NBA Live 13 News Post

Strong words from Kotaku's Owen Good, in his latest NBA Live 13 article. This isn't Duke Nukem Forever or Half-Life 3, love it.

EA Sports has aggressively pushed the talking point that NBA Live 13 isn't coming off a three-year development cycle, and that's reasonable. Elite represented an entire year of wasted development. The project was reassigned to a different studio, and the new team had to tear it down and understand what it was working with. That accounted for a lot of 2011.

But this isn't Duke Nukem Forever or Half-Life 3. The release date of a simulation sports video game is predictable years in advance. If NBA Live 13 misses that date, for any reason, the reaction will be swift and merciless. It'll be as good as failing to launch.

Source - For NBA Live, an Uncomfortable Silence Speaks for Itself

Game: NBA Live 13Hype Score: 5.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 56 - View All
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Member Comments
# 41 Flightwhite24 @ 08/07/12 05:36 AM
History has shown when EA is tight-lipped about there B-ball games before release, in past years it turned out to be a mess. Gotta believe this is the case again

Can't remember what year but I think it was 07 and EA would not release any vids of there game and when it came out we were shocked. Anyone remember the "Rainbow" jump shots??? Not one vid that year and we couldn't figure out why.

At this point I truly believe this game is gonna be a mess. Just my take

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# 42 Altimus @ 08/07/12 09:43 AM
I thought 09 had the rainbow jump shot where as soon as it was released you knew it was money in the bank...

07 had those Street Fighter combos to pull moves off.
# 43 bigeastbumrush @ 08/07/12 10:01 AM
Originally Posted by FLIGHTWHITE
History has shown when EA is tight-lipped about there B-ball games before release, in past years it turned out to be a mess. Gotta believe this is the case again

Can't remember what year but I think it was 07 and EA would not release any vids of there game and when it came out we were shocked. Anyone remember the "Rainbow" jump shots??? Not one vid that year and we couldn't figure out why.

At this point I truly believe this game is gonna be a mess. Just my take

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
This is very similar to the NBA Live 07 release.

The only "gameplay" they would show was TMac shooting around in the gym by himself. I really was surprised to see that people still went out and bought that game only to be disappointed.

They marketing footplanting and released screenshots that were graphically incredible looking. But the actual on-court gameplay was utter trash.
# 44 DaveDQ @ 08/07/12 10:26 AM
I didn't put together that if EA made this digital only, they'd still have to charge $60.

That would be another grave mistake.

At this point I'd be very surprised to see a game this year. Right now I'm expecting a PR announcement of, "We are dedicated to putting out the best NBA basketball game to our fans, and while we want to do that as soon as possible, doing it in 2014 would ensure our fans get the best we can give them."
# 45 23 @ 08/07/12 10:33 AM
Originally Posted by Altimus
I thought 09 had the rainbow jump shot where as soon as it was released you knew it was money in the bank...

07 had those Street Fighter combos to pull moves off.
Nope live 07 had extra high arcing jumpers even 2 feeg in front of the rim...it was bad

I remembsr wtf trying to give that gane away.

I saw theyo didnt let a single outlst review the game ando no vids wsde released so I wdnt to gamestop to moved my preorder money over to 2k and the ganesrop dude was trying to stop me...kept asking.go was I sure and how great live was

Thats when they used to advertise for ea and you never saw a 2k sign up anywhere

Live 09 had a shrt arch and you knew the 3 pointer was money when it happened but it was nowhere near live 07

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# 46 Norris_Cole @ 08/07/12 10:45 AM
Originally Posted by bigsmallwood
Ea Sports must acknowledge this and stop wasting time removing and adding features to their games
This sounds familiar...
# 47 Mintsa @ 08/07/12 10:56 AM
Originally Posted by 23
Nope live 07 had extra high arcing jumpers even 2 feeg in front of the rim...it was bad

I remembsr wtf trying to give that gane away.

