NHL 13 News Post

As announced last week, the NHL 13 title update has arrived for the PS3 and 360. Play a few games and post your impressions.

Just in case you missed the details, check them out below.

Gameplay Updates
• Separated ability for backwards to forwards pivot for ‘with puck’ and ‘without puck’ and made it quicker to pivot without the puck.
• Poke checking – fixed bug causing players to always miss to the same side of the puck.
• Goalies will be more aware of shots right off a faceoff in the offensive zone.
• Goalies will have a harder time dealing with screens.
• Ability to tune shooting back against the grain so it can be less accurate/effective than shooting with your weight behind the shot and moving towards your shooting direction.
• Ability for players to be more susceptible to lose the puck when getting hit while skating backwards with the puck at speed.
• Prevented desperation shots from knocking the puck away from the goalie minimizing the strategy of diving at the goalie to knock the puck loose.
• Fixed shootout logic in GM Connected to include both locked and unlocked users.
• Allowed BAP games to resume from simulation in the middle of a shift (fixed crash when sim intervening).
• Fixed goals screening goalie stat.
• Goalie has a better chance of squaring up to shots from far out.
• Improved orientation of off-puck players in one-timer situations.
• Improved AI behavior against a back skating puck carrier.
• Fixed hit power sliders so only the hitter’s slider value matters.
• Fixed AI players occasionally standing around looking at the puck when resuming from simulation in BAP.
• Fixed BAP being taken off the ice after a short shift that results in a stoppage.
• Fixed rapidly spinning players in BAP when resuming from simulation.
• Ability to tune players puck control coming out of a 45 glide deke.
• Ability to tune CPU pass error on long passes.
• Improved puck hop behavior when it hits the boards.
• Pokechecking effectiveness range tweaked. Players with better stick checking skill will stand out more compared to players with lover ratings in that category.
• Tuned goalies and shooting accuracy to ensure shots in the slot/middle of the ice are more effective than shots from sharp angles.
• Tripping penalties are more likely to be called

Presentation and Graphics
• NEW - Added unique (green) Reebok 20K EA Sport branded skates and stick to the RBK pre-order pack (XBOX).
• NEW - Added unique (blue) Reebok 20K EA Sport branded skates and stick to the RBK pre-order pack (PS3).
• NEW - 2012 Winter Classic Jerseys (PHI / NYR) now selectable in regular game modes.
• Reduces frame rate jitter on the Xbox 360 as experienced by a number of players in all game modes but was most noticeable in OTP/EASHL (XBOX).
• Replay Wipe timing fixed.
• Commentary for replays won’t continue if a replay has been skipped.
• Action Tracker post effects (barrel distortion on net cam) is working correctly.
• Tampereen Ilves home/away jerseys now displays correct logo.
• Dynamic board ads added to Toronto’s stadium.
• Snow on players/goaltender/environment now fades out more smoothly/realistically.
• Flag holders in the Winter Classic stadium now stand correctly at all corners of the flag.
• Lulea HF center ice logo now displaying correctly.
• Transition wipes should no longer hold on white frame longer than necessary.
• Boston jumbotron no longer white; has proper textures (PS3).
• Rare occurrence of skate spray not lining up correctly with action now fixed inside of the Action Tracker.
• Shuffling of NIS’ has been improved. Less chance of seeing the same NIS inside of the same game.
• Goalie stick mirroring has been corrected. Blade will now be pointing in the right direction during shootout NIS’.
• NHL Moments Live snow build up on ice will now work correctly.
• Calgary Flames now have proper logos on helmet for both Home/Away.
• Prevented replay speech from playing over top a fight or if goof off is skipped.

Hockey Ultimate Team
• NEW - implement training duration item so training items can last for multiple games.
• Addressed an issue where some users were not getting Puck rewards for playing games and would sometimes get a Loss for actually winning games.
• Fixed an issue where players would continue to receive the Happy Hour bonus if they never disconnect from the EA servers and continued to play HUT games.
• Fixed an issue where after playing a game against the Team of the Week or a team from the Leaderboards screen, the wrong roster would be downloaded for all of the teams in the EAUHL 24/7 league when playing a Single Player game.
• Item Pack Art EASST Player Premium Pack art now shows Promo and not Deal.
• Fixed an issue where players would see an error message with missing text when bidding on the same item over and over until while being out bided by another player.
• Applied training boosts are no longer used up for players in the user's Scratched Roster.
• If user has a Stanley Cup edition item in their starting lineup, they are no longer able to add that same player from the New Items screen, thus resulting in them having 2 of the same players in their lineup.
• Fixed an issue where users are not getting wins for opponent DNFs when playing Online Tournaments against the same opponent twice.
• Fixed a crash that occurred when a player enters the Watch list and highlights a sold (green outline) item.
• Online Tournament opponent searches now check for player skill level and team star rating.
• Fixed the crash when applying Consumable items to some of the players in the New Items screen.
• Addressed an issue where spamming in and out of a challenge team game will cause a blank lineup screen to appear.
• Fixed an issue where users would advance through tournament rounds by entering the tournament tree and then playing through a regular non-tournament game (online and offline).

