NCAA Football 13 News Post

You read that right.

The new title update for NCAA Football 13 hit today, with various updates to dynasty mode. Gone are duplicating promises and numerous other little bugs -- including one which prevented your program tradition from rising even if you were winning.

And you know you need to freshen things up a bit. Why not start your dynasty over and take advantage of the new title update and frankly, the revamped gameplay? Mix it up, then start over.

How many times do you start a new dynasty each year with NCAA?

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Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 60 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 speedy43 @ 08/15/12 01:31 PM
This post seems to imply that the update doesn't affect dynasties in progress. I was under the impression that I wouldn't have to restart to see the results.
# 2 gopher_guy @ 08/15/12 01:32 PM
Originally Posted by speedy43
This post seems to imply that the update doesn't affect dynasties in progress. I thought it would?
I'm pretty sure it does.

I think he's just suggesting giving yourself a fresh start without those glitches hindering you from the start.
# 3 RaychelSnr @ 08/15/12 01:33 PM
Originally Posted by speedy43
This post seems to imply that the update doesn't affect dynasties in progress. I was under the impression that I wouldn't have to restart to see the results.
No need to fear, it impacts them. Just throwing out an idea if the mode just hasn't clicked for you yet this year.
# 4 speedy43 @ 08/15/12 01:34 PM
Good to hear!
# 5 DJ @ 08/15/12 01:38 PM
I've started a couple of dynasties pre-patch, but that was mostly just to get an idea for how scouting worked.

Now that the patch is here, I'm ready to start up my Dynasty. I'm having an awful time settling on a team this year. I usually run with FSU but I don't like starting with 6-star teams that are already in the Top-10. I keep saying Air Force, so I think I will just go ahead and run with them. It'll be a nice change of pace, and I haven't run an option-based offense in a long time.
# 6 THE YAMA @ 08/15/12 02:14 PM
I just re-started my Online Dynasty with a friend.
# 7 Juce734 @ 08/15/12 02:15 PM
I probably start at least 12 new dynasties a year. Majority of them as UofM, EMU, and then another sleeper. Last year I jumped around in my FIU first dynasty. Got them to credible and left for a new rebuilding job. It was a fun game.
# 8 BadAssHskr @ 08/15/12 02:39 PM
I recently restarted about a week or so ago. Got the latest community rosters, had sliders finally tuned in, things are going as expected now, i' definitely not going to be left with the feeling that we were "to good" this time around.

Patch will further enhance my experience this go around.

Starting fresh for me, new rosters, sliders set, a very refreshing restart for me. I recommend.
# 9 TB12TCUPROCOMBAT @ 08/15/12 02:40 PM
I am going to start a TCU one but not until they put the uniforms in the uniform store to make it more realistic.
# 10 mercalnd @ 08/15/12 03:40 PM
Originally Posted by kingdavidtaylor1989
Did they fix the "bug" where it allows one to export your draft class? If not, then forget any other updates. I only play these suck a** EA football games because I can export draft class from one game to the next. I am ready to play other football games now. I will even play an NFL Fever title now.
It's not a bug. CCM in Madden 13 does not allow the import of draft classes. So why would allowing you to export them in NCAA do any good?
# 11 Brandwin @ 08/15/12 04:57 PM
I thought about starting over with a Baylor dynasty. I played four years as Baylor's OC and was hired to be head coach at LSU, I am on year two.. I just don't think I can start over.
# 12 brahmagoul @ 08/16/12 12:55 AM
This blog post is a bit deceiving in that it suggests you should restart your dynasty because of the new patch. I've been reading the patch takes effect with current dynasties, meaning you don't need to start over.
# 13 GoDucks1224 @ 08/16/12 02:13 AM
Originally Posted by kingdavidtaylor1989
Did they fix the "bug" where it allows one to export your draft class? If not, then forget any other updates. I only play these suck a** EA football games because I can export draft class from one game to the next. I am ready to play other football games now. I will even play an NFL Fever title now.
Seriously? I mean really? The draft class exports always turned out ****ty anyway. Get over yourself buddy. This new Madden is gonna be good. And if you don't want to buy it, no skin off EA's back. Pretty sure your 45-60 dollars isn't gonna mean **** to them.
# 14 HadlerT @ 08/16/12 02:15 AM
I've done numerous dynasties, waiting for the final roster for 360.
# 15 Foots @ 08/16/12 03:01 AM
Originally Posted by DookieMowf
I thought about starting over with a Baylor dynasty. I played four years as Baylor's OC and was hired to be head coach at LSU, I am on year two.. I just don't think I can start over.
I can't stand wasting all the recruiting work I've done.
# 16 kingsofthevalley @ 08/16/12 07:10 AM
Yea, the game played drastically different for me. I'm thinking I have to adjust sliders to gel with the 2nd title update. I'm using Akron at the moment and jumped out to a 14 rip lead over Central Michigan in the first quarter whereas before the patch I struggled to score.

Akron is rated all Ds while Central is all Cs. Now with those team overalls it is VERY possible for me to get a lead like that I do understand BUT Central IS rated higher (yeah not by much but still), so I kind of expected it to be more of a struggle like it was BEFORE the 2nd title update. It was much easier for me to score (I'm playing on heisman/slow speed/25 speed threshold/ by the way) so something has definitely changed with my slider set. I'm trying to pinpoint what it is.

So yeah, I guess point being, I'm going to go ahead and start over from scratch and tweak my sliders. Only thing thats going to be a pain in the butt is editing EVERY SINGLE teams uniforms again. Damn.
# 17 UGOOGLE DOT COM @ 08/16/12 08:26 AM
not first ime i started year over and over. new update came out and i start over again when they fix game but game not fised yet, somethangs still not workng yet. but still lic play witht the army team. fun to prop them up in like 10 years or something. best game this year besides battlefields3. imo
# 18 humanprototype @ 08/17/12 12:53 PM
Originally Posted by kingdavidtaylor1989
Seriously???? I play sports games for the gameplay, and the gameplay in NCAA football is still robotic like always. I am not one of those guys who plays a game 24/7. Playing video games is not a career for me. I still believe NFL 2K5 is STILL the best football game that has been released. My opinion though.
Agreed. Unfortunately, this is the'latest and greatest'. I'll take what i can get. Lol

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