Madden NFL 13 News Post

The Madden NFL 13 team has decided to remove the ability to edit existing NFL player bodies for online CCMs, starting tomorrow.

As some of you noticed in the early impressions of Madden NFL 13 Title Update #3, there were issues when editing offensive and/or defensive linemen, causing arms and/or legs to get skinny or oddly shaped.

Below are tweets from the official Madden twitter account discussing their plans to disable the editing of existing player bodies in online CCM.

(1 of 2) Due to complications editing existing NFL player bodies, this functionality will be disabled for Online CCMs starting tomorrow.

(2 of 2) This will address the player body type issues that have been seen. Created Player editing for bodies is still available.

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Platform: PS3 / Wii U / Xbox 360Votes for game: 77 - View All
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Member Comments
# 21 niftyjets @ 10/26/12 09:25 AM
so if weve already edited players what happens to their equipment changes do they go back to the default? and if they are a messed up ol/dl will it fix it?
# 22 Fakename22 @ 10/26/12 09:28 AM
Originally Posted by bigdfan76
Seriously... So if I want the abilty to edit players within CCM whatsoever, I have to play offline CCM where the depth charts and fromation subs re-set after/before every game or practice. "Here you go football lover, pick which broken *** game mode you want to play." If it's in the game...we'll see if we can manage not to F it up, and if we do we won't fix it we will just remove it. Thanks EA, enjoy my $60.

This is an embarrassment.
# 23 PPerfect_CJ @ 10/26/12 09:47 AM
Like bigdfan76 said, "enjoy my $60, EA." It'll be the last you'll ever receive from me. Can't handle your terrible product anymore. After Tuesday, the only games that I'll be playing for a while will be Assassin's Creed 3 and NBA 2K! Have a nice life, Looman.
# 24 N51_rob @ 10/26/12 10:12 AM
So, will Trent Williams (who I gave the dark visor he actually wears) go back to looking like a starting NFL LT tomorrow, or will he continue to look like a malnourished 3rd worlder?
# 25 Blue Ninja @ 10/26/12 11:17 AM
Originally Posted by N51_rob
So, will Trent Williams (who I gave the dark visor he actually wears) go back to looking like a starting NFL LT tomorrow, or will he continue to look like a malnourished 3rd worlder?
lol Yes and my NT who is in surprisingly great shape at 340 lBs. He has to be at 0.00001 % body fat.
# 26 RogueHominid @ 10/26/12 11:37 AM
Can anyone confirm whether or not we're able to edit equipment even though body types are no longer changeable? I'd take the equipment edits over appearance edits any day.

# 27 niftyjets @ 10/26/12 01:11 PM
wait so im confused will we still be able to edit equipment? and if they remove the editing of the body wont that help the glitch
# 28 cchaffee20 @ 10/26/12 03:39 PM
Sorry If I missed it but did the disabled editing actually come into play today yet?? and there isnt another patch to download right?? Athyba Rubin Still looks like a starving african child
# 29 DeuceDouglas @ 10/26/12 03:42 PM
Originally Posted by cchaffee20
Sorry If I missed it but did the disabled editing actually come into play today yet?? and there isnt another patch to download right?? Athyba Rubin Still looks like a starving african child
I think it's only for Online CCM right now. It will probably be included for offline in the next patch.
# 30 niftyjets @ 10/26/12 04:20 PM
but even if they disabled editing the body if we go in and edit the ol or dl wont that mess up their bodies?
# 31 DeuceDouglas @ 10/26/12 04:28 PM
Originally Posted by niftyjets
but even if they disabled editing the body if we go in and edit the ol or dl wont that mess up their bodies?
It still could, but I'm guessing that by disabling or removing the ability to edit bodies for existing players, it will keep them locked in and unable to be altered.
# 32 kjjnesb @ 10/26/12 04:30 PM
Well something clearly broken behind the scenes with create/edit player code because this is the second yr in a row that the game has had some kinda problem with players bodies. Last yr we all know the imported rookies looked like the Road Warriors and in yrs before that if you imported from NCAA all the lineman were mad skinny.
# 33 Find_the_Door @ 10/26/12 10:24 PM
My offensive linemen still look like twigs... this "fix" did nothing and my players are stuck skinny forever...
# 34 TJdaSportsGuy @ 10/26/12 11:18 PM
This really did nothing. To test it out, I went in to edit my starting LT, Cordy Glenn. I've avoided editing him up to this point because of the skinny arm bug.

