NHL 13 News Post

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The Producer of NHL 13, Sean Ramjagsingh talks about presentation, gameplay, strategies and more.

Game: NHL 13Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 23 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 Feldman011teen @ 08/22/12 03:33 PM
The intro is exactly the same, nothing has changed. I understand new lighting effects, but it's lacking.
# 2 gopher_guy @ 08/22/12 04:11 PM
Originally Posted by Feldman011teen
The intro is exactly the same, nothing has changed. I understand new lighting effects, but it's lacking.
Agreed. They've taken a major step forward in gameplay, but the presentation needs an overhaul.

This year the tagline has been "We've spent more time on our AI than in the last 3 years combined". Next year (IMO) it has to be "We've spent more time working on presentation/commentary than we have in the last 3 years combined".
# 3 Broncos86 @ 08/22/12 04:33 PM
I didn't find myself saying "NHL 12 would be perfect if it weren't for presentation!"

And thank goodness for the cut scene business.

And yeah, Chara DID play good positional hockey until he decided to follow the back side of the puck carrier into the corner and didn't maintain his position on the inside.
# 4 JG1986 @ 08/22/12 05:04 PM
Been a long time Rangers fan but never played the series since NHL 94 on Sega, lol. Just downloaded the demo. For someone like me its awesome. Anyway, the controls all make sense but how the hell do you win a faceoff? The instructions just say "R," which I'm assuming is the right stick. I flick it around but can't seem to win a faceoff. Is there some technique??
# 5 gopher_guy @ 08/22/12 05:15 PM
Originally Posted by JG1986
Been a long time Rangers fan but never played the series since NHL 94 on Sega, lol. Just downloaded the demo. For someone like me its awesome. Anyway, the controls all make sense but how the hell do you win a faceoff? The instructions just say "R," which I'm assuming is the right stick. I flick it around but can't seem to win a faceoff. Is there some technique??
faceoffs are very hard in the demo. Seems everyone is having trouble winning them.
# 6 canucksss @ 08/22/12 05:17 PM
Originally Posted by jonapaloma
one thing I dont understand, as I start to watch the video is how chara end up getting behind voracek deep into the zone even though rammer says chara has control over voracek as he has nowhere to go. wouldn't the best thing to do for chara to cut off voraceks path into the slot. As it is now chara does a big defensive mistake by follow voracek behind the net.

To me this doesnt look to good.
same thing for me...Sean said at the beginning about improve presentations...and after the introduction of 2 teams...i said whats new???? same introduction, players circulating the ice, goalie doing his thing. i guess the only new presentation is the lighting to the players on ice.

but i hate to say this is a small improvement..coz most of the players are still in generic faces.

Originally Posted by gopher_guy
Agreed. They've taken a major step forward in gameplay, but the presentation needs an overhaul.

This year the tagline has been "We've spent more time on our AI than in the last 3 years combined". Next year (IMO) it has to be "We've spent more time working on presentation/commentary than we have in the last 3 years combined".
you beat me to it but at least they did SOMETHING about the gameplay, based on the demo so good so far. but let see if this will translate to the final product.

Originally Posted by Feldman011teen
The intro is exactly the same, nothing has changed. I understand new lighting effects, but it's lacking.
i agree.
# 7 gator3guy @ 08/22/12 05:25 PM
Ok I can understand not going full out on presentation this year, but for God's sake change the on screen graphics. Seeing the same scoreboard as 12 makes me SMH. I played 12 a lot. I don't want to see the same scoreboard in 13.

I see the puck hitting the net and bouncing out still doesn't count as a goal. If the puck doesn't hit the post it has to be a goal. Did anyone notice Rammer's awkward silence after that one?

Still like the game, but there's just some things that have been problematic with the game the last few years that haven't been fixed. Board play is one of my biggest gripes.
# 8 Fiddy @ 08/22/12 06:03 PM
Originally Posted by RealmK
"We didn't want to put all these controls on multiple different buttons, we wanted to make it extremely accessible to everybody, so players are doing the right thing when you expect them to do it, and you don't need crazy button combinations"

There's a subtle little potshot at 2k if I've ever heard one.
you're reaching big time..
# 9 ericromain @ 08/22/12 07:00 PM
Hmm, rammer needs to diversify his game. He puck hogs it up the boards every time. It's ok to pass it to the center once in a while!
# 10 Vikes1 @ 08/22/12 07:08 PM
Originally Posted by gopher_guy
Agreed. They've taken a major step forward in gameplay, but the presentation needs an overhaul.

