NBA 2K13 News Post

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I'm like this right now with NBA 2K13.
These look pretty cool. I just hope they're used more frequently. I did see a lot of usage of them in 2k12
I wonder how many total billboards and magazine covers will there be.... What other things will they add as far as endorsements ..... I hope they spread out throughout your career instead of letting u get everything in one year.... Still, I'm excited for my player/career....
This is MyCareer week, last week was Gameplay, next week Association
# 9
Jakeness23 @ 09/07/12 05:01 PM
Is there an insight coming today about everything new in MyCareer? Or are these little news bits and pieces all were getting news wise?
Oh ok....cool. Thx.
# 14
NowAndLaterCARZ @ 09/07/12 05:59 PM
# 15
liberaluser @ 09/07/12 06:08 PM

# 16
NowAndLaterCARZ @ 09/07/12 06:13 PM
Very nice additions. Should add some realism. I like the billboard campaigning to bring you in to play for their team.
# 18
mrclutchimself @ 09/08/12 01:04 AM
To me this is the coolest thing they've announced yet. My career is cool but it feels like my player I'm confused as heck as to if its replacing my player or is going to be an alternative I just don't know. But this? I always liked earning billboards, that's what superstars in real life do. Its why my player will always be played, they added contracts last yr and you could buy dunk packages, skill points attend camps and its fun. They made a foundation and they're building on it, I'm gonna love this years 2k as long as they change the CPU ai a lil
Still waiting for the groupie feature. Where your my player arrives at the hotel on the road and can choose his groupie for the evening.
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