• Addressed an issue where players that should not be considered waiver eligible were being listed as waiver eligible.

Be A Pro
• Tuned off season player growth effect on the BAP player EXP Growth.
• Fixed an issue where the player’s BAP team would not sign FA’s or RFA’s to contracts.

GM Connected
• New - Trade messaging has been added to the mode.
• Speed up Hub loading times.
• Improved responsiveness when scrolling through the Main Menu to reduce accidently scrolling past the option players want to select.
• Improved scrolling when looking to selecting a team on the trade player screen and select team screen.
• Users should no longer be able to adjust the gameplay sliders during a CPU game.
• Improved responsiveness of league search screens.
• Fixed an issue that would sometimes cause a crash when bringing up the player list on the Trade Player screen.
• Fixed an issue where the game would sometimes crash while backing out of the mailbox screen.
• Fixed an issue that could cause the game to crash while loading into the GM Connected HUB.
• Fixed a rare crash that could occur when proposing a trade to a CPU team (also fixed in Be-A-GM).

Online Team Play / EASHL
• Addressed an issue where team members from different regions could not match up together in a club practice and the matchmaking would fail as a result.
• Fixed PS3 microphone fluctuations when not set in HQ mode.
• Resolved an issue with EASHL matchmaking where it was returning the captain’s versus skill level instead of the club’s skill level. This will improve the accuracy of matchmaking.
• Addressed an issue where Hockey Shop Boosts were being unequipped to the player’s EASHL Pro upon reboot of their console.

Game: NHL 13Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 23 - View All
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Member Comments
# 101 gopher_guy @ 11/01/12 01:12 PM
So the patch plays differently offline than online? I've been playing my GM mode, exclusively offline so far this year.

I see people saying that the players seem weightless now and can skate around like crazy again. I'm thinking "WTF??" I still get caught flat footed with my defensemen, seems like it takes them forever to get to full speed, particularly with my 3rd line D. I haven't noticed any difference in skating!
# 102 Vikes1 @ 11/01/12 11:47 PM
Originally Posted by gopher_guy
So the patch plays differently offline than online? I've been playing my GM mode, exclusively offline so far this year.

I see people saying that the players seem weightless now and can skate around like crazy again. I'm thinking "WTF??" I still get caught flat footed with my defensemen, seems like it takes them forever to get to full speed, particularly with my 3rd line D. I haven't noticed any difference in skating!
I've only played off-line too, Gopher.

I feel the same as you. To be honest Gopher...I really don't see much of any real difference in any area of the game after the patch/V1.06. It pretty much just seems well....the same. Except for my volume/visual settings now saving. Which is very nice.

I'm sure like you, not saying others are wrong. But just not experiencing the things that some seem to.

PS: Well Gopher...my three kids and I were suppose to be in St. Paul tonight to see the Kings vs Wild game. Damn...I'm starting to really hate this lockout.
# 103 gopher_guy @ 11/02/12 12:23 PM
Originally Posted by Vikes1
PS: Well Gopher...my three kids and I were suppose to be in St. Paul tonight to see the Kings vs Wild game. Damn...I'm starting to really hate this lockout.
It's a damn shame. The NHL is my buffer between college hockey weekends. Now all I hear is basketball talk during the week. *barf*
# 104 robinson @ 11/04/12 05:30 PM
What happened was that when some people downloaded the patch, tuner, and rosters4 somewhere in one of those downloads there was a bug. So some people got it some didnt.

I don't know if it has anything to do with on or offline (We play offline) but after Even though we play OFFline, I downloaded everything, and it definetly was screwy with the checking, play, etc. and every player 1st or 4th liner was faster (which probaly had most to do with this weightless feeling...)

