FIFA 13 News Post

Presentation, check. Player control, check. Defending, check. Player AI, check.

For the last couple of years, FIFA has improved upon almost every aspect of its game. Unsurprisingly, for a franchise that is steadfastly trying to simulate a realistic brand of football, most of these elements became deeper and more nuanced as a result. However, there’s one thing that’s crucially missing from the list: AI Management.

Now, it’s not the sexiest thing to market. You can’t see it, and possibly only a percentage of us who play the game will appreciate it. I try not to write these “wishlist” articles too frequently, but for a hardcore sports gaming site like OS, it seems apt to suggest some improvements for how the game can improve on its gameplay experience by giving its CPU managers a little more smarts. The problem with FIFA's existing CPU management is that it seems to operate inside a vacuum, meaning that its moves are usually preprogrammed to trigger at some basic benchmarks, without taking into account the entire context of what's going on in the match. And if that isn't the case, it surely isn't obvious enough, because as it stands, the CPU management in FIFA just feels a little shallow, especially when compared to the rest of the game's impressive depth.

Read More - The Next Frontier in FIFA Soccer: AI Management

Game: FIFA Soccer 13Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Wii U / Xbox 360Votes for game: 15 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 pk500 @ 10/20/12 01:54 AM
FIFA needs improvement in so many different areas. AI, ball physics, game speed, variation in CPU attack, noticeable differences in powerful and sub-standard AI teams. When an English Championship side can play on the same pitch as Barcelona, this game has serious problems offline.
# 2 ZoneBlitz @ 10/20/12 01:47 PM
Great article! I am stunned at how FIFA persistently and completely ignores team AI. In FIFA you are playing the same team no matter which team you are playing. I personally believe they would finish off PES if they added the same AI depth as far as team strategy in the game, team specific AI play, condition specific AI play and tactics, etc...

Right now FIFA is incredible. However, I own PES because FIFA lacks the depth and realistic gameplay of soccer.

Great article, I hope they address it for next year.
# 3 pk500 @ 10/21/12 01:19 PM
Good points, Zone. But I want to ask you this question sincerely: How can FIFA be "incredible" if it lacks the depth and realistic gameplay of soccer?
# 4 Advanced @ 10/21/12 01:22 PM
Exactly why I chose PES this year.

I want fundamentals taken care of first, then all the pretty stuff later. Not the opposite way around. I have had a ton of fun playing PES this year and have no reason to get Fifa right now.
# 5 ZoneBlitz @ 10/21/12 10:44 PM

It looks sooo good, has great graphics, commentary and the licenses. From a presentation standpoint, it is just plain awesome. Sometimes it just seems that they don't want to finish PES off - LOL!
# 6 pk500 @ 10/22/12 07:03 PM
I agree with you on those points, Zone. But like Advanced, gameplay comes first for me. And PES is more realistic than FIFA, hands down.
# 7 KG @ 10/23/12 05:35 PM
Before conquering a new frontier FIFA better improve in many of the areas that you say they have mastered such as AI & Defending.

Those 2 are far from finished products IMO and while often EA takes one step forward, they give us a baby step in the form of some unfinished feature.
# 8 toomerk @ 10/25/12 12:36 PM

I owned both games last year, and I got FIFA 13 this time around. Unless PES 2013 made HUGE strides from last year, it is far from "hands down". The two games are very similar. The main difference is that player individuality is a shade better in PES. But at this point, you're really splitting hairs in the gameplay department. FIFA has caught them up, and to say otherwise is just treading on tired ground. But all due respect pk, I remember you from the Digital Sportspage days
# 9 superjames1992 @ 10/25/12 12:41 PM
I feel like the AI in video games overall (not just FIFA) hasn't really improved in 10+ years. Shinier graphics and better gameplay have certainly came about in many cases, but the AI has been stuck in the stone ages.
# 10 CM Hooe @ 11/06/12 12:00 AM
Originally Posted by superjames1992
I feel like the AI in video games overall (not just FIFA) hasn't really improved in 10+ years. Shinier graphics and better gameplay have certainly came about in many cases, but the AI has been stuck in the stone ages.
Exactly this. AI has been the most disappointing area of games this console generation, outside of maybe the Halo series.

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