This year the tagline has been "We've spent more time on our AI than in the last 3 years combined". Next year (IMO) it has to be "We've spent more time working on presentation/commentary than we have in the last 3 years combined".
Well said, Gopher.

Yep, the gameplay for '13' has taken a very nice jump. And I do really like the RTP. Of course I'm sure we all want the gameplay to continue to be refined every year. But it is time now for '14' to have presentation be a major focus.
# 11 gator3guy @ 08/22/12 08:34 PM
Originally Posted by ericromain
Hmm, rammer needs to diversify his game. He puck hogs it up the boards every time. It's ok to pass it to the center once in a while!
Because its so easy to enter the zone that way. No matter what defenseman you use, you can lug the puck into the zone untouched. I thought the new defensive strategies would make it tough but it doesn't look like it.
# 12 hf199 @ 08/22/12 08:37 PM
I agree. The same presentation and no major changes since 08! And for god's sake why is there still one referee on the ice?! Madden went through the same thing and now they have all the zebras, so why can't NHL? Even the 2K series had 2 refs and 2 linesmen. How about some shots from the rafters in between face offs and see the banners and the jumbotrons at work? That would be nice especially during a power play, oh I think the Face Off series from 989 sports had that. Wtf EA lets get presentation its due here because the game gets boriiiiiiiiing after a while
# 13 hf199 @ 08/22/12 08:43 PM
how about some presentation from outside the actual arenas at the beginning of the game. These guys are all about the little things in gameplay and now have used 6 development years to have have backwards skating and movable ****ing limbs on goalies! I want some excitement and maybe add some hockey night in Canada music with some NBC sports music too. Oh and I hope they have the home arenas goal horn? Because that would really suck. Again 2K had that also. Just make enjoyable simulation not some 6 year development on ice skating, seriously!
# 14 hf199 @ 08/22/12 08:57 PM
Originally Posted by RealmK
Do you want 60 FPS or 30 from 3 additional refs being on the ice and in the way to collide into all the time complete with AI driving them bogging down the game?

I realize people are tired of Thorne and Clement, but I'd rather a full script that's been built up with new situational commentary for replays and actual tv style cuts which we finally have, then scrapping it all and starting over.

What they added this year is subtle, I agree, but I think it offers a better over all presentation package when you think of all the other areas of the game that needed more attention and resources.
if 2K can do it and so can Madden yes, why not. Their montra is "if its in the game, its in the game"
# 15 hf199 @ 08/22/12 08:59 PM
I say make it work. Look at MLB The Show and all its moving parts with crowds and moving spectators, etc. It can be done.
# 16 JG1986 @ 08/22/12 09:26 PM
Originally Posted by gopher_guy
faceoffs are very hard in the demo. Seems everyone is having trouble winning them.
Ah ok thanks for the head up!
# 17 onac22 @ 08/22/12 10:21 PM
made it 2:25 seconds in and decided I'm really judgmental when it's not my game. Just going to wait for the full product but this feels pretty good for a whole new physics model.
# 18 gopher_guy @ 08/23/12 01:18 AM
Originally Posted by hf199
how about some presentation from outside the actual arenas at the beginning of the game. These guys are all about the little things in gameplay and now have used 6 development years to have have backwards skating and movable ****ing limbs on goalies! I want some excitement and maybe add some hockey night in Canada music with some NBC sports music too. Oh and I hope they have the home arenas goal horn? Because that would really suck. Again 2K had that also. Just make enjoyable simulation not some 6 year development on ice skating, seriously!
Talk about an over-simplification. A completely new skating engine =/= simply "backwards skating"
# 19 scottyo60 @ 08/23/12 09:20 AM
Originally Posted by gopher_guy
faceoffs are very hard in the demo. Seems everyone is having trouble winning them.
I think this is going to be classic case of styles and how things are when several people play. I'm just on whatever the default is and winning almost every faceoff... I'm not great by a long shot as far as skill goes, yet I keep doing the same thing with the right stick and winning.
# 20 tsp120 @ 08/23/12 09:38 AM
Though they could put some work into the presentation, as it has become kind of stale, I'd rather they continue to put the same level of effort into the AI every year as they did this year.

I'm perfectly happy with the game modes and the presentation. If they continued with this same level of AI improvements for the next 3 years we could have very smart hockey game on our hands in the future. And I would take that game with today's graphics and presentation any day.

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