Anyways, when they said to delete your profile in the game and then on the ps3 menu/mainpage and delete stuff there too... Then reload and download patch, tuner, rosters4 it should work properly and IT DID.

Everything that was screwy wasn't and all the things they made better in the patch were working right and it does make several things even better.

I love this game and that they keep making it a little better each time (even though tuner 101 and 104 were the way to go and not the other tuners. 106 is a good one too.). Theres going to be some bad tuners in the process of making things better, just play the last good one until the next good comes out...

I sure if erveyone does this delete reload download again process, you'll really like the new updates.

Sign the new cba now bitchs!
# 105 18 eighty 5 @ 11/06/12 07:47 AM
Originally Posted by Taku
There has to be a bug or problem of some kind when installing these tuners. I've seen that fast gamespeed few times and weird physics too and I have fixed them. My game is not fast, Its actually pretty slow on my sliders and its not fast even with default gamestyles Normal/Hardcore. This could be the reason why some people aren't getting penalties called too.

Now this is pretty quickly done, I've done this 4 or 5 times:

1) Delete your profile in NHL13

2) Restart your Console & NHL13

3) When prompted download "Game Modes Tuner" first and then download "New Tuner Update"

4) Go to your settings from Main menu and adjust your rules and gamestyle/sliders and choose 1.06 as tuner version, do not choose latest(dont know if it matters but I think it makes more sense to put in tuner version manually) and save&exit

5) Load your Be a GM or Season or whatever you might be playing

6) Go into your settings, they should be as you have saved them before. Change something in settings like put tuner version 1.05 there and save&exit. Then put settings back how you want them and save&exit again.(this is only because there will be "new" settings saved despite the fact you didn't change anything)

7) Adjust custom camera and controller settings back to your liking because they went back to default when new profile was created

5, 6 and 7 can be skipped if you're testing in Play now obviously. Hope that helps.

Your saved games will work normally, your Custom AI files will be safe too. I don't know about Created plays but i dont think they work as they should anyway...
Hey Taku, will this delete my online Pro for EASHL?
# 106 bradbitte @ 11/06/12 09:20 AM
Hello is it possible to update the game whitout using the xbox live?

# 107 Taku @ 11/06/12 11:33 AM
Originally Posted by 18 eighty 5
Hey Taku, will this delete my online Pro for EASHL?
I doubt it but I'm not sure. I find it hard to believe that online Pro would be saved into your profile...
# 108 Taku @ 11/06/12 11:49 AM
Originally Posted by robinson
What happened was that when some people downloaded the patch, tuner, and rosters4 somewhere in one of those downloads there was a bug. So some people got it some didnt.

I don't know if it has anything to do with on or offline (We play offline) but after Even though we play OFFline, I downloaded everything, and it definetly was screwy with the checking, play, etc. and every player 1st or 4th liner was faster (which probaly had most to do with this weightless feeling...)

Anyways, when they said to delete your profile in the game and then on the ps3 menu/mainpage and delete stuff there too... Then reload and download patch, tuner, rosters4 it should work properly and IT DID.

Everything that was screwy wasn't and all the things they made better in the patch were working right and it does make several things even better.

I love this game and that they keep making it a little better each time (even though tuner 101 and 104 were the way to go and not the other tuners. 106 is a good one too.). Theres going to be some bad tuners in the process of making things better, just play the last good one until the next good comes out...

I sure if erveyone does this delete reload download again process, you'll really like the new updates.

Yeah, "speed bug" isn't fun. Hard to say how common this is/was, I certainly hope that there is no people experiencing this anymore because game really is very good when it's working properly...
# 109 kerosene31 @ 11/08/12 09:58 AM
Overall this seems to play well overall. I don't like the nerfs to the defense at all, but I'm probably in the minority in that. A d-man in perfect position should be able to shut down just about anyone easily. Overall I think I have the least amount of gripes with this tuner.

I still don't see very many CPU penalties, but my CPU controlled teammates are constantly ending up in the box.
# 110 MizzouRah @ 11/08/12 11:40 AM
Penalties are a mixed bag, but I play 8 minute periods and they seem on the realm of norm for me overall.

