Pre-game rituals are in NBA 2K13. In this screenshot, it shows Ronnie2K performing a handstand.
New to NBA 2K13 MyCAREER- Pre-game rituals! Ronnie2K can choose how he wants to make his presence known before the game begins. Who needs to toss chalk when you can perform a handstand?
I love that 2K is giving us so many options in MyCareer.
Although I was never big on MyPlayer, this may be something I'll give a go; especially now having the ability to possibly do this as my pregame ritual at the scorer's table:
We knew this from the achievements list that dropped early... i don't care about pre-game rituals most of the players who do them a f-wits anyway. Except KG, that man is a serious guy.
We should be able to use Kinect and create our own rituals. That'd be an announcement! Doubt it happens tho.
Can you imagine how many injuries would occur?
Breaking news, "A man tore his ACL and his labrum trying to create his own pre-game ritual on kinect. No timetable on when he is expected to have surgery and start his recovery process for next years game."
All these little additions can add up to help the overall experience, but unless they address player progression and teammate/computer AI, the mode will seem a let down.