NBA 2K13 News Post

Some of our hoop-heads check in today with their thoughts on the NBA 2K13 demo. Is the game moving into must buy territory for them yet? Read on after the jump to find out!

Read More - NBA 2K13: Demo Roundtable

Game: NBA 2K13Reader Score: 8.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 75 - View All
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Member Comments
# 21 Vni @ 09/26/12 03:25 PM
Originally Posted by The Biscuit 07
I would love to hear more of Vni thoughts.
If you check my previous posts you'll find out what I think about the demo. Honestly I'am done explaining how I feel before it gets too annoying for everyone. I'am still playing the demo, tryeing to get a feel for the control/game. Trust me, I wish I was just loving it.

Originally Posted by CRAZY2KFAN
# 22 djbaker @ 09/26/12 04:00 PM
I traded in 2k12 as soon as the dribble stick was announced. No point in exercising the old system when I'll have to learn a new one.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
# 23 HowDareI @ 09/26/12 04:12 PM
The demos pretty amazing, just wish you could invite friends online but that's not a big deal..the only problem I have is wit the camera..at least let me use the 2K cam, I can't get a feel for the controls because of that.

Some people online still try to pound the x button for steals, and just stand in your face looking for charges too..I don't know where that playstyle came from but them kids need to go somewhere lol

Oh, and people that wanna go back to 2K12 controls: I understand where you're coming from, but you should probably get used to the new ones..cuz what if 2K14 comes out and they take out 2K12 controls for good..just sayin.
# 24 Gramps91 @ 09/26/12 04:13 PM
I really don't know why people aren't talking about the difficulty of the post game or pump fakes. In 2k12 it was easy to shoot a pump fake and easy to work in the post. It's a whole lot harder this year in both aspects. Also, the presentation isn't as good. I'm really hoping for more starting lineup screens than the one we got.

However, the movement is better, the animations are more fluid and shooting seems easier.

I also really like the new dribble controls. Overall it's better than 2k12 I just wish the pump fakes and post game where as easy as 2k12.
# 25 T3Y FR3SH757 @ 09/26/12 04:21 PM
2k12? Unplayable now. With the whole new control stick you can pull off a whole new arsenal of moves. I think thats why they changed it. It takes some getting use to but they haven't took ANYTHING out the game its just different buttons now.
# 26 The Biscuit 07 @ 09/26/12 04:23 PM
Originally Posted by eaterofworlds888
I really don't know why people aren't talking about the difficulty of the post game or pump fakes. In 2k12 it was easy to shoot a pump fake and easy to work in the post. It's a whole lot harder this year in both aspects. Also, the presentation isn't as good. I'm really hoping for more starting lineup screens than the one we got.

However, the movement is better, the animations are more fluid and shooting seems easier.

I also really like the new dribble controls. Overall it's better than 2k12 I just wish the pump fakes and post game where as easy as 2k12.
I have to agree with the pump fakes portion of this. Now I'm not saying it's the games fault, perhaps it is just because of me getting used to the control, or whatever is causing that slight delay with the new shot stick, but I noticed that as well, that I wasn't as fluid on pump fakes. I am still not ready to blame the game yet given I have not learned the new controls like I want, but that was something I was struggling with in the demo.
# 27 Babyportobello @ 09/26/12 05:25 PM
I would have to agree with crazy2kfan. It feels unnatural to hold the left trigger and use the right stick inside the paint when driving or posting up. I feel like the new controls when used on the perimeter aren't such a huge issue because you can use the dribble moves and simply press X to shoot but when you either post up or drive inside is where this new control scheme seems difficult to use. I will continue to test it out but more and more I'm thinking that I'll revert back to the 2k12 control scheme.
# 28 ForeverVersatile @ 09/26/12 05:26 PM
Originally Posted by KingRell
Me too.....or maybe were just being realistic
Maybe your crazy or just a fanboy of that other fail of an NBA Basketball game.
# 29 RUFFNREADY @ 09/26/12 05:55 PM
I like the demo, but one thing bothered me in game; the off the glass self alley-oops! why does it pause soo long while actually trying to do it? I was on a huge break away, and when i clicked on the buttons, everybody was around me, or passed me just standing there watching!
# 30 DatGD12guage @ 09/26/12 05:58 PM
"but if the quick ranked matches online are on pro/default, there will be some upset people."

Dam right!