The game has finally become organic and the AI doesn't feel cheap anymore. I don't get those big time comebacks like previous versions.
# 111 MizzouRah @ 11/09/12 09:24 PM
Originally Posted by tofubrain2
But all the while scripted and forced offensive plays game after game executed by the CPU. Gain the zone, 3 passes to the point and a slapshot. Rinse, repeat. No creativity on the fly, I can pretty much pinpoint when that shot is coming and from what d-man. Ho-hum, NHL 12 had the same dishwasher offense.

so " organic " is not the word I would have chosen, it's great that you feel that way. I'd personally love to have an organic experience with this game but like Christmas, I know whats coming every year.
Honestly.. I'm not seeing that type of play by the CPU. They deke me and then take it to goal most of the time. I don't see the tape to tape passing either. Typically last year, they would be at 80-85% passing, this year it's about 70-75% so far in my BeaGM.

The thing that is really irking me right now is how all of my players get knocked to the ice with the slightest hit. Even so, no penalties ever get called for it when I have the puck either. Pisses me off to no end.
# 112 18 eighty 5 @ 11/10/12 08:38 AM
Finally able to DL the patch and tuner 1.06. Had the speed skate and crazy physics issue so put Taku's fix into effect and finally the game is playing far smoother than it has since I DL'd tuner 1.05.

I like the more instantaneous back skate, the physics on All Star have settled down a heap. The game feels much smoother. Really glad I updated as the game previously for me had become a mess.
# 113 18 eighty 5 @ 11/10/12 11:21 PM
Originally Posted by Taku
I doubt it but I'm not sure. I find it hard to believe that online Pro would be saved into your profile...
The delete profile workaround for the patch and tuner does appear to delete your online pro data. My online defenseman and all his attribute upgrades have been washed away. Anyone else confirm this?

Offline only it is for sure now.
# 114 MizzouRah @ 11/11/12 03:16 PM
For some reason, hitting power was set to 3, turned it down 1 notch and game play is much better.
# 115 Splitter77 @ 11/11/12 05:55 PM
the game as it stands right now is as good a hockey game has ever been for me.
tuner 1.06 on superstar with my sliders.
Never had such great games for this long of a playing period. Its been a solid 3/4 weeks of playing and these games are still great.

Hopefully next year they totally redo the franchise and add boxscores, more stats and other info around the league.

As fpr gameplay, next year they have to address the cpu defense at the defensive blueline, they have to redo the goalies, and maybe tinker with the cpu offensive strats as well.
# 116 18 eighty 5 @ 11/11/12 09:32 PM
Originally Posted by MizzouRah
For some reason, hitting power was set to 3, turned it down 1 notch and game play is much better.
What difference have you notice Mizz?
# 117 Vikes1 @ 11/12/12 01:44 AM
I'm still enjoying the heck outta the game since the latest update/tuner.

For me anyway....All-Star normal [with some slider adjustments] is all the challenge I can handle. I'm still struggling to win, but getting really fun, solid games. One problem I'm having now is, that my top line guys have really turned cold. Just haven't been getting those much needed goals from my top guns lately.
# 118 MizzouRah @ 11/12/12 08:40 AM
Originally Posted by 18 eighty 5
What difference have you notice Mizz?
Less hits where the player falls down, they are stronger with the puck now.
# 119 MizzouRah @ 11/12/12 08:41 AM
Originally Posted by Vikes1
I'm still enjoying the heck outta the game since the latest update/tuner.

For me anyway....All-Star normal [with some slider adjustments] is all the challenge I can handle. I'm still struggling to win, but getting really fun, solid games. One problem I'm having now is, that my top line guys have really turned cold. Just haven't been getting those much needed goals from my top guns lately.
I'm the same, AS with just a couple of minor tweaks and I'm in a funk. I'm 2-5-2 to start the season and having no luck with my 2nd and 3rd lines.
# 120 Vikes1 @ 11/13/12 12:52 AM
Originally Posted by MizzouRah
I'm the same, AS with just a couple of minor tweaks and I'm in a funk. I'm 2-5-2 to start the season and having no luck with my 2nd and 3rd lines.
Ya Mizz...myself, I'm thinking the adaptive AI the game has had for a while now is pretty dang effective. Maybe more effective than I've ever really realized. I know for me anyway....I always seem to fall into the trap of playing the same way most of the time. Especially if something seemed to work for a while. I'm thinking that may very well be a major part of my struggles. And has been for sometime.

And imo...adaptive AI in a sports game [especially if it really works] is a huge, great addition to any sports game. To be honest Mizz...I kinda keep spacing out that it's there. Like a dope.

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