At first i thought compared to what others that have gone 7th in recent drafts and based on his performance last year this was quite year; Then i remembered the NCAA had one of its most competitive fields to date (Kentucky aside) and that this years draft was the strongest in years, maybe since 03; With that in mind i think this rating is pretty on point....
Tony Wroten is my point guard. He should be a 66-68 OVR with a 60 or below mid-range. But also should have A+ potential my goal is to turn him into an all time great.
Challenge accepted.
I think this is a fair rating to say the least, what he can do he does very well which shoot and score, he's not a liabilty on defense, and he's very athletic. That being said you know with 2k system other guys are going to falter just like Barnes is in terms of ball handling and consistency. I'm interested in seeing Lillard's and Waiters' ratings considering how Lillard performed during the summer league and combines, and where Waiters was drafted.
As usual, rookie ratings will probably be inflated. Don't get upset people.
Lol its true but later in the season they will drop them or REALLY Boost them up like Nolan Smith he was a 70 dropped to a 64 and Iman shumpert was a 68 went to a 78
Also we have to take into account we DONT know what Attribbutes and Abilities they had ADD/Deleted from the game. Sure WOULD be nice is we could get info of Anything has changed in the Attributes, Abilities and Tendencies. Maybe some who posts on here from 2k? LOL