05:19 PM - August 21, 2012 by Steve_OS
NBA 2K13 News Post
NBA 2K13 Videos
Member Comments
# 1
Gatorfan Frank @ 08/21/12 05:27 PM
Kevin Duran'ts face looks...off. Not sure what it is. Also, I see they have the same face for Chandler Parsons as last year, which sucks, because it looks nothing like Parsons.
2K Parsons:
Real Parsons:
# 2
Wildcats302 @ 08/21/12 05:34 PM
I mean...it is Chandler Parsons...I agree with you on focusing on Durant and the stars, but Parsons is not some guy that I expect to be perfect.
I don't know if this is a camera angle, or hibbert is going to some kind of deep horsestance but dude looks like a shooting guard in this picture
Really need to tweak the blue and orange of the Knicks. It's been off for quite some time.
Ya Durant and CP3 were the only guys that looked like they had been touched in any way in the video. Everyone else looked identical, including guys like Melo who just looked awful with all of those terribly off colors and Hibbert who is supposed to be 7'2 looking like he's 6'5 in the video.
# 6
Jakeness23 @ 08/21/12 06:43 PM
Still need:
- To fix colors
- Fix the cloth effect, jerseys should actually rest on their bodies
- Give home/away accessories
Besides that, game looks great!
- To fix colors
- Fix the cloth effect, jerseys should actually rest on their bodies
- Give home/away accessories
Besides that, game looks great!
Anyway, it doesn't really matter since we don't know from wich build the footage was taken and I'am sure that if Hibbert was the size of Rondo in nba 2K13 someone at 2K would probably notice it.
# 9
JasonMartin @ 08/21/12 07:00 PM
Agreed, that dude doesn't even look like KD.
Jeremy Lin got SMASHED though on that dunk. Booyah.
Jeremy Lin got SMASHED though on that dunk. Booyah.
Paul looks better but his face looks too angular and his eyebrows look strangely trimmed-- maybe because of the way the fronts of faces are weirdly lightened in the 2K12-2K13 texture maps.
There's a weird geometry glitch in Durant's armpit/pectoral area that shows up when arms are raised. It's been there since 2K12. I would have expected that to be fixed this year. It looks like they barely did any work on refining/fixing bugs on the character model.
I also miss the NBA 2K11 skin shaders so much. It looks better both with and without sweat. I don't know why they ever changed it or decided to reimplement it from scratch. 2K12-13 seems to render players with a mild layer of sweat wax at all times, without either the subtle reflections of dry skin or the realistic gleam of wet skin:
2K12-13 weird waxy-sweat job:
They also "relit" the texture maps for 2K12 to give eyes more definition so that you can better read player expressions, but the end result is a more cartoony look where everyone looks like they're wearing stage makeup eye shadow. You can see how realistic 2K11 looks (with the faces are done right).
There's a weird geometry glitch in Durant's armpit/pectoral area that shows up when arms are raised. It's been there since 2K12. I would have expected that to be fixed this year. It looks like they barely did any work on refining/fixing bugs on the character model.
I also miss the NBA 2K11 skin shaders so much. It looks better both with and without sweat. I don't know why they ever changed it or decided to reimplement it from scratch. 2K12-13 seems to render players with a mild layer of sweat wax at all times, without either the subtle reflections of dry skin or the realistic gleam of wet skin:
2K12-13 weird waxy-sweat job:
They also "relit" the texture maps for 2K12 to give eyes more definition so that you can better read player expressions, but the end result is a more cartoony look where everyone looks like they're wearing stage makeup eye shadow. You can see how realistic 2K11 looks (with the faces are done right).
I'm sure the devs said that Sweat is back in the game in 2k13 though, so who knows
2K13 definitely has the best rims I've ever seen in a basketball video game.
Looks good and I'm excited about the new control scheme!
The only negative posts in this thread are about some minor graphics things, which shows just how well 2K handles their gameplay!
The only negative posts in this thread are about some minor graphics things, which shows just how well 2K handles their gameplay!
# 17
PartyBoiRD @ 08/21/12 08:45 PM
Seeing nba live garbage of gameplay and the non stop fussing from core ea sports gamers on what's needed to make their game much better. If you didn't hear the argument from there fans it stems from their ugly player models how every one looks the same and no noticeable facial features until you go to a cut scene. Now lets look at 2k's core gamers and core I mean people since the disel was gracing the cover and even those in the A.I dreamcast days. They fuss only over the small things like lighting, face models, notable home/arena decals and sneaker notoriety. Can you tell the difference it's almost comical to compare the two games! 2k I love what you guys are doing and I love the way your haters keep hating because if your not drawing haters what are you doing right! Right thanks for reading I'm out !
Pretty nice screens here. Really show off the skin textures and sweat textures as well.
Have u seen mutombo play Shaquille in the finals. His head was damn near shaq's waist cause he was trying to gain some leverage when getting backed down. I know the size difference there but in this case it works the same. Low wide stance , covers more space. Neither worked! But that's what it is. Chill.... U see it all the time. Even when the occasional mis- match of Lebron on ibaka or garnett would happen, u would see the two get low and pull up the legs of the shorts and get wide to defend the drive, same thing different scenario. All that to say this ..... I have no problem with it. Cause it's in the ..... Oops!
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