NBA 2K13 News Post
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Nice video, Shakedown is my favorite commentator. I'm excited though by the new mode they think is better than Myplayer. Interesting.

# 3
King_B_Mack @ 08/20/12 08:40 PM
Really good video!
These were all things I'm looking forward to seeing. Looking forward to the insights this September. It's gonna be like a month long Christmas before you get to open your presents!
These were all things I'm looking forward to seeing. Looking forward to the insights this September. It's gonna be like a month long Christmas before you get to open your presents!

# 5
barimanlhs @ 08/20/12 09:15 PM
Im curious to see what the new mode is, as well as the overhaul of My Player. Ive pretty much become a My Player only guy, so I can only assume these changes will be for the better! But if this new mode is more addictive...hmmm the possibilities!
I'm excited though by the new mode they think is better than Myplayer.
I hope the new mode is Association based. Man is that mode due for an overhaul. Great foundation but too many kinks that need to be worked out to put out the same thing for the last 3 years.
That wouldn't add anything new.
A cool thing would be, but this is VERY speculative, is full college integration, where you start on a college level and play your way into the NBA, including the Olympic games every four years.
That's just speculation though and it wouldn't be considered a new mode per say.
# 10
Wildcats302 @ 08/20/12 09:54 PM
I am thinking that if they say something that is cooler than MP, than I thinking MP has to be involved with it. If it is something online, then I wont touch it.
I wouldve been okay with just changes/additions in MP. I was not expecting a overhaul. Most of my gripes in MP were AI/Gameplay related, and it looks like it is fixed. I expect them to add depth in the mode. With the gameplay looking very nice, all the mode need it depth. Probably more customization, different pre/post draft actions, more off the court stuff. Really looking forward to MP this year. As long as the MP Draft is fixed(which I expect it to be) and Simming any game is in, than MP will be better because of the gameplay/ai changes.
IMO, I think this will be sports game of the year. With only really seeing a 1/3 or 1/4 of the improvements, this has been a huge leap from 12. Most sports games, you really only see a improvements in certain areas while the rest is tweaked at best. As it seems, the game looks to be fully improved. I know this isnt high on the list of improvements for everybody, but I really like how they improved how the players react post play. I think it will add atmosphere to the game. Players would act like robots during timeouts and barely react to buzzer beaters. I cant wait to see it all.
I am guessing that we see info/insights weekly starting this week. With there be exactly 6 weeks from the game being released, it will fly by. I expect this Gameplay insight to be the last gameplay insight. We might get an Presentation/Audio insight next week. We usually get the MP insight the 1st week of Sept(based off of last 2 years) and the online stuff the last week of Sept. So, I am guessing we hear about the New Mode and Association in between those 2.
# 12
redsfan4life @ 08/21/12 01:55 AM
New mode that's better than my player? If this guy's correct there's our answer that Crew is back in basically.
Was is specified if the mode was 100% new or that it was just better than my player?
Either way if they say they have a mode better than myplayer I bet its either something Online related or Association is revamped/renamed and back in a big way seeing as he didn't say better than myplayer/association.
I just hope they don't go the CC route and kill all editing/team switching/customization like EA did.
Either way if they say they have a mode better than myplayer I bet its either something Online related or Association is revamped/renamed and back in a big way seeing as he didn't say better than myplayer/association.
I just hope they don't go the CC route and kill all editing/team switching/customization like EA did.
# 15
Boilerbuzz @ 08/21/12 02:54 AM
# 16
JasonMartin @ 08/21/12 09:12 AM
I'm pretty positive that the new mode will not be THAT impressive. You can come back to me in 1.5 month when the game is finally released. 2K is good at hyping.
# 17
JerzeyReign @ 08/21/12 09:14 AM
From what I've been reading on multiple forums, they don't need a new mode -- they need to fix an old mode and bring it back. #CrewLove
Everything sounds great. Aside from crisper passes, they seemed to have addressed all the major concerns. I can't wait to get my hands on this game. I'm hoping the defensive improvements & physics will help me against friends that use the entire shot clock trying to get to the lane with the LeBrons & Roses of the league.
I wonder how the physics, animations & AI work on traps & double teams.
As an association mode guy, I hope this new mode is related. I'm not into My Player or Crew and probably wouldn't like anything similar.
I chuckled at the dunk contest being fun. I guess if you're into the Guitar Hero type controls, it'll be a blast. I will avoid it at all cost unless they make a last second decision to change the controls. Personally, I wish they had just built on the in-game dunk controls for the contest.
I wonder how the physics, animations & AI work on traps & double teams.
As an association mode guy, I hope this new mode is related. I'm not into My Player or Crew and probably wouldn't like anything similar.
I chuckled at the dunk contest being fun. I guess if you're into the Guitar Hero type controls, it'll be a blast. I will avoid it at all cost unless they make a last second decision to change the controls. Personally, I wish they had just built on the in-game dunk controls for the contest.
A mode better than My Player? That makes it sound like it's something else entirely. I'm gonna guess some kind of GM or Ownership mode. Let you do more micromanaging of the franchise and player movement. Could be real fun if executed right. But that might not be it either. No matter. They'll announce it in time.
Anywho. Great stuff. Can't wait to see that My Player AI in action. All I need to hear is that coaching AI will use some actual sense, i.e not subbing you into games seconds before the end of quarters, having the same time out schedule where the moment you sub in and someone scores it's a timeout, whoever is down big does nothing but full court press, etc. I'll be gangsta till 2K14 comes out.
Anywho. Great stuff. Can't wait to see that My Player AI in action. All I need to hear is that coaching AI will use some actual sense, i.e not subbing you into games seconds before the end of quarters, having the same time out schedule where the moment you sub in and someone scores it's a timeout, whoever is down big does nothing but full court press, etc. I'll be gangsta till 2K14 comes out.
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