Well, as soon as I entered the edit screen, his arms got skinny again. I didn't risk saving it and going into a game to see if that translated to the on-the-field version of him, but it appears that the bug remains.

Also, I'm still seeing the problem where some of my LB's (particularly, the CPU generated ones I drafted) are stuck with white arm sleeves. I went in to remove them, started up a game, and still they're wearing them. Note that it was 70 degrees in the game, so even if there was some logic that forced some players to wear long sleeves in cold weather, this still wouldn't factor in.

Oh well...it's a small annoyance, but one I can overlook. Still having a blast with my CCM. I'm in 2017 right now, with two Super Bowl rings to my credit.
# 35 Darth Aegis @ 10/26/12 11:52 PM
EA continues to be that comedian that isn't funny anymore,just annoying and needs to take there ball and go home.
# 36 dcjr1985 @ 10/27/12 04:24 AM
I've tried editing players then going into a practice to see if he had the skinny arms and he didnt. In the edit screen he did but in the game he didnt. So take it for what its worth.
# 37 RogueHominid @ 10/27/12 08:38 AM
Originally Posted by Batum Shaka Laka
My offensive linemen still look like twigs... this "fix" did nothing and my players are stuck skinny forever...
This is a major draw toward offline CCM for me. In online, everything gets saved automatically, whereas in offline you can change, test and then not save. I wish online was that way.

That blows if the arms and the general shrinking still exists. How this could get by Q&A I have no idea. Literally all you'd have to do is edit a player at each position and play a game. That's it. Then you'd see this and fix it. Arrgghh!
# 38 machete_fred @ 10/27/12 11:49 AM
Originally Posted by TJdaSportsGuy
This really did nothing. To test it out, I went in to edit my starting LT, Cordy Glenn. I've avoided editing him up to this point because of the skinny arm bug.

Well, as soon as I entered the edit screen, his arms got skinny again. I didn't risk saving it and going into a game to see if that translated to the on-the-field version of him, but it appears that the bug remains.

Also, I'm still seeing the problem where some of my LB's (particularly, the CPU generated ones I drafted) are stuck with white arm sleeves. I went in to remove them, started up a game, and still they're wearing them. Note that it was 70 degrees in the game, so even if there was some logic that forced some players to wear long sleeves in cold weather, this still wouldn't factor in.

Oh well...it's a small annoyance, but one I can overlook. Still having a blast with my CCM. I'm in 2017 right now, with two Super Bowl rings to my credit.
If you go in the edit screen they do all get skinny arms however now when you accept the changes they do not become distorted in game they remain their normal form. I've tried this with all of my OL/DL and it works fine. If you still want to test it out then go sign cheap a FA OL edit them and then go use them in practice trust me this "fix" does work but I'm not sure about previously distorted.

Sent from my ADR6400L using Tapatalk 2
# 39 Fist Of Kings @ 10/27/12 12:10 PM
I got rid of the game because it was broken and not fun to play. Even though I no longer own the game, all of it's issues pile on and really smacked me right in the face. If they had competition, they wouldn't release a game with so much crap wrong with it, or at least they'd have to sit out for a while like NBA Live. I've bought/rented most of these Maddens and they have all been terrible, hopefully EA doesn't renew the NFL license. I want a good football game damn it!
# 40 CaptianBackwoods @ 10/27/12 12:11 PM
Yesterday I went into my Giants CCM and edited, Tuck, JPP, and Canty. They all looked the same afterwards.

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