I have to say after playing the demo more I have somewhat adjusted to the gameplay. At first I said that it was kind of sloppy looking but after playing there are things to minimize that, I just stated using the protect ball more and coming out of it everytime I wanna to do a two step. The defense was also not so good to me then I heard someone say that the game is on pro/casual or default either way if this is true which it seems to be then that would explain the many ankle breaking moments and the slight difficulty playing D.
# 31 piccolomair @ 09/27/12 01:21 AM
Originally Posted by KingRell
Me too.....or maybe were just being realistic
i think its foolish for people to bash you guys for not liking the demo/game. I personally just wish you guys would elaborate, and also keep the concept or "what can actually be implemented" in mind. For example, people have ragged on madden for years because either they failed to hit the realism levels that the very old nfl2k games were reaching, or because they would add new features just to remove some other features, and then reintroduce those features as new (2k is doing this with crew right now, and i have a few ideas as to why)

So its fine if you find something unrealistic, and it turns you off, but explain it, try to explain how it could have been tweaked or changed, dont just point out that foot planting wasnt 100% real when no sport game has really figured out how to do that yet.

Also its always a good idea to present what you do like about the game. I refuse to believe that there i nothing you guys enjoy about 2k13, and if there really is nothing you like about 2k13, then at least mention things you have liked in other basketball games (2k, live, whatever) so at least it makes your argument more relatable, more understandable, and seemingly less trollish (even if its not your intention, simply saying negative things and calling them 'truths' is essentially trollish behavior)

I for one enjoy reading the real negatives on a product. The best products, to me, are not the ones that have the most positives, but the ones that have the least negatives.....and when it comes to games like 2k13, i like to look into how many of the negatives are true negatives as opposed to user misunderstanding....
# 32 GOB @ 09/27/12 04:10 AM
The demo was alright i just wish we didn't have to play as the teams in the NBA finals every year like why cant the put in 4 teams and if they have to make 2 of them the NBA finals teams and the other two can be random. For me that would be alot more fun.
# 33 robny23 @ 09/27/12 04:26 AM
They did take out one thing, you can't do the hard fast jab step anymore. In 2k12 when you jabbed forward, it was a hard quick jab. Seems like 13 only has the slower jab left or right. Now sure why no one mentioned it but I tend to like to utilize triple threat and the quick jab was a great offensive weapon. It's either not in 13 or I don't know how to execute it.
# 34 Norris_Cole @ 09/27/12 05:47 AM
Some things I noticed already

-Spin move and up and under moves are way overpowered...
-Self alleyoops need to be drastically toned down (I personally would even remove them from the entire game)
-Lack of contact when an offensive player is close/under the rim (maybe a slider thing?), combined with poor shot blocking/too slow contest animations for the defenders. Lead passes could be the cheesers' favorite weapon this year

Everything else feels GREAT, having a lot of fun with the demo
# 35 davros88 @ 09/27/12 05:50 AM
The new gameplay features and the way players move looks pretty cool, even if i'm still quite dumb with the control stick... But does anybody else think that the graphics haven't improved much? And of course I hope that the presentation in the full game will be way better and more complete than this one...
# 36 Babyportobello @ 09/27/12 07:14 AM
It does seem like the graphics took a slight hit. There is a bit of loss of detail in player faces and I think that it is time for the crowd to finally get the work it deserves too. The crowd looks pretty bad.
# 37 tr1kz @ 09/27/12 07:29 AM
As I've already preordered the game after learning about all the gameplay changes, I'll skip the demo and look forward to finally getting the final game. Can't wait ...

OT: Does anybody else miss the option to shoot freethrows using sixaxis on PS3? 2ksports, will this be in back in 2k13? If not, is it possible to patch this into the game?
# 38 Babyportobello @ 09/27/12 07:35 AM
This seems to be a very stripped down version of what we are going to actually be playing come next Tuesday. Overall they did do a solid effort in Improving the gameplay for us. Like every other year, my complaints will mostly be very petty and have to do with specific details not any major gripe. It would be nice though to get a more complete demo in order to truly get a feel for the game specifically this year with the new added controls.
# 39 GisherJohn24 @ 09/27/12 09:47 AM
The game is downright amazing. I heard if you don't like the new control scheme you can use the 2k12 controls? Not sure if that's confirmed. I love the organic feel, just feels even more realistic which I never thought was possible, but this will be the sickest NBA game in video game history. Bummed we only have 2 new classic teams. That sucks. Lucky for 2K roster share.

Can someone correct me? There is NO Team USA? Just dream team correct?

I so want my 90's Pacers. And if you got Barkley in the game, give us the classic SUNS! Come on 2k!
# 40 Boopie26 @ 09/27/12 10:13 AM
U can still dribble with LS u can chain moves together with RS thats sick! And the passing is amazing

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