NBA 2K13 News Post

NBA 2K13 Videos
Member Comments
# 1
Rochelle400 @ 08/10/12 02:08 PM
If you look closely at the backround in some pictures you can see that almost all of the people in the crowd are sitting. They aren't waving the arms in the air like their ********
# 3
Rochelle400 @ 08/10/12 03:33 PM
Lol look at Spencer Hawes, Greivis Vasquez, Rondo and Brandon Jennings same 2K12 models, same problems and Beasley should be wearing Nikes.
# 5
liberaluser @ 08/10/12 03:59 PM
Is it just me or do the jerseys look like a better fit in these screenshots?
The shoes are a step in the right direction from last year that is a very good thing to see.
# 8
Jakeness23 @ 08/10/12 07:05 PM
Only things that stick out to me are the jersey fit still looks the same, meaning no variety from one player to the next. Little too baggy. And the jerseys don't rest on their bodies, they still float and are paper thin.
I'm not a big fan of these graphics anymore, but I guess if it hasn't changed drastically since 2K9, it's not going to change until a new generation is introduced. Until then, I think I'd better stop looking at the graphics and focus on gameplay-only when it comes to 2K.
Still waiting to play the demo.
Still waiting to play the demo.
It's much easier to develop Real Time Physics than to get the red right.
Thankfully for 2K, they're not a printhouse.

# 15
NowAndLaterCARZ @ 08/10/12 10:08 PM
under armor is now a sponsor on 2k13. look at the rondo and d.rose picture, on the tunnel behind them. maybe some new accessories and shoes
# 16
Gatorfan Frank @ 08/11/12 10:07 AM
Those generic shoes are atrocious. Just get rid of them. It saddens me to see marquis players such as Ty Lawson rocking a pair of clearance sneakers from K-Mart.
# 17
boodahisthe1 @ 08/13/12 09:01 AM
Dont like the "generic" shoes on players..they should just get rid of that option or switch them out..this is why i buy 2k for console and pc..On pc i swap the generic shoes out and put in hyperdunks and hyperfuse..makes the game look more authentic..I hope they add new accessories as well..Ive been watching D.Rose since he was in high school and never seen him wear knee pads..besides shoes and accessories, I like what I see..cant wait til October....
# 18
RoyalBoyle78 @ 08/13/12 11:28 AM
call me crazy, but I'm just not impressed anymore with 2k graphics, its almost the last 3 years they take steps back, how I don't know...Even from those new screens, the game look OK...The Durant pic is terrible..
# 20
RoyalBoyle78 @ 08/13/12 09:08 PM
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