCURATE roster set for 2k13 for opening night rosters with the most ACCURATE salaries and contracts, accessories are not focal point for us, for us it's about game play and making sure ALL players are available, go to the roster forum and check out the Hardwood Signature Gameplay 2K13 roster set. For the xbox 360 users who are hardcore Association mode players.
And if you don't have an xbox deal with this bs
# 65 ffaacc03 @ 10/30/12 09:50 AM
Originally Posted by Po0hd1n1
i was really hoping they would give drose a pass and not take him out of the game since hes gonna be out a big portion of the year if not the whole year

that sucks i cant play with rose unless its asso
What ? Have they retaken the infamous route, that by the way its course was abbandoned due to popular demand in the last stages of last year, of locking players with injuries instead of just placing them in the reserve spots ? ...

If so, I definitively dont get where 2k wants to get to ... first, they take some options out, then they realize that their market is vastly demanding those features back in, so they "partially" put it in ... just to take it back, in the next itineration ? ...

Conspiracies aside, this is a dangerous approach (that not only pertaints injured players stuff) which effects are solely mitigated by the fact that they have no direct competition ... please, how come they damage the hard work put out on this game, a game that has been catalogued in its early stages as GOAT, with such poor, shamefull post release service ... that by the way, happens to be even worsely magnified once you account for the magnificent hyping marketing machine, yet wrongfully oriented ...

I get it, as a customer it is better to have some kind of post release support/service than none (and agree), but do it right for the sake and legacy of the product/brand ... the whole cycle of a game is what ultimately proves that you care for the market and that is what makes their work trascendental ... so, the key is not in what "we want" but in what "we need" ... hopefully they come to realize this soon.
# 66 JasonMartin @ 10/30/12 10:00 AM
Originally Posted by ghettog
Downloaded the latest update was hoping to see Johnson-Odom and Sacre on the Lakers to no avail. What a sloppy update they didn't even complete the Harden trade. Hayward/Cook/Aldrich .
I thought he got waived? I can't find the exact info though.


Along with Johnson-Odom, who is most likely headed overseas after being cut by the Lakers,

Edit: I guess he made the team


15 players
# 67 thedude @ 10/30/12 10:04 AM
They also added the Blazers' red alternates, and gave Wade generic shoes since he doesn't wear Jordans anymore.
# 68 Gramps91 @ 10/30/12 10:05 AM
Usually I don't complain but it's about time! I'll probably start my association tonight if this is a good update.
# 69 XenoZograscope @ 10/30/12 10:05 AM
Donte Greene is still on the Nets... Lol.

Sent from my iPhone 5 using Tapatalk 2
# 70 sifu25 @ 10/30/12 10:06 AM
This is a complete JOKE! I swear I believe the guy they have running this sh!t doesnt even watch basketball at all! Someone please tell me how to contact these ppl I swear to GOD I'll write a nice *** letter. Maybe that's what we should do, write a letter and everyone sign it and mail it to these morons. Seriously, you cant even get the information about a trade right? All you have to do is go on NBA.com and click on TRANSACTIONS and it will tell you who was moved and sometimes even WHY!!!!! You cant even get the color of uniforms right, color of shoes right.


One Pissed Off Customer!
# 71 keshunleon @ 10/30/12 10:10 AM
Originally Posted by pjt8405
My roster is : PJT's Hardwood Hoops Roster.

I have updated it since the last release with corrected Sig skills. New update coming before NBA Tip Off tonight. Check my thread for details.
Can't wait!
# 72 Goffs @ 10/30/12 10:22 AM
Twitter bomb Ronnie2k instead of the insider....maybe if you get Ronnie annoyed enough that he will complain to the insider to get his **** together. lol
# 73 JasonMartin @ 10/30/12 10:23 AM
2K is making a fool out of themselves.

They started out small, made a lot of progression and grew tremendously the last few years but I think they're not capable of handling all off this.

They are probably still working "small", didn't expand the correct way. The regular management needs an overhaul (fire x % of the people, keep the important ones and rehire new people). The dev department I wouldn't touch, I would change the test fase/beta though. Let 2K buyers try out the game 1-2 months before release like Battlefield does, get feedback, improve, feedback, improve.

