NBA 2K13 News Post

According to Ronnie2K, we should start seeing some NBA 2K13 Developer Insight videos in the near future.

This year, we're introducing Developer Insight VIDEOS. Will allow us to SHOW you the difference between 2K12 and #NBA2K13. Debuting soon!

Game: NBA 2K13Reader Score: 8.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 75 - View All
NBA 2K13 Videos
Member Comments
# 61 speedy9386 @ 08/08/12 01:15 AM
Originally Posted by blues rocker
# 62 kennyacid @ 08/08/12 01:22 AM
some of these gifs are just down right hilarious
# 63 cjallure24 @ 08/08/12 01:23 AM
# 64 richmo @ 08/08/12 01:29 AM
Originally Posted by blues rocker

For real though, glad we finally got something solid on the video front. Maybe Czar helped inspire this from his past videos comparing different teams' in-game offenses?
# 65 Sports fanantic @ 08/08/12 01:40 AM

# 66 youvalss @ 08/08/12 01:44 AM
# 67 vannwolfhawk @ 08/08/12 01:47 AM
Best thread ever! These gif's are hilarious!
# 68 23 @ 08/08/12 02:02 AM

# 69 qbdaprizzle @ 08/08/12 02:05 AM
Originally Posted by Gman 18
whoopity dooo dah
# 70 qbdaprizzle @ 08/08/12 02:07 AM
# 71 King_B_Mack @ 08/08/12 02:21 AM
Originally Posted by qbdaprizzle

Sorry man, had to. You gotta use the image button for your gif to show up, not just paste the link into the box like so.

There ya go.
# 72 TheUndogmatic @ 08/08/12 02:45 AM
YES!!!!!! HYPED!!!!!!
# 73 exposedaking @ 08/08/12 03:04 AM
Officially hyped up.

Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk 2
# 74 piccolomair @ 08/08/12 04:03 AM
Man i love the idea of the videos, but i also hope they keep the written "diary" format of the insights as well. The videos will probably be of uniform length so they wont be able to get everything they want to say, or their personal thoughts on matters out as easily. The written insights did a great job of really getting into the meat and showing off some more personal touches going into the game. So i hope they do both...

sorry, i brought no gif to this party.....
# 75 kongemeier @ 08/08/12 05:14 AM

This got me excited!
# 76 JerzeyReign @ 08/08/12 07:59 AM
So let me get this straight, you guys were disappointed that Jay Z picked a soundtrack and helped with presentation but are excited because the insights now include videos?

I seriously don't get that...
# 77 Vni @ 08/08/12 08:13 AM
Jay Z is more important for 2k than for us gamers. It helps them advertise their game and it will make people talk about it. But seriously, I never cared that much about the music into a video game, especially in a sports game where people use their own playlist. It's not doing anything to me.

Developer insights videos are about the gameplay and the improvements, it's all I care about.
# 78 juicey79 @ 08/08/12 08:21 AM
It probably will not be released until sept 15...lol
# 79 barimanlhs @ 08/08/12 08:29 AM
Originally Posted by Vni
Jay Z is more important for 2k than for us gamers. It helps them advertise their game and it will make people talk about it. But seriously, I never cared that much about the music into a video game, especially in a sports game where people use their own playlist. It's not doing anything to me.

Developer insights videos are about the gameplay and the improvements, it's all I care about.
It might mean more to us gamers if it really amps up the presentation value while playing the game. If you ignore the music but focus on everything else Jay Z will be working on, this could be very very good
# 80 Vni @ 08/08/12 08:31 AM
Yeah you might be right, but we still don't know what he really did other than the soundtrack.

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