I saw theyo didnt let a single outlst review the game ando no vids wsde released so I wdnt to gamestop to moved my preorder money over to 2k and the ganesrop dude was trying to stop me...kept asking.go was I sure and how great live was

Thats when they used to advertise for ea and you never saw a 2k sign up anywhere

Live 09 had a shrt arch and you knew the 3 pointer was money when it happened but it was nowhere near live 07

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk 2

I hated that 3 point shot arch in Live 09.....killed any excitement when shooting 3's......
# 48 bigeastbumrush @ 08/07/12 11:34 AM
Originally Posted by Mintsa
I hated that 3 point shot arch in Live 09.....killed any excitement when shooting 3's......
With the huge rim..small ball...and net that splashed no matter what arc the shot was.
# 49 Pared @ 08/07/12 01:08 PM
Originally Posted by 23
Nope live 07 had extra high arcing jumpers even 2 feeg in front of the rim...it was bad

I remembsr wtf trying to give that gane away.

I saw theyo didnt let a single outlst review the game ando no vids wsde released so I wdnt to gamestop to moved my preorder money over to 2k and the ganesrop dude was trying to stop me...kept asking.go was I sure and how great live was

Thats when they used to advertise for ea and you never saw a 2k sign up anywhere

Live 09 had a shrt arch and you knew the 3 pointer was money when it happened but it was nowhere near live 07

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk 2
Yeah but 09 had the perfect release/splash on jumpers that was predictable as soon as you released the button.

Either way, the company has never matched Live '05. Best overall Live ever released.
# 50 Altimus @ 08/07/12 01:11 PM
Originally Posted by Pared
Yeah but 09 had the perfect release/splash on jumpers that was predictable as soon as you released the button.

Either way, the company has never matched Live '05. Best overall Live ever released.
Indeed, that game was long in my tray up until the next season started. Me and my buddies played that game everyday of the week.
# 51 23 @ 08/07/12 01:38 PM
Originally Posted by Pared
Yeah but 09 had the perfect release/splash on jumpers that was predictable as soon as you released the button.

Either way, the company has never matched Live '05. Best overall Live ever released.
Yeah thats what I was saying the perfect shot had a different arc than the other shots
# 52 SageInfinite @ 08/07/12 03:09 PM
Damn...*turns on Live 09* I actually liked that game.
# 53 23 @ 08/07/12 03:15 PM
Lol Sage....
# 54 Behindshadows @ 08/07/12 04:39 PM
Originally Posted by SageInfinite
Damn...*turns on Live 09* I actually liked that game.
if the online still works lets get on it.
# 55 Tomba @ 08/07/12 04:41 PM
NBA Live 13 will not come out this year....

That said I agree NBA Live 5 and NBA Live 10 were the best in the series for me.

I agree with the topic header as well IF it were to come out....
# 56 MielVB @ 08/07/12 05:10 PM
Anyone else noticed how some of these developers used to be big on replying on Twitter earlier and now seem to be dead silent or talk about other stuff? (Olympics and blablabla). I don't know, but my gut feeling is to get your brooms ready people, cause we'll be sweeping this game under the rug come october. Sad and shocking if you truly think about how much they dropped the ball on this ...
# 57 Tha_Kid @ 08/09/12 01:02 AM
Advocating reducing the available number of NBA sims to one is just dumb. It's bad enough that over the years its fallen to just two.
# 58 scottyp180 @ 08/09/12 11:12 PM
Originally Posted by Errors Occurred
Well I've lost all hope that there will be an Nba Live 13....I hear people saying they should just wait till next gen...Well if they couldn't even get the game to play right on this gen what makes you think they will do any better in a few years?

I think ea should quit wasting there time trying to make a basketball game they have become a joke and I mean a really big joke.
I hope Live releases for competition sake but its history and the current speculation surrounding Live 13 are a bad sign. My question is, if Live 13 is coming out then why doesn't EA release a statement or something just to let their fans know that they are releasing a game this year? The only possible answers are that the game is not where they want it to be at this point and are afraid to show the game Or EA somehow anticipated this type of response and is going for a surprise attack...
# 59 Nathan_OS @ 08/12/12 06:45 PM
The reason why EA can't really release any information is because last year, EA basically said that there game was on a whole new level. Thus having their fans very excited. And we all see or saw what was wrong with that image
# 60 King_B_Mack @ 08/12/12 08:57 PM
Originally Posted by Nathan_OS
The reason why EA can't really release any information is because last year, baby basically said that there game was on a whole new level. Thus having their fans very excited. And we all see or saw what was wrong with that image

They can't release any info because of Baby? The rapper? You serious right now?

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