The biggest issue 2K is struggling with, is communication. They need to be more open:

*They may think they are communicating being """""active""""" on this forum but they really aren't. They need more people to gather info on here and give it to the devs. Constantly, not once in a while that's happening right now. Constant flow, back and forth.

*Twitter: we got several people but this system doesn't help. The Insider does nothing.

2K is too small, reacts way too late, they are always 1 step behind.

This ISN'T an attack on 2K so don't even think about removing my post, this is my vision on how 2K should handle as a company. They need an overhaul, that's it.
# 74 iLLosophy @ 10/30/12 10:31 AM
Originally Posted by JasonMartin

2K is too small, reacts way too late, they are always 1 step behind.
I agree with you, but the reality is phrases like Small, late, and 1 step behind are relative terms, which means you have to have at least one other game to compare them to in order to make that statement accurate.
# 75 JasonMartin @ 10/30/12 10:34 AM
Originally Posted by iLLosophy
I agree with you, but the reality is phrases like Small, late, and 1 step behind are relative terms, which means you have to have at least one other game to compare them to in order to make that statement accurate.
I don't need another game/competitor to compare with.

Compare it to the people at OS with the custom made rosters. We do things faster, better and are more capable than 2K. If they give us more and the right tools, we don't even need them anymore.
# 76 seanbarkley @ 10/30/12 10:36 AM
2K updates have been a joke for years. They have good ideas but implement them horribly: injuries, shoes, updates, myplayer... I don't remember the last time I felt I was playing a finished and consistent all-around basketball game. I'd love to see a hoops game with the consistency in all aspects FIFA has, but I think it's impossible...

2K: implement the game IN EVERY ASPECT should be the 1st,2nd and 3rd. After you have done that start thinking about Justin Bieber, Pauly D and VC currency if you want.

We don't have Singler, Teletovic or Freeland but we have Bieber and Pauly D...it seems that the 'NBA basketball game' concept is a lil bit diffused lately.
# 77 Twista209 @ 10/30/12 10:37 AM
It is definitely a let down to see this garbage they refer to as a "roster update." Everyone on OS can create a better roster than 2K has been releasing. 2K - read this thread and get your obligations in order. In my opinion you should feel very lucky that you have the only basketball game out and no competition. Keep this level of work up and you will lose a lot of customers in the future.
# 78 QDB9 @ 10/30/12 10:45 AM
Messed up my morning. I thought this year I'll be able to put up with 2K and it's roster updates, looks like another year of custom updates from the knowns here at OS.
# 79 eko718 @ 10/30/12 10:47 AM
This roster update is lazy and pathetic.

How are you going to do the Harden trade halfway? Harden is on the Rockets, but Heyward, Cook and Aldrich are still on the Thunder. SMH.

There are still plenty players missing from teams who are on the disc. The Insider is MIA for 2-3 weeks and instead of getting the roster together for the seasons start, seems to have thrown this update together last night before he went to sleep.
# 80 sifu25 @ 10/30/12 11:00 AM
Originally Posted by Twista209
It is definitely a let down to see this garbage they refer to as a "roster update." Everyone on OS can create a better roster than 2K has been releasing. 2K - read this thread and get your obligations in order. In my opinion you should feel very lucky that you have the only basketball game out and no competition. Keep this level of work up and you will lose a lot of customers in the future.
AMEN to that! It's ridiculous how they cant get things right year after year. I mean not even the little things like for example:

Jamaal Crawford- Year after year they keep giving him knee straps with team color. He has only worn a BLACK knee strap and only ONCE in his career. I swear every year when I open the new game the first thing I do i go check Jamaal Crawford because he looks like a F*****G clown and 2k keeps doing this. WHY???? JUST WHY????

One more example:

Josh Smith- He wore the Addidas sleeves for 9 games and it was 2 seasons ago. Yet 2k keeps putting them on him EVERY SINGLE MOTHERF*****G YEAR! WHAT IS THE DEAL!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

And this is just accessory stuff that I know some ppl dont give a crap about. Dont get us started on other stupid flaws that these ppl cant fix. Why?, I dont know. It's just tremendously STUPID!!! If NBA Live handt messed up after 2007 I wouldve NEVER gotten this game!

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