As announced last week, the NHL 13 title update has arrived for the PS3 and 360. Play a few games and post your impressions.
Just in case you missed the details, check them out below.
Gameplay Updates
• Separated ability for backwards to forwards pivot for ‘with puck’ and ‘without puck’ and made it quicker to pivot without the puck.
• Poke checking – fixed bug causing players to always miss to the same side of the puck.
• Goalies will be more aware of shots right off a faceoff in the offensive zone.
• Goalies will have a harder time dealing with screens.
• Ability to tune shooting back against the grain so it can be less accurate/effective than shooting with your weight behind the shot and moving towards your shooting direction.
• Ability for players to be more susceptible to lose the puck when getting hit while skating backwards with the puck at speed.
• Prevented desperation shots from knocking the puck away from the goalie minimizing the strategy of diving at the goalie to knock the puck loose.
• Fixed shootout logic in GM Connected to include both locked and unlocked users.
• Allowed BAP games to resume from simulation in the middle of a shift (fixed crash when sim intervening).
• Fixed goals screening goalie stat.
• Goalie has a better chance of squaring up to shots from far out.
• Improved orientation of off-puck players in one-timer situations.
• Improved AI behavior against a back skating puck carrier.
• Fixed hit power sliders so only the hitter’s slider value matters.
• Fixed AI players occasionally standing around looking at the puck when resuming from simulation in BAP.
• Fixed BAP being taken off the ice after a short shift that results in a stoppage.
• Fixed rapidly spinning players in BAP when resuming from simulation.
• Ability to tune players puck control coming out of a 45 glide deke.
• Ability to tune CPU pass error on long passes.
• Improved puck hop behavior when it hits the boards.
• Pokechecking effectiveness range tweaked. Players with better stick checking skill will stand out more compared to players with lover ratings in that category.
• Tuned goalies and shooting accuracy to ensure shots in the slot/middle of the ice are more effective than shots from sharp angles.
• Tripping penalties are more likely to be called
Presentation and Graphics
• NEW - Added unique (green) Reebok 20K EA Sport branded skates and stick to the RBK pre-order pack (XBOX).
• NEW - Added unique (blue) Reebok 20K EA Sport branded skates and stick to the RBK pre-order pack (PS3).
• NEW - 2012 Winter Classic Jerseys (PHI / NYR) now selectable in regular game modes.
• Reduces frame rate jitter on the Xbox 360 as experienced by a number of players in all game modes but was most noticeable in OTP/EASHL (XBOX).
• Replay Wipe timing fixed.
• Commentary for replays won’t continue if a replay has been skipped.
• Action Tracker post effects (barrel distortion on net cam) is working correctly.
• Tampereen Ilves home/away jerseys now displays correct logo.
• Dynamic board ads added to Toronto’s stadium.
• Snow on players/goaltender/environment now fades out more smoothly/realistically.
• Flag holders in the Winter Classic stadium now stand correctly at all corners of the flag.
• Lulea HF center ice logo now displaying correctly.
• Transition wipes should no longer hold on white frame longer than necessary.
• Boston jumbotron no longer white; has proper textures (PS3).
• Rare occurrence of skate spray not lining up correctly with action now fixed inside of the Action Tracker.
• Shuffling of NIS’ has been improved. Less chance of seeing the same NIS inside of the same game.
• Goalie stick mirroring has been corrected. Blade will now be pointing in the right direction during shootout NIS’.
• NHL Moments Live snow build up on ice will now work correctly.
• Calgary Flames now have proper logos on helmet for both Home/Away.
• Prevented replay speech from playing over top a fight or if goof off is skipped.
Hockey Ultimate Team
• NEW - implement training duration item so training items can last for multiple games.
• Addressed an issue where some users were not getting Puck rewards for playing games and would sometimes get a Loss for actually winning games.
• Fixed an issue where players would continue to receive the Happy Hour bonus if they never disconnect from the EA servers and continued to play HUT games.
• Fixed an issue where after playing a game against the Team of the Week or a team from the Leaderboards screen, the wrong roster would be downloaded for all of the teams in the EAUHL 24/7 league when playing a Single Player game.
• Item Pack Art EASST Player Premium Pack art now shows Promo and not Deal.
• Fixed an issue where players would see an error message with missing text when bidding on the same item over and over until while being out bided by another player.
• Applied training boosts are no longer used up for players in the user's Scratched Roster.
• If user has a Stanley Cup edition item in their starting lineup, they are no longer able to add that same player from the New Items screen, thus resulting in them having 2 of the same players in their lineup.
• Fixed an issue where users are not getting wins for opponent DNFs when playing Online Tournaments against the same opponent twice.
• Fixed a crash that occurred when a player enters the Watch list and highlights a sold (green outline) item.
• Online Tournament opponent searches now check for player skill level and team star rating.
• Fixed the crash when applying Consumable items to some of the players in the New Items screen.
• Addressed an issue where spamming in and out of a challenge team game will cause a blank lineup screen to appear.
• Fixed an issue where users would advance through tournament rounds by entering the tournament tree and then playing through a regular non-tournament game (online and offline).
• Addressed an issue where players that should not be considered waiver eligible were being listed as waiver eligible.
Be A Pro
• Tuned off season player growth effect on the BAP player EXP Growth.
• Fixed an issue where the player’s BAP team would not sign FA’s or RFA’s to contracts.
GM Connected
• New - Trade messaging has been added to the mode.
• Speed up Hub loading times.
• Improved responsiveness when scrolling through the Main Menu to reduce accidently scrolling past the option players want to select.
• Improved scrolling when looking to selecting a team on the trade player screen and select team screen.
• Users should no longer be able to adjust the gameplay sliders during a CPU game.
• Improved responsiveness of league search screens.
• Fixed an issue that would sometimes cause a crash when bringing up the player list on the Trade Player screen.
• Fixed an issue where the game would sometimes crash while backing out of the mailbox screen.
• Fixed an issue that could cause the game to crash while loading into the GM Connected HUB.
• Fixed a rare crash that could occur when proposing a trade to a CPU team (also fixed in Be-A-GM).
Online Team Play / EASHL
• Addressed an issue where team members from different regions could not match up together in a club practice and the matchmaking would fail as a result.
• Fixed PS3 microphone fluctuations when not set in HQ mode.
• Resolved an issue with EASHL matchmaking where it was returning the captain’s versus skill level instead of the club’s skill level. This will improve the accuracy of matchmaking.
• Addressed an issue where Hockey Shop Boosts were being unequipped to the player’s EASHL Pro upon reboot of their console.